Political affiliation runs deeper than simply being “right-wing” or “left-wing,” as there are a number of different values that determine what’s important to you when it comes to political parties and their candidates. The 8 Values Political Test (sometimes styles as 8values) can help you determine your political standpoint.

How to Take the 8 Values Political Test

Developed in 2017 on online open source community Github, the 8 Values Political Test is a 70-question quiz that asks you to rate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. Simply answer all of the questions and your results will show you where you fall on each of four political spectrums comprising eight total values. RELATED: How Political Differences Can Affect Your Relationship The 8 Values Political Test differs from the original political compass test it was modeled after in that it’s focused solely on political values, which gives you a better idea of exactly where you stand politically outside of unrelated personal views. It’s important to note that while the test does give a good indication of how you feel about certain political issues, personality quizzes such as this one are for educational purposes only and shouldn’t be taken as pure fact. The original political compass test measured on only two axes: economic (on which you could either be left or right) and social (authoritarian or libertarian). The 8values test provides more insight into your political views than a simple left or right economic view and authoritarian or libertarian social view, measuring where you stand in regard to eight opposing values aligned under four political axes.

Four Independent Axes and Their 8 Opposing Values Measured by the 8values Political Test

1. Economic Axis

Opposing values: Equality vs. Markets This axis measures how you feel about economic policies such as taxation, economic support, and government intervention in monetary issues. On one side of the axis is equality. Those who lean towards this side tend to support more socialistic policies like welfare, universal healthcare, and higher taxes for the rich. The other end of the economic axis is markets, describing those who lean more towards a free market consisting of lower taxes, deregulation, and more capitalistic policies. Possible Results: Laissez-Faire, Capitalism, Market, Centrist, Social, Socialist, Communism

2. Diplomatic Axis

Opposing values: Nation vs. Globe The diplomatic axis measures whether you are more concerned about the nation or the world as a whole. Those on the nation side of the axis are considered more patriotic and focused on aggressive foreign policy and a strong military. At the other end of the diplomatic axis is globe, which refers to people who believe in peaceful foreign policy, cooperative diplomacy, and a world government. Possible Results: Chauvinist, Nationalist, Patriotic, Balanced, Peaceful, Internationalist, Cosmopolitan RELATED: People Who Can Find The ‘T’ In This Brain Puzzle Test Within 10 Seconds Are Gifted

3. Civil Axis

Opposing values: Liberty vs. Authority The civil axis measures how you feel about governmental authority when it comes to personal freedoms. The liberty side of the scale describes those who believe in strong civil liberties, meaning a belief in democracy and less government interference in citizens’ personal lives. On the opposite end of that spectrum is authority, which is a belief in strong government power including surveillance and censorship. Possible Results: Totalitarian, Authoritarian, Statist, Moderate, Liberal, Libertarian, Anarchist

4. Society Axis

Opposing values: Tradition vs. Progress The fourth value is society, which measures how you view the societal direction of the country. On one side of the society axis is tradition. Those at this end of the spectrum believe in sticking with tradition and keeping things the way they are. People with more traditional values are often more religious and believe in a strict moral code. Conversely, those closer to the progress end of the axis are more open to social change, policies favoring the environment, and scientific and technological advancements. Possible Results: Reactionary, Very Traditional, Traditional, Neutral, Progressive, Very Progressive, Revolutionary RELATED: This Simple Test Reveals If You Are A ‘Difficult Person’ Micki Spollen is an editor, writer, and traveler. Follow her on Instagram and keep up with her travels on her website.