Aside from the fact that many famous individuals belong to the ISTJ personality type, they are some of the most well-liked people in society.

ISTJ Meaning

ISTJ stands for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judgment. These four words are based on the Myers-Briggs personality types, which group personalities into 16 different kinds, based on how you make decisions, if you focus on the inner or outer world, and how you interpret information. These are qualities that an ISTJ personality is heavily known for, and they’re qualities that often end up propelling them into managerial positions as a result. But as with all personalities, the ISTJ personality type has both positive and negative traits. RELATED: 15 Best Free Personality Tests To Take Online & Find Out Who You Really Are

Positive & Negative ISTJ Personality Traits

1. Traditional

ISTJs are as old school as they come. People have actually called them “an old soul” or old-fashioned as they are the logistician personality type. They value tradition and often will stick to the “tried and true” paths of building a good life, rather than venturing out into unknown (and possibly dangerous) territories.

2. Introverted

The ISTJ type prefers spending time inside at home, as they are introverted and would rather hang out in small groups. They might enjoy baking cookies or having dinner with family, but really not much else. ISTJs are known for being homebodies and introverts who just want to relax after a hard day’s work.

3. Responsible

With ISTJs, responsibility is always the name of the game. Everyone tends to go to ISTJs when they want someone to be realistic and responsible. ISTJs are the kinds of people that others approach when they need advice on insurance, taxes, or even something like childcare. Why? Because they know ISTJs won’t do something crazy or be unrealistic with advice.

4. Appreciative

It’s the little things in life that thrill ISTJs. Making a new craft out of a mason jar? Sweet! Seeing a nice day in the park? Also perfect. ISTJs don’t need things like clubs and bottles of bubbly to get them going.

5. Organized

In work environments, ISTJs often end up in managerial positions. They might also be an accountant or a scientist. Numbers are kind of their thing in many cases. Because ISTJs are notoriously hard workers who focus on getting things done well and on time, it’s safe to say that finding a job is rarely ever a struggle. ISTJs are what bosses call “the Golden Employee.”

6. Stagnant

ISTJs tend to take badly to change, imperfection or unpredictability. Stability and regularity are what make an ISTJ feel safe. If ISTJs feel a job isn’t done properly, or if they feel they can’t predict people well, they will end up getting irritated.

7. Know-it-all

ISTJs often end up caring more about being right than making another person feel good. This is also a leading cause of their relationship problems. Their need for logic and correctness can get so thorough, they may even alienate those around them.

8. Honest

Honesty is the best policy with ISTJs because they are often open and up front to the point of bluntness. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what they end up doing.

9. Dependable

People have called ISTJ “safe” before. You know what that means, and it’s not a bad thing. It means people know they can depend on the ISTJ personality type.

10. People-pleaser

ISTJs are known for making it their personal duty to keep their close friends and family happy. To a point, ISTJs are known for being people-pleasers. They will often go the extra mile to keep people around them happy, simply because they feel it’s the right thing to do. They may even blame themselves for things that are not in their control because of this.

11. Practical

Overall, ISTJ is a very calm and practical person. They make a decision based on logic, and are all about realistic goals and slowly reaching them. Anxiety doesn’t really happen unless they’re thrown for a loop, and even then, it’s almost always temporary.

12. Perfectionist

The only time you’ll see an ISTJ be spastic is when they are being perfectionists. This is probably the biggest Achilles’ heel of the ISTJ personality. For ISTJs, their attention to detail can be debilitating; everything has to be perfect, especially at work. For everyone else, dealing with an ISTJ who takes this too far can be a nightmare.

13. Analytical

ISTJs are known for being the “logistician” personality, and this can be hard for ISTJ women because women are seen as sweet and kind and not outspoken — basically everything that a typical ISTJ isn’t. However, if you’re an ISTJ woman, you’re already challenging gender norms and standing out amongst the sea of ISTJ men.

14. Argumentative

The hard thing about ISTJs is that it’s very easy to fall into a rut with them. Being open to new experiences will make things lightyears better for them in the dating world and the real world. Additionally, the blunt and stubborn nature ISTJs have can make them prone to arguments. They need to learn to be willing to compromise.

15. Controlling

The biggest hurdle ISTJs have is the control issue. When they are perfectionistic and commanding, they can become extremely controlling, especially in their relationships. If they find themselves micromanaging, their partner or friend may have to leave the ISTJ. RELATED: People With These Unique Personality Traits Are The Most Authentic & Genuine

ISTJ Compatibility & Relationships

ISTJs provide stability and joy to the right partner, and always do what they can to please them. ISTJs tend to be loving once they’re in a committed relationship and have gotten to know their partner. ISTJ is a great catch for the right match. When it comes to ISTJ compatibility, being with an ISTJ is ideal if you’re looking for a long-term relationship. If you’re looking for something short-term, however, it’s not so good. Attraction-wise, ISTJs have personalities that work well for them in the dating scene. ISTJs are the type of people others want to marry and settle down with. It makes sense, considering how traditional, honest and homey they tend to be. ISTJ has the strongest connection the ESTP, ESFJ, and ISFJ personalities. These Myers-Briggs types are most likely to get along with ISTJ, and share similar interests, personality traits, values, and aspects of life.

Best Career For ISTJ Personality

Because ISTJs are good at remaining organized and reliable, they need a job with good structure that requires order, perseverance, and requires them to work independently and systematically to complete their tasks, while learning, growing and thriving in their career. An ISTJ would do well in careers involving finance, like an accountant or a budget analyst; in architecture or engineering, like an aerospace engineer or mechanical engineer; or in tech, like a computer programmer or software developer.

Tips For Relating To An ISTJ Personality Type

1. Challenge them.

ISTJs are always down for a challenge and are interested in anything that will stimulate their brain. They enjoy games like chess and Trivial Pursuit, as have to use their concentration during these games. ISTJs also like playing challenging computer games. They usually like to watch sporting events or compete in a solitary sport like golf. So, doing activities with them like this gives you a great chance at forming a connection.

2. Give them time to open up.

ISTJs are known for being extreme introverts and are only able to open up to close friends. It’s hard for them to make friends, especially because other people might think they aren’t nice; in reality, they are just into quiet settings. Don’t be worried if your ISTJ acquaintance or romantic interest takes some time to be more open with you. You just need to be patient.

3. Don’t push them to do anything too risky.

People tend to think that ISTJs are “boring” because they always follow the rules and don’t take many risks. They also always need to accomplish every task right away, are constantly working, and prefer solitude. Make sure you keep your ISTJ comfortable, as they tend to gravitate towards other “by the book” people.

Famous People With ISTJ Personalities

George WashingtonJ.K. RowlingAnthony HopkinsMeryl StreepJohnny CarsonQueen Elizabeth II of EnglandSerena WilliamsMark ZuckerbergBill GatesHarrison Ford

Is the ISTJ personality rare?

ISTJ is the third most popular Myers-Briggs personality type, and make up an estimated 12% of the population. Out of all 16 personality types, 16% of men and only 7% of women have the ISTJ personality type. So, the ISTJ personality type is pretty common for the general population. RELATED: What Your Personality Type Gets All Wrong About You Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer based out of Red Bank, New Jersey whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others. Follow her on Twitter for more.