When you do, everything in your life improves, including the relationship you have with yourself.

Why it’s important to know how to accept love

This is the ability to be vulnerable and truly start receiving and accepting love or even care from another. This open-heart experience cannot happen without being fully aware of the moment and fully connected with the other person’s heart energy. This, in itself, is rare. Frequently, you’re multitasking and not connected to the moment, or even the person. RELATED: 5 Vital Rules For Practicing Self-Love And Acceptance Have you ever been meditating and experienced such a feeling of love that you cried? Have you ever viewed something in nature and experienced a rush of emotion? In those moments, you were receiving universal love flowing to and through you. Often, it’s easier to open up and be vulnerable when other people are not involved. Your life is not going to be filled with 100 percent overwhelming emotions, but you can enjoy a steady flow of love, joy, and meaningful relationships.

Self-love should be first and foremost.

One of the most important elements needed to create a life that helps you deeply connect and receive is self-love. Think of self-love as being a landing strip where other forms of love can connect. The more we truly love ourselves, the easier it is to receive love. Is it time for you to release the protective walls around your heart, welcome vulnerability, and see yourself with loving eyes? Are you open to receiving and accepting love?

5 questions to ask yourself if you have a hard time accepting love.

1. Is it easy to accept compliments?

If you answered “no,” it might be time to work on your receiving.

2. Is it easy for you to trust another?

If you can’t trust, you are not going to be living with an open and receiving heart.

3. Are you prone to controlling others?

If you’re busy controlling, you are not allowing and receiving.

4. Is it easy for you to ask for help?

Asking for help is a sign of vulnerability and trust. Both of these things are required in a deep, loving relationship.

5. What do you expect from life?

If you expect good things to flow your way, you are open to receiving. If you anticipate the worst, you’re not living with an open, trusting heart. RELATED: 95 Daily Self-Love Affirmations To Help Boost Your Confidence

8 ways to learn how to accept love:

1. Laugh.

Laughter is a great way to break energy blocks in your body, especially around your heart. I have always believed that in those moments of pause in deep laughter, just before inhaling, our mind is clear, our hearts are open and we are deeply connected to God.

2. Be in nature.

Nature holds the energy of all that is. It can become easier to breathe, your thoughts slow down and you connect to the moment. The more you enjoy nature, the easier it will be to receive and to accept love. 

3. Get an animal companion.

Animal friends offer unconditional love. When you’re surrounded by the energy of our trusting, loving companions, healing is often occurring. With your pets, it’s easy to feel safe and receive love.

4. Learn from children.

Children offer the energy of laughter and unconditional love. Enjoying the energy of playful children can help lift your vibration. These moments are full of spontaneity and exploration. Let them show you how to trust the world.

5. Be grateful.

Connecting with the energy of gratitude will open up your heart and make it easier to connect with others. Life gets easier when you have something to smile on. Learning how to accept love isn’t as hard when you’re having a good time. 

6. Be kind.

Genuine acts of kindness derived from compassion help you open your heart to the world, thus helping you receive love.

7. Listen.

Really listening in a heartfelt conversation will help connect you to the moment and the other person. Add laughter, gratitude, or nature to this and you’ll experience an even deeper connection.

8. Get professional help.

Life coaching or counseling can help you release your fears and learn to trust. You can also discover practices that will increase your love and connection to all that is. Uninhibited Receiving is allowing love to easily flow into you; free of fear and distractions. Giving or offering, with an open heart, free of expectations is also part of love flowing. This experience can be the beginning of a spiritual journey where minds merge and hearts expand. It is unclear where one begins and one ends. This is the sacred place where you connect with source energy found within yourself, your relationships, and all that is. And it all starts with learning how to accept love into your life.  RELATED: 10 Easy Ways To Become A Better Version Of Yourself Polly Wirum is an intuitive life coach, and writer. She offers intuitive astrological readings, psychic readings, and spiritual life coaching to bring out her clients’ deepest and truest selves. This article was originally published at https://pollywirum.com/discover-the-art-of-receiving-and-improve-all-your-relationships/. Reprinted with permission from the author.