It’s a brand-new month and year; the stars align to show you how patience and love always go together. January is always known as the start of a new year, but as the month known for fresh starts progresses, motivation may be lacking—why? We look to Mars, the planet that rules motivation and action, but currently, Mars is retrograde in Gemini, delaying changes in our relationships due to problems in communication, both personally and collectively. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Monthly Horoscopes Starting January 2023 As a result, many of us left 2022 feeling frustrated and impatient; there have been great moments, but didn’t it seem like the universe was blocking big changes? The truth may be that we were being blocked in various ways because practicing patience teaches us to love in genuine and selfless ways. So many of us needed this time to clarify our priorities and motivations to make choices that align with our deepest desires. Now that January is here, it will feel like the beginning of a different chapter of your life.

Romantic days for January 2023:

Monday, January 2nd The year starts with a completely new romantic energy as Venus, the planet of love, shifts into the air sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac, preferring to make up their blueprint for love and for life. This energy will have you walking in the direction of your true north regarding relationships. It may be towards what feels like absolute true love or away from what you can no longer fool yourself into believing in. Air signs like to talk, so communication will be highlighted this month which is perfect for making plans and figuring out where you want to take your relationship this month and in the next year. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Never Stop Talking, Ranked From Most To Least Talkative Friday, January 6th The Full Moon in Cancer occurs today opposite the Sun in Capricorn. This draws themes around the work and life-balance that is often a major part of romantic relationships. The Cancer Moon encourages you to focus on your home, your committed relationship and your family. At the same time, the Capricorn Sun reminds you of your responsibilities and obligations to the outside world. There will be a feeling that something important was overlooked around this lunation which will urge you to focus more on what you truly value and what adds to your life. Uranus and the North Node, which govern unexpected changes and fate, will figure heavily into this event, signifying that an important realization is in store. Thursday, January 12th Finally, after a couple of long, frustrating months, Mars, the planet of action, turns direct into Gemini. Mars first entered this air sign at the end of August and has been giving you time to reflect on your motivations for your choices, specifically in your romantic life. Once it turned direct at the end of October, forward action felt impossible. It was the feeling of being stuck in a difficult situation as you knew what you wanted but still had no idea how to start creating it. Usually, the holidays can be challenging to create changes within your relationships, especially if a separation is in store; however, this year, it proved impossible. More options will open up now that Mars is direct. Life will seem to resume once again. The only thing to remain aware of is that Mars will now revisit the same degrees of Gemini that it moved through at the end of last year, but this time, you have learned what you were meant to do so that you can finally move forward. RELATED: Is Your Relationship Difficult — Or Actually Dangerous? How To Tell Wednesday, January 18th Mercury turns direct today in Capricorn after its first retrograde of the new year. Mercury retrograde is a time to review past events and plans so that you can make better decisions that are more in alignment with your own needs. In Capricorn, you review the stability of your plans and what you had hoped your relationship would develop into. As Mercury turns direct, you have had time to review and make changes, which means it is also time to put your plans into action. Friday, January 20th The Sun moves into Aquarius today, beginning Aquarius Season. Aquarius Season is a time to tune into your inner voice and reflect on what you need from love and what kind of relationship genuinely reflects your desires. Aquarius will go to any lengths for what it believes in and may even purposely try to do things differently just to be seen as unique. Honoring your partner’s specialness around this zodiac season becomes important so they can feel you fully see them. Use this season to bring in some unexpected dates or quality time together. Focus on what makes you who you truly are and what makes your relationship unique. Saturday, January 21st New Moon in Aquarius is a positive omen that deep transformation is occurring within yourself and your relationship. Aquarius can detach from the intense emotionality of a situation and see things as they are, and this energy will be especially true around this New Moon. Expect opportunities for deeper healing and release of the past around this moon. Although the New Year will be in full swing by this point, it seems that there is something that you are still carrying or that is weighing on you, which is affecting your romantic future. This lunation alongside abundant Jupiter and transformative Pluto helps you clear the path ahead in a new and exciting way. RELATED: 13 Ways The Universe Warns You To Stay Away From A Toxic Person Sunday, January 22nd The planet known for shocking and awe-inspiring events, Uranus, turns direct into Taurus. This planet has been retrograding since August of 2022, helping you to understand where you still feel restricted within your life and what changes you would make if you knew without a doubt that you would be successful. Although Uranus retrograde is a wonderful time to reflect on the changes you would like to make, it rarely proves to be a beneficial time to do so. This ties in with the Mars phase that also ended earlier this month. You have been feeling blocked or restricted by the universe in making changes within your romantic life; however, as January progresses and Uranus finally turns direct, it means that with all planets direct, there is no longer anything holding you back. RELATED: 44 Little Changes That Will Make Your Life Infinitely Better Thursday, January 26th Venus, the planet of love, moves into Pisces today, reminding you of what love is truly meant to be. Venus is considered exalted in Pisces, meaning that it is operating in its highest energy and giving you the sense that love is truly what it is meant to be. During this time, love becomes unconditional.

The 3 zodiac signs who are luckiest in love in January 2023:

Relationships become more spiritual and significant, and romance takes center stage. This is a time for dates and flowers and staying up all evening talking about what life means to you and developing that spiritual intimacy with your partner. Venus in Pisces has no boundaries and is all about giving, so watch that while diving headfirst into love; you also make sure that it is balanced and reciprocal.

Monthly love horoscope for all zodiac signs for January 2023:


(March 21 - April 19) Best day for love: Friday, January 6th The Full “Wolf” Moon in Cancer at the beginning of the month brings to fruition the path that began around the New Moon in Cancer on June 30th, 2022. Cancer rules your home and family life, so it is time to reflect on how this area has grown or even come to completion since then. Be ready to adjust accordingly. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Loyal Partners, Ranked From Most To Least Faithful


(April 20 - May 20) Best day for love: Thursday, January 12th Mars, the planet of action, has been retrograded within Gemini since October. This month it finally turns direct in the area of your life that rules value. During this time, you will be able to act towards what and who you value most so that your life can be based on what brings you joy rather than what takes you away. RELATED: Why You Keep Attracting The Same Zodiac Sign


(May 21 - June 20) Best day for love: Wednesday, January 18th Mercury, the planet of communication, has been retrograding in the sign of Capricorn since the end of last year. Capricorn energy rules all aspects of intimacy and transformation in your relationships. As it turns direct, you will be able to embrace aspects of change within your life to allow for greater intimacy within your relationship. RELATED: How To Prepare For The 7 Most Life-Changing Astrological Events Of 2023


(June 21 - July 22) Best day for love: Wednesday, January 18th Capricorn energy is your opposing zodiac sign, which also rules over your romantic relationships. Mercury is finally turning direct within this sign midmonth, allowing you to have the big conversations you have been putting off finally. Things will likely surround the themes of stability and plans, allowing you to take your relationship to the next level. RELATED: 6 Smartest Zodiac Signs That Are Extremely Intelligent Geniuses


(July 23 - August 22) Best day for love: Monday, January 2nd Venus, the planet of love, moves into your opposing zodiac sign of Aquarius, lighting up your romantic life. Venus, in this placement, brings you a great deal of abundance within love. It is time to get out there, think for yourself and believe that you can truly define your relationship however you see fit. RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs That Are Leo Soulmates


(August 23 - September 22) Best day for love: Thursday, January 26th At the end of the month, Venus, the planet of love, enters the romantic sign of Pisces. Pisces rules your romantic sector, and it is the sign Venus can operate the strongest within, which means that a positive turnaround is coming within your love life. Take everything that you have learned and be ready to try again. RELATED: 12 Men Describe The Exact Moment They Fell Out Of Love With Their Partners


(September 23 - October 22) Best day for love: Wednesday, January 18th You likely never expected things to be where they are now within your current relationship, but that is half the fun. A relationship you took a chance on is now developing into one that feels like it just might be forever. As Juno, the goddess of marriage, moves into Aries, the sign that represents romance for you, it may be that a proposal is just around the corner. RELATED: 7 Things A Toxic Relationship Will Teach You About Love


(October 23 - November 21) Best day for love: Sunday, January 22nd Uranus, the planet known for great awakenings, finally turns direct since August in the zodiac sign of Taurus. Here in Taurus, it has and will continue to bring changes to your romantic life. As much as there have been shifts within the past few months, once it turns direct, the big transformation you have felt was on the way will finally arrive. Uranus direct in Taurus brings the best kind of transformation to your romantic life so that you can embrace the love and relationship you’ve always desired. RELATED: Women Who Do These 5 Things Are The Ones Who Find Truly Romantic Love


(November 22 - December 21) Best day for love: Thursday, January 12th Mars has been in Gemini since the end of August, causing reflection within your romantic relationship. There has been a change or a push towards a new direction, yet you have felt held back from truly seizing this and taking action. All this changes once Mars turns direct. Gemini energy rules your romantic relationships, so it is time to put everything you have learned and observed since August into a concrete action plan. RELATED: 5 Signs You’re Falling For The Person You’ve Been Casually Dating


(December 22 - January 19) Best day for love: Friday, January 6th The Full Moon in Cancer arrives early in the month to bring to fruition a romantic theme that has been in the works since the New Moon in Cancer at the end of June 2022. Cancer rules your romantic relationship sector and helps you balance work and home. Use this as an opportunity to align more greatly with your needs to embrace the love already in your life. RELATED: 4 Scientific Reasons Tall Men Make The Best Husbands


(January 20 - February 18) Best day for love: Sunday, January 22nd Uranus is the planet of dramatic changes; in Taurus, it highlights your home and family environment. This month as it turns direct, you can expect the rumblings of transformation that finally began to reach a breaking crescendo. It is time to embrace the life you have been dreaming of and see all these changes as having the life, love, and home you have always desired. RELATED: Angel Number 2023 Meaning & Symbolism


(February 19 - March 20) Best day for love: Thursday, January 12th Mars retrograde has affected your home and family sector since October. During that time, there has been a greater reflection of your needs in this area, ultimately leading to changes. Whether it is living with a romantic partner, a marriage or even pregnancy, something brewing that will reach fruition around the middle of January. With Neptune and Jupiter dominating your sign last month, trust that everything happening is for your ultimate good. RELATED: Why You Keep Attracting The Same Zodiac Sign Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.

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