24-year-old Nogueira is a beauty influencer, best known for her makeup reviews and tutorials, from Massachusetts and while she is largely beloved by her followers she is being deemed tone-deaf for her comments on her job.

Mikayla Nogueira controversy explained:

Nogueira posted a video on TikTok in 2021 where she talks about her day working as an influencer — complaining about finishing work at 5:19 p.m. and saying that her job is hard. “Every single day, I get up at 6 a.m.,” the makeup artist says as she pours dressing on her salad. “I spend about five to six hours filming video content that ranges from three to four videos and then I spend a few hours editing that video content.” RELATED: Woman Slammed For Labelling Her Fiance’s Birthday Celebration For His Son ‘Embarrassing’ & Picking A Fight — Soph (@sophie2drinks) September 24, 2022 “Then I have to work on my other social media profiles, whatever it may be. Instagram, whatever. It’s f—ing marketing. Then I’m in meetings from 12 to five.”  Nogueira deleted the video shortly after posting it, likely because she understood the mistake she made by posting it in the first place — but that didn’t stop people from digging it back up. As the video began circulating, other TikTokers created a sound out of her video that they can use to record their own reactions and criticisms to her wildest claim. “Try being an influencer for a day,” she said. “Try it, because the people who say it’s easy are so far out of their minds, try it for a day. It is not for everybody.”     “In fact, it’s for a very small handful of people who can actually do this job because it’s absolutely f—ing insane. You do not want to have this job, I’m just saying.” Working 11 hours in a day does sound like a long time, but when people look at the labor she’s committing herself to compared to any other job — they’re not even close to the same level. “Although being an influencer and being creative all of the time can be difficult,” TikToker Anna Reports News said in her video surrounding the Nogueira drama, “it’s not the same as working a nine to five job — nor any other sort of job.”     “In the sense that influencers make 10 times the amount that the average person would make, and with less work.” RELATED: Woman Exposes Her Cheating Ex At His Wedding After He Accidentally Booked Her Band To Perform Many people expressed their disappointment in Nogueira especially after pointing out that she originally had gotten her start while working retail in an Ulta store. “I remember when mikayla nogueira was just starting to get kind of popular on tiktok I used to LOVE watching her videos like I watched every single one and to see how badly she has fallen off is really sad to me,” one person tweeted.

Many used the resurfaced video as an opportunity to address other problems they have with Nogueira.

In 2018, Nogueira posted some questionable comments both criticizing and also defending another beauty influencer named Jaclyn Hill. — lotte :) (@chemicalrelics) September 23, 2022 On one of Hill’s posts, Nogueira commented “Must be nice to be rich and all you do is film videos for YouTube.” This is pretty ironic considering that’s exactly what Nogueira is receiving flak for now, but is even more ironic when people realize that she defended Hill when she released a bronzer kit with an awful shade range. People are also upset about Nogueira’s frequent and aggressive use of filters on all of her content. Since her job is to promote and sell products, it’s hard for people to get a clear understanding of how a product actually looks when there’s a filter over her face. Nogueira has yet to respond to the criticism. RELATED: Adam Levine Admits To Cheating & Condemns Monogamy In Resurfaced Interview Isaac Serna-Diez is an Assistant Editor who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics. Keep up with his rants about current events on his Twitter.