And to back this transit up, we also have Mercury trine Mars in Aquarius, which should give backbone to all of our efforts during this time. Mercury in Pisces works to inspire us, and this could lead to curiosity and creative efforts. We feel sharp and on the ball during this transit. Our ability to figure things out seems to be at an all-time high. This is the best time to communicate something vital, and an even better time to tell someone you love how you feel. RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Year For Each Zodiac Sign In 2022 Because this Mercury in Pisces is also trine with Mars, we easily find the courage to ‘go for the gold’, so to speak. Nothing seems unreachable, in fact, everything seems possible. Because we approach things with an attitude of ’this can work’ we don’t see obstacles, nor do we consider them as realities. All we know is that during Mercury in Pisces, we are more resourceful and capable than at any other time of year. And the good part is that it affects all of us in a positive way.

Here’s how Mercury in Pisces will affect each zodiac sign starting March 9, 2022 - April 8, 2022.


(March 21 - April 19) During this time, you’ll be well on your way to making a heap of money, Aries. This is because you finally feel clearheaded and ambitious, once again. Mercury in Pisces trine Mars brings out your ability to finesse the situation, and your charms will affect someone in the position of giving you the big bucks. Work that groove, Aries, it won’t last forever. Stay on it and take home the prize. RELATED: How Likely It Is Your Long-Distance Relationship Will Last, By Zodiac Sign


(April 20 - May 20) Nothing like friends to make your day, and during Mercury in Pisces trine Mars, you’ll be spending so much time with good friends that you’ll never want to go back to work again. Not only that, your time with friends may just give you some hefty business ideas that seem more than promising, and are completely possible. Might be time to start something new in business, Taurus. RELATED: The Fascinating Way Each Zodiac Sign Tells Lies


(May 21 - June 20) You’ve got a serious decision to make, and with Mercury in Pisces trine Mars, you’ll finally decide on the right one. You’ve been down this road before, and you are no longer interested in procrastinating. Some things had to be done, and now that you’re complete with your decision, you stand by your choice with pride, taking full responsibility for what may come. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Can’t Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely


(June 21 - July 22) It doesn’t matter to you if the party’s over; you intend to keep on keeping on in spite of the endings that have made themselves real. You might be on the tail end of a break-up; all you want now is for this thing to be officially over. You feel your courage coming back and the quicker this thing ends, the better. Mercury in Pisces trine Mars gives you hope for a future without the person who is presently taking up all your time. RELATED: The Most Narcissistic Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked From Most To Least


(July 23 - August 22) After spending a little too much money on something you wanted, you are now in debt — and your partner is wondering what to do about all this. You will be guaranteeing them that this is just a fleeting moment in time and that that’s what money is for: spending. Mercury in Pisces trine Mars allows you to convince this person that your expenditure is not only worth it but that it will work towards making both of you happy. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Mortal Enemies


(August 23 - September 22) You are about to make a royal fool out of yourself, and do you care? Oh hell no. If being a fool is what it will take for you to get to do what you want, then ‘bring it on’. Mercury in Pisces trine Mars tears down your inhibitions, and lets you move the way you want to move. If that upsets others, then so be it. If being yourself is what it takes to turn everyone off, then who really cares about them, anyway? RELATED: What Is The Rarest Zodiac Sign?


(September 23 - October 22) You’ll experience something interesting during Mercury in Pisces trine Mars. Someone will mistake you for someone else, in the way that they believe you are better than you actually are. While this might sound insulting, what it’s going to do is make you step up to the plate. If someone you care about thinks that you are able to be better than you really are, then why not try to be the person they believe in? This is something you’re going to try. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Can’t Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely


(October 23 - November 21) While the rest of the world is experiencing the joy of Mercury in Pisces trine Mars in their love lives and business, you, Scorpio, have a different way of dealing with this energy. Selfishly and loving it. Yes, that’s right. This transit gives you such clarity of thought that you don’t want to bother messing it up with ‘people’ stuff. On your own, you’re a master and come to think of it, you’d rather keep it that way. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Loyal Partners, Ranked From Most To Least Faithful


(November 22 - December 21) You’ll hook on the communicative blessing that comes with Mercury in Pisces trine Mars, as your friendship will grow in profound ways. You’ve never been a small-talk kind of person; you crave depth and intelligence in just about every conversation you have, which is also why you’re alone most of the time. But, ah, friendship and you, Sagittarius — this transit will bring you all you want out of them. Let it all out. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are The Worst & Most Evil, Ranked


(December 22 - January 19) Usually, you’re the one who ends up being responsible for just about everything that happens — at work, at home, at play. Mercury in Pisces trine Mars doesn’t change that, but what it does change is your attitude about being the forever team leader of all situations. As of today, you’ll be enjoying being ’the boss.’ As long as everyone plays nicely — and they will, you’ll be only too happy to be the one everyone desperately needs in their life. RELATED: The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ranked


(January 20 - February 18) As if you needed more on your plate! Here’s the fun part: that ‘more’ is all about positive attitude, and during Mercury in Pisces trine Mars, all you’ll know is positivity. It’s like the Sun came out just for you, Aquarius, and during this time you’ll sincerely be able to put aside your gripes with others, as they, too, wish only for peace and reconciliation. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are Insecure Vs. Confident, Ranked From Most To Least


(February 19 - March 10) Every now and then you get a fantastic day, or week, or month and during Mercury in Pisces trine Mars, you’ll have that. You wanted something out of the way. This transit assists in getting rid of obstacles, and whatever holds you back or stood in the way of your progress will be miraculously dissolved and rendered meaningless. You’ll notice how easy things suddenly become…and you’ll smile from ear to ear. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Best Kissers In Astrology Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.