As we press into the year, we adjust more and more to the demands of the times.  We have the celestial transits to support our endeavors, and at times, they may even aggravate us.  Notably, this week we are working with Moon sextile Mars, Moon sextile Uranus and Moon in Aries. These transits will, no doubt, throw a monkey wrench into things. RELATED: Monthly Love Horoscope For February 1 - 28, 2022, By Zodiac Sign What we have on our side is Mercury going direct on February 3, 2022 after a somewhat eventful retrograde cycle.  This should free up our communication skills and allow us to finally get our points across in business, in love, and at home, with family. We are looking at the Sun sextile Moon and Moon square Venus towards the end of the week, which may feel like a true breath of fresh air.  All in all, the week looks promising and we’d be smart to stay optimistic.

Horoscope For The Week Of January 31, 2022 - February 6, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19) What you want this week is what you’ll get, so make sure you really want it. It’s one of those superpower weeks for you, where you can hardly believe how lucky you are.  Cherish this time, but make sure you are aware of your actions.  While you’re in the position of getting a lot done, make sure you go over your work so that next week runs as smoothly as this one promises to. RELATED: Don’t wait… find your soulmate! Start with a free astrology reading.


(April 20 - May 20) What may start out as a depressed, lonely kind of week will gradually turn into a week filled with love, and loving promises towards the week’s end.  You’ve been waiting on your loved one for some good news, and it would appear that you’ll hear what you need to hear by the end of the week. Also, expect warm hugs and a lot of kisses. RELATED: Confused about your relationship? Get an Accurate Prediction today.


(May 21 - June 20) You’re in one of those ’take no prisoners’ kinds of moods this week, Gemini, and this refers to your attitude.  You have a very clear idea of what you want to accomplish this week, and in order to do so, you have to be adamant with the people around you.  They may end up thinking you’re a mad genius for your efforts, but hey, you get the job done. RELATED: Struggling to move on? Get instant answers with a Psychic Medium Reading!


(June 21 - July 22) You don’t ordinarily like to ’take charge’ but if you must, you must, and this week requires that you step up and show them who’s boss.  It’s quite alright, as you do know how to steer this ship, though it may take more time out of your regularly planned out week. By the weekend, you’ll have a lot of time to spend with friends or a romantic partner. RELATED: Love might be calling your name. Get a free prediction today!


(July 23 - August 22) Hostile feelings at both the workplace and at home put you off this week, as you grapple with your feelings. This isn’t exactly as you pictured things to be, yet you are left to deal with something really and truly boring, but it has to be done, and you’re the one who has to do it. Consider that this might have occurred due to your own negligence. RELATED: Love is in the air this holiday season… Get a true psychic love reading today!


(August 23 - September 22) You feel like you’re trying as hard as you possibly can to balance your home life, yet there’s something that just never seems to keep up, and that is your partner.  You are at your wit’s end, once again, and you don’t know how much longer you can keep the facade of ‘being happy’ up. You’re not happy with your home life this week, and that could lead to complications. RELATED: Live Tarot Reading- 10 minutes for only $1.99!


(September 23 - October 22) You’ll be relieved by the Mercury direct transit this week as it frees you up for delivering some good news.  It seems an opportunity is coming your way, and it’s exactly what you’ve needed. This chance allows you to let people know what you have in mind for the future, and that’s important because they are intrinsically involved. Approvals are high this week. RELATED: Feeling lonely? See what 2022 has in store for you with a tarot reading!


(October 23 - November 21) You may be tempted to overthrow a government this week, or you may just take that rebel attitude and decide to do some interior decorating.  You feel creative and driven. Nothing can stand in your way. Your mood will be good and feisty this week, and if you put your mind to doing something that is beneficial, you’ll succeed with flying colors. RELATED: Love is in the air this holiday season… Get a true psychic love reading today!


(November 22 - December 21) You’ve been holding on to a secret that you feel needs to be released. You feel that if you don’t speak up soon, you’ll go out of your mind.  Mercury direct comes to your aid during this time and gives you the mental strength to deal with your problems head-on.  Speak your mind as only you can, Sagittarius. And know this, “if you don’t ask, you don’t get.” RELATED: Waiting for a sign? Reach out to a gifted psychic today!


(December 22 - January 19) With Mars sextile Jupiter, you’ll be able to put that amazing broad range vision of yours to light, Capricorn.  This week, you’ll come up with the solution to beat all solutions, and once applied, you’ll see that not only were you right in doing things your way, but everyone around you can benefit from your skills and assessment. You are definitely the winner of the week! RELATED: Love might be calling your name. Get a free prediction today!


(January 20 - February 18) You’re feeling pretty good this week, as health issues seem to have cleared up. Now that you’re feeling easygoing and carefree, you have got your sights set on something big.  Your best bet would be to get into the planning of it, rather than leaping on it. You do well when you plan, and this week supports you on all levels. Think it out, then make your move. RELATED: You have the power to change your life in 2022. Find out how with a Free Psychic Reading.


(February 19 - March 10) You’ve got the Moon in Pisces, which helps you think clearly, and that’s going to come in handy by the end of the week when things in your life seem to be thrown into a ball of confusion.  Mercury direct will help you gather your wits together, but the main issue will be the participation of others in your setting; they’re not doing things the right way, and that will anger you.  There’s a plan involved, and you wish people would just stick to it. RELATED: Is your relationship worth fighting for? Find out with a Live Tarot Reading Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.