So when a man says he may be falling out of love, it’s often the case that affection, commitment, and compatibility are still there; but where he’s feeling a difference is in his attraction to you. We all remember the beginning of our relationships — the butterflies, the unbearable time spent apart, the willingness to surprise each other with unexpected gifts, spontaneous outings, and secret plans. All of these things contributed to his initial emotional and physical attraction to you. When the mundane creeps in, your potential partner, boyfriend, or husband might begin feeling that something has changed or something is off between the two of you. RELATED: The 5 Stages Of Love You Experience In Intimate Relationships So how do you fix this problem in your relationship and make a man fall back in love with you?

Here are 5 ways to make him fall in love with you again.

1. Give him space.

It’s really important for both of you to get some space from each other and spend time on yourselves. Not only will you feel better about yourself by redirecting your long-term relationship energy, but you will also reconnect with friends, pick up old hobbies, and regain that energy you had at the beginning of the relationship. Even if you’re stuck in the same home most of the time, you can carve out separate time to focus on your own thing in a different room, or by getting outside for a bit. Doing this will also give you both a chance to miss each other badly and realize just how important the other really is. Once you’ve both had a bit of space and a chance to recharge your batteries, you’ll value the other more and inject some of that honeymoon phase excitement and spontaneity back into your partnership.

2. Bring back the romance.

If you feel the spark has fizzled, there’s nothing like a little unpredictability to get the heart racing. Life and laziness sometimes get in the way of trying something new or taking a risk, but that’s the very thing to heat up the romance department and bring back the love. Doing something for the first time together will easily bring you closer and help you remember the trust and affection you have for each other. Try new things in the bedroom. Explore your local sex shop and pick something out of the norm to try together. You can even try purchasing a Kama sutra book and go through it together. Be playful or dominating (if that’s new for you) or switch things up and see how you both react; this will not only spice up your sex life, but can be a confidence-booster. Confidence is incredibly attractive, so why not take the lead and plan an activity neither of you has ever tried before?

3. Do something new together.

Of course, you aren’t strictly limited to bedroom play; you can try new things outside of your home. Go ziplining, hike up a mountain, take a road trip, or start a new hobby together like biking or painting. The point is to do something exciting together to bring back memories and remember how you felt back then. RELATED: 6 Things To Do With The Person You Love When You’re Bored

4. Be more spontaneous.

Another way to try something new is by adding a little spontaneity. Plan a surprise date after work that he will love. Surprises, in general, are a great way to throw your man off and out of the same routine. Give him something he will never expect. One of the great ways to rev the engine is for you both to get excited about something, and that’s why trying new things is such a great idea. You already know your man has been both physically and emotionally attracted to you before, so, rest assured, you already have all the ingredients at your disposal. To attain the same level of closeness you once shared, all you need to do is take a trip down memory lane and revisit some of the great experiences you had together when you started dating, and create fresh new opportunities to keep you both invigorated and enthusiastic about your time together. This will help him to fall deeply in love with you again.

5. Open yourself up to vulnerability.

When it comes to exploring and talking about emotions, some men can be about as responsive as a brick wall. However, once you involve emotions — more importantly, his emotions — the love will start to return. A great way to make him fall in love with you again is by demonstrating his importance to you by bringing out his emotional side and helping him understand why you need him. Sentences such as “It feels good when you…” or, “You make me feel safe when you…,” or even just a simple, “I feel so happy because you…,” signal his importance to you. Make sure you incorporate his name as you express yourself. This shows care and attention. Men are often factual, logical beings governed by their more basic needs. Surrendering some of your power, and detailing the reasons you need him and how he makes you feel, will help him realize the emotional bond you have, and will encourage him to live up to the image you have of him. It will also make him feel good knowing that he’s needed, like he’s your own personal superhero! After you do this, make sure you also listen to his side, how he’s feeling, and what he needs. Making a man fall in love with you again is easier than you think. It’s all about being natural, free, fun, and open. Men love a happy woman who is about to open her heart. Opening your heart encourages him to do the same. When there is mutual respect and compatibility, finding that emotional connection again is definitely possible. RELATED: 7 Ways To Save A Boring Marriage (Before It’s Too Late) Samantha Jayne is a dating coach and relationship expert who is passionate about bringing love back into people’s lives, getting them out of their heads and into their hearts.