But then there are the unhealthy fights that result in feeling guilty. It is not a good feeling. Unavoidable and necessary, fighting with your partner can either bring you closer or drive you further apart. RELATED: If You Fight About These 10 Things, You’re In An Unhealthy Relationship Some say it is dependent on fate, others say it is more about how much effort each person puts in, but either way, it can make or break you. All the relationships I have been in have ended, so I am not sure what the magic formula for fighting without hating each other really is. But I can tell you one thing that never works: guilt-tripping.

And when you make it a daily part of your relationship, it is just one of the signs you should break up.

I was always the person who said I was sorry. It is quite possible I have said it more than I have said my own name. RELATED: Why Women Need To Stop Saying ‘I’m Sorry’ As A Gut Reflex Part of it is due to my own apologetic conscious, but most of it is because of the people I have chosen to be in relationships with. One overwhelming thing I have learned about relationships is that nobody ever wants to take responsibility. When someone messes up and hurts the other person, you get a whole list of excuses before the actual apology. They blame it on cocktails, their friends, their stress and on some super fun occasions, even you. It is unfair, and it is not worth fighting over.

There is this tendency I — and I am guessing a lot of other women — have to fight for love.

RELATED: Want A Strong Relationship? Science Says You Need To Do This To stay strong and continue the relationship despite the mounds of BS we endure just to be in it. We tell ourselves that people make mistakes, and we should forgive them, but then get upset when we wonder why nothing ever changes. What you put up with is what you get. End of story. RELATED: The 6 Types Of (Healthy) Fights Every Long-Lasting Relationship Must Have To Survive So if the person you are with is constantly making you feel guilty in situations where you have done nothing wrong, leave.

Do not stick around with someone who is not mature enough to take responsibility for their actions.

If you demonstrate that responsibility in your own life, you will attract someone who feels the same. And wouldn’t a relationship where two people are honest about what they have done, and have no problem apologizing when they have hurt someone, be a much better relationship to be in? RELATED: 10 Essential Things All Couples Need To Do To Build A Strong Relationship Emily Blackwood is a writer who covers pop culture, true crime, dating, relationships, and everything in between. Follow her on Twitter.