But, as she quickly discovered, not everything is as it seems when it comes to online dating. At first, she was frustrated. Random dudes from out of town messaged her constantly, and people she liked turned out to be jerks. Finally, after trying for a couple of months, she met a guy named David. He sounded great from what Sarah told me. He grew up in Ohio, he was a manager at a local wine bar, and he had a culinary degree. The two of them made plans to have dinner that weekend. When they got to the restaurant, there was a special table arranged just for them. After all, David ran the place, and Sarah was thrilled by how well their first date was going. They took their seats, and the waiter handed them some menus. But when the waiter handed David his menu, he said, “Here’s one for you, Phil. I’ll be back with some water.”  Sarah’s eyes shot across the table, but David kept on flipping through the menu, acting as nothing had happened.  That’s when she turned to TruthFinder, which helped her verify her date’s history and find out how to tell if someone is lying. Learning about his past was easy. They finished the date, and Sarah had a great time, but something was eating away at her. Why did the waiter call him Phil? She had to know, and when she got home later that night, she logged onto TruthFinder and did some research. By combing through public records on a local, state, and federal level, TruthFinder can give you instant access to a person’s personal history. After a few minutes, the site packages the results of a subject into a comprehensive report, composed of easy-to-read sections that are packed with personal information.  RELATED: How To Look Up Your Ex Like A Super Sleuth (Without Getting Caught) Sarah took David’s basic info — his first name, last name, and last-known location — and typed it into the search bar. Unfortunately, searching for a David Smith in Akron, Ohio, is like looking for fish in a lake. Tons of possible matches were coming up, and Sarah felt a little lost. After reading a few profiles, she came across one that had the name Phillip David Smith listed under “Possible Relatives.” She clicked on the name, and this is what the report told her: Location: TruthFinder showed that David was born in Florida, but moved to Akron when he started high school. When he graduated, he moved to Illinois for a few years, and then he moved back. His report had tracked him all over the country. Jobs and Education: The restaurant where he currently worked was listed, along with some other jobs in the food industry — a waiter at a Red Lobster, sous chef at a place called Marconi’s. It even showed his two years at culinary school in Chicago and what degree he had received.  So far, his report didn’t include any major red flags. Social Media Profiles: Sarah had been on David’s Facebook page before, but his report also included Instagram and Twitter accounts that used the name Phil. They looked abandoned — posts were dated years ago. It was incredible how in-depth David’s TruthFinder report was.  Aliases: This is where the name confusion started to make more sense. “David” was his dad’s name, as well as his own middle name, and the site had “David Smith” listed as a possible variation of “Phillip David Smith.” Additional Info: TruthFinder can dig into criminal records, traffic tickets, special licenses, assets, and evictions. And this section of David’s report confirmed Sarah’s uneasy feeling. She learned that David had gotten pulled over twice for drunk driving (DUI), and his license had been suspended. He was on probation for a few years, and eventually got it back, but he still had to follow certain procedures before getting behind the wheel. RELATED: 3 Reasons You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex (And How To Finally Get Closure)

She was relieved, but she was hurt.

If not for TruthFinder, how long would Sarah have gone without knowing who David really was? Having a DUI on your record (let alone two of them) is a big deal, and it’s something that one should know about before getting too involved. The next time she saw him, she told him what she found out. He immediately came clean and shared with her his struggles with addiction. He swore that hadn’t touched a drink in a few years and that he never would again, and he said that he decided to use his middle name as a way to distance himself from his past. TruthFinder helped Sarah and David form a much stronger bond than either of them ever thought possible. At first, it was scary for her to search into his past and look for something wrong, but it turned out to be the best thing for their relationship. Knowing is always better than worrying. When Sarah shared all of this with me, I couldn’t help but think that TruthFinder was the real hero that saved everything. It allowed her to research David’s background with complete anonymity and safety, and it made their connection even stronger. David was thankful that she cared enough to know the truth, and for the first time in many lonely years, he was able to share who he really was with someone he cared about. Regardless of what your situation might be, if you feel like something is off, visit this site to find some answers. You have the ability to look up almost anyone in the United States with ease, and more importantly, you can make sure that whoever you meet is someone you can rely on. Being honest and building trust is essential to any healthy relationship, so make sure that yours starts off on the right foot. Are you curious about a new love interest? RELATED: How To Determine Whether Or Not Your Long-Distance Relationship Is Worth It Created in partnership with TruthFinder. TruthFinder is one of America’s most popular background checking services.