We’re about to experience a pause that highlights a line drawn in the cosmic landscape of time.  You can learn how to manifest your best life with the powerful energy of the collective spiritual evolution found in 2022. RELATED: How To Use The Power Of Manifestation To Get What You Want In Life

Before you learn how to manifest, you need to know the key components of 2022 energy. 

The simplest way to understand the overarching manifestation energy of 2022 is to imagine a sacred vessel holding the catalyst for karmic healing, self-love, and personal empowerment. The year 2022 is designed in a way that makes it almost impossible to move laterally in life. The upward expansion is limitless, the lateral moves are restricted. It’s also difficult to travel in a downward spiral. In other words, don’t worry about losing ground in your spiritual evolution. The Universe will close all doors that don’t lead you into an upward spiral. What this means is, if you’re changing jobs, relationships, or any other big shift, it won’t be successful unless you’re seeking something that’s aligned with a healed and healthy you, an energetic shift upwards.

So, if you keep running into obstacles, pause and do a vibrational check.

Are you repeating past mistakes or family traumas? Only make choices that resonate with your wellness. It’s easier now than ever to break patterns and habits, your life will be uncomfortable until you change. This is how the Universe will help you shift to higher vibrational thinking; an expanded version of where you are now. The guidance will show up in two ways, redirecting and supporting. The year is 2022, and you are in the eye of a transformational superstorm. Your strongest tools in navigating 2022 are your inspiration and self-empowerment. This is what pulls you into a high vibrational well of awareness. Pursue what brings you joy, makes you happy, and opens your mind to other possibilities. Life might not make sense, but you will be supported when it comes to all imaginative and heartfelt actions. To thrive in this pivotal time, you need to shift from fear to trust and discover yourself in the collective world around you. Don’t get frustrated if you hit a block, or run into a closed door, that’s the way the Universe says, “Choose again.” For those who are stuck and reluctant to change, anxiety may occur. Without a creative outlet, you might feel overwhelmed with the surplus of life force energy that’s available. If this is you, take baby steps towards exploring what brought you joy as a kid? RELATED: How To Use The 5x55 Manifestation Method To Manifest What You Want In 5 Days

How to manifest the energetic themes of each month — a guide: 

Now that you have an idea of what 2022 offers, here are the more subtle themes of each month.  Remember the powerful energy of transformation and support for your highest potential is stronger than anything else.


January holds the energy of good luck, good news, and opportunity. It might not seem easy to grasp, in the beginning of the month, but will be readily available towards the end.


February holds the energy of strength and holding your ground. This can be good, but make sure you do not become battle wary from feeling like you need to protect yourself. Perhaps, it’s time to find a new approach in an old situation.


March also holds the energy of discovering your personal power and strength. You will also experience a generous amount of energy to make your personal enterprises successful.


April holds the energy to help you release fears and blocks from your path. It will be easier to align your heart, actions, and mind. The key is to let go of what you’re so tightly holding.


May holds the energy of the universe helping you completely let go of what no longer serves you. This holds a big learning curve for those that have been holding tightly to certain outcomes. It’s a month that helps you surrender and recognize there’s nothing to control in the flow of life.


June holds the energy of satisfaction. If you learned to trust in the Universe, you are now experiencing the potential of what co-creation can feel like. It’s like learning how to stand up on a surfboard. It gets easier with practice.


July is such a beautiful month for emotional abundance. You might experience an incredible connection with Source during meditation or with the collective. It also might show up with a new love interest or relationship. It’s very good stuff!


August holds the energy of expansion. Something changes that allows you to see the world and the collective with a much more expansive view. This experience is a gift however it plays out in life.


September holds the energy that supports a wellness practice, discipline, and direction. It’s a month that you may gain more clarity on your purpose. Your discipline will pay off.


October will bring about personal change. Interestingly, I think we will also see this in the political world. The year 2022 is all about transformation. Whatever change occurs will help you and your collective discover your highest potential.


November holds the energy of restoration, and the desire to share goodness with others. Happiness is available in solitude and groups, wherever your heart sings.


December holds the energy that readily supports any inspired action you take. If you’ve been waiting to make a commitment or take a sacred action, this might be the perfect time for you. At the end of the year, you will each be able to answer the following questions: “Where did I heal?” “Where have I found more self-love and joy?” “How am I empowered?” Each of us will have grown and expanded in our Universal wisdom. Remember, if life seems to be a struggle, choose again. We have free will and this is an extraordinary time to experience spiritual transformation.  RELATED: How To Make Your Wishes & Manifestations Come True Polly Wirum is an intuitive life coach, and writer. If you are ready to discover more about your deepest self, contact her for an intuitive astrological reading, psychic reading, or spiritual life coaching.  This article was originally published at pollywirum.com. Reprinted with permission from the author.