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What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, January 11, 2022:


What pain are you still carrying in your heart, Aries? Sometimes you can project your independent nature as a means to deflect your fear of rejection. Today, when Chiron in Aries hits a critical degree in your sign, pay close attention to feedback you receive from people you love. If you’re pushing someone away, ask why especially if what you really want is intimacy and closeness. RELATED: Why Are Aries So Impulsive?


Are you holding on to the past, Taurus? Things that you refuse to let go of can start to own you and make it hard for you to see the beauty in the present moment. This is when your stubborn nature becomes a bit of an enemy for you. It’s important to realize that some things are best left behind, and you get to decide when that happens, but don’t wait until it’s to your own detriment. RELATED: Why Taurus Is So Possessive


Did you ghost a friend and now regret it, Gemini? Of course, you have a strong need to be free, and when someone tries to control you, you are done, without looking back. But, there are going to be those moments where you feel some remorse for not having given better closure to this person in your life. The love and care are still there, and maybe… if you can bring yourself to it, an apology would be helpful to heal you both. RELATED: Common Pet Peeves That Make A Gemini Lose Interest In You


Why let the night be the time when you stand up for yourself in silence? Today, make it a point to speak up in a way that you know you should. It’s always sweet to be the peacemaker and the peacekeeper in the group, but if you need to ruffle a few feathers in the name of honesty, it might be the higher road to take. RELATED: What Makes A Cancer Happy?


What lessons about love have you learned already that you don’t need to repeat? Some lessons are one and done. You don’t have to keep going back to a situation you already know won’t work out. If the ending is only going to be the same, why return to see the replay. You’re better than that, Leo. Find a better way to spend your night, and protect your heart in the process. RELATED: How To Keep A Leo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology


Do people really need to know your secrets for you to have intimacy? No. Secure your past by keeping certain things to yourself. Give this relationship time to grow. Let trust develop and foster normally. Let someone get to know who you are today, not who you used to be. Who knows? They may not even be in your future. You might decide that they aren’t the one, and won’t you be glad you waited? RELATED: What It Means If You Were Born Under A Virgo Moon Sign


You only get one life, Libra, so why be with the wrong person? When you decide who to love, remember, you do not get the time you lose back. Why ‘play nice’ with someone you know is not being fair to you or is just leading you on. You can do better, and you may be taking up time and space with this person preventing the right person from finding you. Free your time, and do something fun with friends or even on your own. You may find that you enjoy it more. RELATED: 10 Compelling Reasons Why Every Zodiac Sign Should Date A Libra (At Least Once)


The work of love can be the pathway to the emotion of romance, Scorpio. You are a deep soul who appreciations introspection and personal reflection. While Venus remains retrograde in your sector of communication, do the work of love that makes you a better person. Yes, let the focus for today’s healing be yourself. RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Judgmental?


Holding hands without any words spoken at all? Who knew that this would be what makes your heart swoon? What’s more romantic than peace with someone you love? Being able to sit in the same room with someone you care about in peaceful serenity is so underrated, and yet that is the perfect goal for today. RELATED: Why Are Sagittarius So Afraid Of Commitment?


What do you need to make your house feel more like a home? Remember those things you loved about going back home or visiting older relatives as a child. What is familiar is calling to you and it’s asking you to create these rhythms for yourself. RELATED: Why Are Capricorns So Mean?


Are you ready to have ’the conversation’ with the person you’re dating? It’s important to know where you stand or where the relationship is headed after a few dates. You might not be ready to be exclusive, but if you’re going to start declining dates with others, perhaps it’s good to know if the person you have your sight set on is feeling the same way as you do. RELATED: Why Is Aquarius So Mysterious?


Invest in yourself, Pisces. Love is something you give to yourself just as much to someone else. So, when it comes time to honor yourself and to listen to your heart, don’t dismiss your feelings. And, if someone is gaslighting you or causing you to self-doubt, ask yourself why do you let yourself stay? RELATED: 5 Reasons Pisces Is The Most Impossible Zodiac Sign To Understand Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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