However, for some families, the holidays bring on severe stress and anxiety over how they will be able to afford gifts for their children with expenses increasing.  One mother expressed her fears over not being able to buy her children Christmas gifts this year since she is unsure she will be able to afford all of them and may have to reveal a heartbreaking truth to them sooner than she expected.  RELATED: Mom Refuses To Plan Christmas When Husband Says ‘Make It Work’ With $100 After He Blew Money On A Trip

She’s worried she’ll have to say Santa isn’t real because she can’t afford gifts. 

In a TikTok video that has been viewed over 37,000 times, stay-at-home mom, Rachel Cameron reveals her struggles of providing financially for her children this holiday season.  Before delving into the main points of her video, Cameron urges viewers to turn off the video and come back to it later if there are young children within earshot.  RELATED: Woman Who Bought ‘Poor’ Nephew Cheaper Gift Than His Cousins Asks If She Did The Wrong Thing     “I’m just curious as to we all plan on making Christmas happen,” she asks others. “Everything’s gotten so expensive, and we should call these cost of living crisis cost of surviving crisis because I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not living.”  Cameron shares that she is “just barely” surviving through her financial burdens this year. She has four young children to provide for.  “I can’t even buy clothes for myself to stay warm, can’t afford to put my heat on, I really need a new wardrobe, but it’s so expensive.”  She fears that this year, she may have to tell her children “the truth” about Santa Claus since she may not be able to put gifts under the tree for them.  “Are we gonna have to say, ‘Mom and Dad are in control of this’ or whatever your family dynamic is, and we can’t make it happen this year?” RELATED: Mom Writes Note To Server After Leaving No Tip Because ‘Christmas Is Coming’ & Her 3 Kids Need Gifts  Cameron shares that she does not want her children to think that they have not been good all year should they find no gifts for themselves this year.  “Presents aren’t everything, but when you’re a child and your kids are writing Santa lists… I’m looking at these lists thinking, ‘where’s it gonna come from?’”  Cameron explains that her rent, food prices, and gas prices have all gone up and necessities have been nearly impossible to afford.  “And that’s even with me cutting back [on spending],” she says.  Cameron is unsure of how she will make Christmas happen this year given the cost of everything and being behind on payments.  “If we can’t cover the basics like food and clothes and travel and heat… how are we supposed to do all the extra stuff that makes us actually live?” she asks.  “Money doesn’t buy happiness but it sure as h— buys opportunities.”  Cameron expresses that going back to work right now is not possible for her since she has to be the sole provider of her children.  “If I had a family to help me, I’d go back to work,” she says. “People say I’m sitting on my backside all day, but I’ve been a working mum, and now I’m a stay-at-home mum and feel like I’m doing the job of ten people.” RELATED: Mom Who Posted Video About Not Being Able To Afford Gifts For Her Kids Gets Bashed For Having Her Nails Done

“Everyone’s in the same boat hun it’s not about what’s under the tree it’s who’s around it and the memories, do what you can and be proud some kids never get,” one user commented.  “I’ve been shopping for Christmas for a couple of months in the supermarket sales, also charity shops, hope this helps,” another user recommended.  “Start buying every time you go shopping, we’ve started buying the ‘treats’ like chocolate, etc once a week… unfortunately, you’ve got to find a way,” another user wrote.  Please consider donating to local toy drives and charities this holiday season so the magic of Santa can last a few more years for young children.  RELATED: Mom Refuses To Give Christmas Gift To Son Who Spent $500 Of Her Money On Online Gaming Without Permission Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.