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What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday, December 09, 2021:


You need to take care of your expectations when it comes to love, Aries. You have a tendency to trust with all your heart, leap before you look and to trust that situations will work out because you believe in love. But, a caveat is here for you to pay attention to today. Neptune in Pisces is activated, and it’s bringing dreaminess to your sector of hidden enemies. Your rose glasses are on, and you might see the best in someone who does not deserve your faith in their character. They have not earned it and for that reason it won’t be valued. You need to stick to what’s real and the facts that are in front of you. If you do, you’ll know when to guard your heart, and when it’s safe to put those guardrails back down. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Aries Soulmates


You are thinking that a friend feels the same way that you do, and even if you’ve never acted out on your thoughts or feelings, you’re putting the vibe out there hoping that the time you invest in talking and sharing your ideas will lead to something more. The problem is that this is not going to happen, at least not now. What’s happening is that the fakeness of this relationship will have to be revealed first and worked through. So, while Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of friendship. You’re going to get disappointed. You might think that this is it, your hopes are shattered. The truth is that it’s still too soon to tell what the future will bring. For now, the person whose intentions you need to pay attention to the most is your own. RELATED: The Best And Worst Taurus Personality Traits


Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of reputation, and honestly, you’re at risk in ruining the one you’ve worked so hard to create for yourself. It could be that you’ve allowed yourself to start gossiping or talking too much about your relationship problems at work or with others. You and your overthinking ways need to get these thoughts and ideas out in the open, but you’re going about it the wrong way, Gemini. You need to consult with people who don’t have any reason to judge you for what you do or say; people who do not have any association to your life, like a coach, therapist or distant friend who understand that life happens and difficult times are part of the human experience. RELATED: Common Pet Peeves That Make A Gemini Lose Interest In You


Your faith in love has been waning for some time, and even though you put a smile on your face and act as if nothing is wrong, but the truth is you’ve been feeling that true love is just a pipe dream. Parts of what you imagined love to be has to be redefined, and Neptune in Pisces is going to help you do that. Right now, Neptune is activated and bringing dreaminess to your sector of philosophy and belief, so what is not helpful or even harmful is going to come to the surface for the sake of healing. And, once you start to see love and it’s truth, you’ll know what to look for when you’re becoming emotionally attached to another. RELATED: What You Should Know About Cancer Men, For Better Or For Worse


Some secrets need to be told, some forgotten, and others forgiven. You are in the middle of a season where you have to move through these ones that cause you to feel guilt because you’ve been carrying this negative emotional energy into your relationships and it’s preventing you from truly giving yourself in a way that you want to. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of secrets, and there are things that you’ll want to dispel about your fears. You’ve been hiding them behind pride and sometimes anger. But this week, something is going to change, and you will have a chance to rebuild and move on to healthy things. RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs That Are Leo Soulmates


A relationship that was not really meant to be is going to start showing signs of ending, and even though this is not something you want and it will hurt, you know deep down inside that it has to be this way. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of commitment, and you’ve been sticking to your role in the relationship because of your loyalty and your desire to give freely without expecting anything back in return. But, the universe intends to help things end without you having to do it, and eventually you’ll be so thankful that things did not last much longer. RELATED: How To Make A Virgo Man Obsessed With You


Routine provides safety and security, and when you apply this to love there’s a nice feeling to the rhythm of what you know. But, this is causing a lack of passion in your love life, and you are either going to change things to bringing the spark back or not. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of routine, and there are going to be opportunities for you to change something to remind your mate what you once had and how much more you can have if you work together on your relationship. RELATED: Why Are Libras So Forgiving?


There’s so many things that you want in your love life, Scorpio. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of creativity. Romance is one way to express the depths of who you are, and it’s something you want to do so badly with the right person. You are willing to show your heart, share your thoughts and feelings, and give so much of your sweet side, but there are times when you feel like the other person is not receptive to your advances, so you pull back a bit more than you’d like to do, but now you may find the opportunity to be the lover you want to be without holding back. RELATED: 14 Pros And Cons Of Loving A Scorpio (Buckle Up For A Wild Ride!)


You are ready to try something new and to make better rules for your love life. Having other people make decisions for you has become a bore and you want to do something loving that fits in with your sense of self, and truly it may not be what others view as romantic. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of home, and to you this could mean letting go of expectations of what society says you need to be. You might feel more comfortable single right now. You might want to make a clean break from a relationship that’s become more trouble than you feel it’s worth, and try getting to know yourself again. RELATED: What Makes A Sagittarius Happy?


People can lie and say they feel something when they don’t. There’s no reason why or any particular purpose to their words, other than they don’t want to deal with telling the truth. You might catch a person you liked in the middle of their dishonest rant, and it’s upsetting. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of communication and it’s going to reveal what white lies you’ve believed in and which ones you need to know about. RELATED: How To Make A Capricorn Man Miss You


Finances can be a problem in your relationship right now, and this can be what hinders you from doing things you’d like to do for the holidays or going out on dates with one another. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of money, and this is the time to look at your budget to see where changes can be made. You might be able to find a solution to help you compromise on expenses or how you spend your money when out. RELATED: How To Keep An Aquarius Madly In Love, According To Astrology


There’s a part of you that you wish you understood better, and you may not have the space or the room to discover yourself when in a relationship with someone else. Neptune in Pisces is activated, bringing dreaminess to your sector of identity, and this can be a make-or-break point in your life. You have room to breathe and also a chance to make choices that fit with what you want and who you’d like to spend your life with in the future. RELATED: Why Are Pisces So Hard To Date? Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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