RELATED: How This Month’s Full Moon Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, February 2022

What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Wednesday, February 16, 2022:


Aries, it’s so easy to throw in the towel and say you’re done when someone you love disappoints you, but with Mars conjunct Venus in your sector of reputation, you may be at a point where you start to think twice about the way you handle conflict in relationships. A part of you may slowly become aware that you cannot always control how others respond, and while this Full Moon is in Leo, focusing on what you enjoy about your partner may be the best. RELATED: Why Are Aries So Cool?


Taurus, with Venus and Mars in your sector of faith and the Full Moon activating your sector of home, you might feel ready to move into a new place and start fresh with your partner. Perhaps a big home purchase is on your mind and you’d like to bring your lives under one roof. This is a huge decision, and one that could potentially feel right during the next few weeks, so explore your options. RELATED: The Best And Worst Taurus Personality Traits


Gemini, it’s time to let go of what you feel you are owed by a partner, especially if you are going through a breakup. You may be working through feelings about resources you’ve shared and now you have to divide them and decide who gets what. This is a tough thing for you to do as you may still love your soon-to-be-ex and wish to keep things together. However, this Full Moon in Leo invites you to talk things through as you grow to realize that nearly everything truly is replaceable. RELATED: What Makes A Gemini Mad?


If marriage is on your mind, you may be ready to take a leap of faith and elope with your partner on the upcoming 2/22/22 date. With Venus and Mars in your sector of commitment, the urge to tie the knot with the one you love may be growing stronger. And, with the Full Moon in your sector of money, common sense and the expense of a big wedding may have you choose the less expensive option now and plan for it later. RELATED: What Makes Cancer Annoying?


You are in a position to let go of things that undermine your health and cause you stress, especially in your relationships. The Full Moon invites you to take self-love more seriously, especially while Venus and Mars continue to engage in your house of health and routines even if your partner isn’t interested in working out with you or doing things that improve their well-being right now. RELATED: Why Are Leos So Loud?


You can be your own worst enemy sometimes when it comes to love and relationships, but this Full Moon encourages you to let go of negative thinking and start being more open. Mars and Venus cohabitating in your sector of romance and pleasure are working hard to help you release the idea that love and relationships are more complicated than they are worth. Perhaps, for the right person, you’re willing to give love another try. RELATED: Why Are Virgos So Nice?


A new love can open your mind and heart to all sorts of things, but some of these insights may not be what you had expected. Perhaps you are starting to notice that a few of your friendships aren’t the healthiest, and as a single person you didn’t really mind certain habits but now as a couple what you used to do is no longer compatible with your future. It can be hard to let people go, but distance may become more and more necessary for the sake of what you want to happen in your love life. RELATED: 5 Reasons A Libra Is The BEST Friend You Never Knew You NEEDED


What you want to do for a living may not be what your partner would like for you to pursue as a career, and there can be bickering and difficulty getting along on this subject. You may be at a crossroads where you need to reach a decision, and it can be tough to decide what will make you and everyone else happy. Perhaps now is a good time to detach from discussions with your mate and do a pros and cons list to see what’s in your heart to help you decide with conviction vs making a compromise you’ll resent later. RELATED: Why Do Scorpios Cheat?


It may be time to discuss a prenuptial agreement, especially if you are talking about getting married. You could have quite a few things you’d like to keep protected should you decide to tie the knot with someone you love. You might have been burned in the past and want to protect yourself in the future. If you’re second-guessing getting married without one, perhaps it’s time to explore what the consequences would be for you. RELATED: How A Sagittarius Shows Love To Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology


You may find yourself in a wonderfully envious position of a mate who will give you support to do what you want to do. You may have big dreams to start your own business or to pursue a career in a field that requires going back to school. If you have a desire and there’s an offer of help, this week is a great time to discuss it with your partner on how that would work out for you both. RELATED: Why Are Capricorns So Smart?


If you’re holding a grudge or looking at your partner’s past, it could be because your heart is not fully in your relationship and you are afraid to admit that is the case. You may want to evaluate your relationship and your ability to commit in its entirety. If you’re not seeing the future and only noticing their flaws, this is a sign that you should not ignore any longer. RELATED: 8 Reasons Why Aquarius Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed


Your friends may be encouraging you to stop thinking that you are only meant to be single, and perhaps feeling disappointed in love is part of what holds you back. It’s time to get back into the driver’s seat of your love life, Pisces, and make new decisions that encourages you to go out and meet people to see how good your life can be, with or without romantic love. RELATED: Why Are Pisces So Hard To Date? Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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