The energy of February is one that will change and improve gradually from the beginning of the month till the end. We start the month off with Mercury going direct in Capricorn on February 3rd where it’ll be conjunct Pluto, Venus, and Mars. Then on the 14th Mercury will enter Aquarius where it’ll be conjunct Saturn and the Sun, until the Sun goes into Pisces on February 18th. Once the Sun goes into Pisces it’ll be conjunct Neptune and Jupiter and this is when a more lighthearted, hopeful energy may start to come to the forefront. RELATED: The Most Overwhelmed Zodiac Signs Who Get Easily Stressed Out By Life With many different planets being conjunct Pluto over the last few months, things may have been generally more intense than usual or even kind of heavy at times and workplace romances are possible now that more singles are returning to face-to-fact interactions at work. Now that Venus is no longer retrograde and Mercury is going direct, certain planets will begin the slow process of moving away from Pluto and entering into a slightly calmer and more reserved vibe. What this can mean for love is that you may have a chance for healing, understanding, reconciliation, forgiveness, and compassion within your relationships. This may be a slow or gradual, step-by-step process where you and your romantic interests start slowly finding your way back to each other or that you start being led towards new romance. Even though some major planets are direct, Venus is still conjunct Pluto until it goes into Aquarius on March 3rd, so there may still be some lingering intensity and challenges until Venus changes signs for good. So this means that it may still be best to take things slow and pay attention to any red flags, but that the worst may be behind you for now.

Love Horoscopes For February 1 - 28, 2022, By Zodiac Sign:


For the first half of February, you may feel more interested in putting your focus and attention on your career and striving to reach your full potential in this area of your life. Although, take not of workplace relationships for there may also be room for a little office romance, especially since Venus is conjunct Mars and Pluto in your tenth house of career. Mercury will also be conjunct Pluto, so the energy is there to create an environment with an authority figure or someone with a Scorpio vibe using powerful or deep conversations. Don’t be surprised if a strong bond gets created that lasts all year, and shifts your current perspective on life and love. Because Pluto and Mars are intense energies, they can overpower the softer vibe of Venus, and with Mercury being involved, this can lead to interactions that encounter power struggles, overpowering communication, and even manipulation, domination, and control. Once Mercury enters Aquarius, and the Sun enters Pisces, things will soften, but you may still feel the effects of these power struggles until both Venus and Mars transit Aquarius in March. RELATED: The Thing That Frustrates Each Of The Zodiac Signs


Venus and Pluto have been in your ninth house since December so during this time frame you may have had significant shifts in your perspectives, beliefs, and values in general in your life, but maybe more so when it comes to your view on love and connection. During February you will experience more of this until Mercury goes into Aquarius and your tenth house of career. Venus is slowly getting her power back now that she’s direct, but she’s still feeling the powerful effects of Pluto and Mars. Since Venus is the ruler of your first house of self this means that February could be a month of recuperation, rebirth, and self-empowerment for you. The South Node is now in Scorpio which is your seventh house of relationships and it will stay there until July 2023 so this will be a long transit for you. This can bring past relationships back into your life and it can also bring up outdated or old relationship habits, patterns, and cycles. This energy can also bring you many soulmates with whom you’ve had past lives, which means that there may be some karmic issues or lessons being brought to the forefront. February will be the start of this long transit, so it may be very telling as far as what you can expect to generally occur during this extended time frame. RELATED: The 5 Zodiac Couples Who Are Toxic Together— But Have Amazing Sexual Chemistry


Your eighth house has had a lot of powerful transits over the last two months which may have led to a complete inner transformation and the results of this will start to be felt in February. With a change occurring within yourself this will create a change in your reality and your view of reality, as well as your mental strength and resilience. Since the ruler of your fifth house, Venus, has been retrograde this means that your views on love, romance, and what brings you pleasure will also have changed. So because of this February may be a time when you start to look at love and potential romantic partners with new eyes. You may start to feel yourself opening up more and more as the month goes on and when planets start to move through your tenth and eleventh houses. Once the Sun goes into Pisces and your eleventh house on February 18th, where it’ll be conjunct Neptune and Jupiter, the potential to meet new romantic partners and even new friends will be stronger. RELATED: 12 Zodiac Sign Pairs That Rub Each Other The Wrong Way


Venus has been retrograde in your seventh house of relationships for the last month, so you may have been going through some changes in your partnerships. Now that Venus, as well as Mercury, are direct things may start to settle down and become more balanced. With Mercury still being conjunct Pluto in your seventh house, you may still have some deep and intense communication between your loved ones. Although this will gradually change when Mercury enters Aquarius on the 14th. Keep in mind that Venus, Mars, and Pluto are still conjunct in Capricorn in your seventh house so even though the energy will be in the process of shifting, there is still potential for power struggles and conflict within your relationships. Once the Sun goes into Pisces on the 18th and your ninth house of higher consciousness, you may start to see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to how you view and interact with your partners. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Believe In Love (And The Ones Who Don’t), According To Astrology


With the recent shifts in the Nodes, your family and career houses will be highlighted for the next year and a half. With the ruler of your tenth house, Venus, being retrograde for the last month in your sixth house, this means that you may have been very focused on your work, career, and life responsibilities. Now that Venus is direct and the Nodes have shifted, you may start to see some forward movement in your career and the relationships within your career. Although with the South Node now in your fourth house of family and home, you may encounter many karmic and/or fated relationships within the next year, and some of this may start this month. The Sun is currently conjunct Saturn in your seventh house of relationships and Mercury will be joining them on the 14th. So there may be some limitations and restrictions being put on the growth of your relationships this month where you may need to simply prioritize all the energy being put on your work and career. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Keep Their Relationships Private Vs. The Ones Who Tell The World Everything


Your fifth house of creativity and romance has had a lot of activity in it for the last two months, so you may have been experiencing a lot of changes in this area of your life. With both Venus and Mercury being retrograde in this house, this may have caused breakups, the return of an ex, or even a change of heart when it comes to your romantic interests. Now that both of these planets will be direct you may start to see a new reality being born when it comes to your love life. Any new values and perspectives which have come to you during these intense transits can now be implemented. With Jupiter and Neptune now being in your seventh house all year, there will be potential for attracting new partnerships into your life, especially when the Sun goes into Pisces on the 18th. So you may find that Pisces season, in general, brings you abundance in the area of your relationships, which can include the potential for a new romance or a fresh new start in your current romantic connections. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love At First Sight, Per Astrology


Venus has been retrograde and conjunct Pluto in your fourth house of family and home for the past month, so you may have been experiencing some shifts and changes in this area of your life. With Venus being the ruler of your first and eighth houses this may have altered your perspective of the connections you have with the people you live with or your home in general, and it may have also created some inner changes to your own view of what constitutes as being stable for you. Now that Venus is direct and Mercury will also be going direct you may approach relationships differently and you may find that you’re looking for different things as far as a romantic partner goes. With the Sun transiting your fifth and sixth houses this month you may start to feel an awakening within yourself when it comes to what you are attracted to, what you feel brings you pleasure, and what you value when it comes to romantic interactions. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love With Their Partner’s ‘Potential’


Now that the Nodes have shifted, the South Node is going to be in your first house of self and the North Node will be in your seventh house of relationships, and this will last for about a year and a half. During this time period you may notice that your focus goes more towards your relationships with others and with the ruler of your seventh house, Venus, still being conjunct Pluto for the rest of this month this can bring some power struggles or resistance in your connections. Although once the Sun goes into Pisces on February 18th and your fifth house of creativity and pleasure, things may lighten up when it comes to your romantic life. This may bring you a sense of the “worst” being behind you and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Once the Sun goes into Pisces, it’ll be conjunct Jupiter and Neptune so this can also bring you a lot of new creative insight and generally a more happy-go-lucky, carefree vibe which will allow you to open up to new love and to revive the love in your current partnerships. RELATED: The Most Ambitious Zodiac Signs Who Are Passionate About Life, Ranked From Most To Least


With Venus being retrograde in your second house for the past month you may have been going through some financial shifts or changes to your job, especially because Venus is also the ruler of your eleventh and sixth houses. So this month may be more about recuperation and bringing back a sense of normalcy to your work life and daily routines. There is potential for restoring hope and optimism when it comes to your love life and connecting with others in general once the Sun goes into Pisces. The Sun will be conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, and your third house of communication, until the 18th so you may be slowly building connections through learning the proper way to interact with integrity. Once the Sun goes into Pisces and your fourth house of home and family you may feel your connections becoming more cozy, warm, comfortable, lighthearted, and joyous. This is like a slow build-up to healing your heart, mind, and perspectives when it comes to love and how you create nurturing bonds with others. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Stay In Passionless Relationships, According To Astrology


There has been a lot of activity happening in your first house of self for the last two months, so you may have been very preoccupied with your own personal goals and development. Venus has been retrograde and conjunct Pluto in your first house and Venus is also the ruler of your fifth house of romance, so you may have been also attracting romance to you for the last two months, although it may have been difficult to maintain these relationships or interests. Now that Venus is direct, although still conjunct Pluto and now Mars, you may notice certain power struggles slowly coming to an end in your love life, although this will be a process that will require your patience to get through it. The month of February will show you which partners have real potential with you and which ones were just illusions created by the seductive vibes of Venus-Pluto. Observing and paying attention to the actions of your romantic interests will reveal to you which ones are sincere and which ones are just wanting to have the upper hand. RELATED: The Humanitarian Cause Each Zodiac Sign Feels Most Passionate About


The month of February will be one for you where you may feel as though you’re coming out of the fog or that you’re awakening to new truths, realities, and energies in your life. Venus and Mercury have been retrograding for the past month or so and this has been affecting your twelfth and first houses, so you may have been very preoccupied with your inner self, mental and emotional state, and your own personal issues. Now that these planets are direct you may feel as though there is a slow shifting of the energy and direction of your life path. February may be like a recovery process for you on a mental, emotional and physical level so romance may not be something you’re super focused on. Once the Sun goes into Pisces and your second house of material possessions and money on the 18th, you may start to see a light at the end of the tunnel and you may feel like your life is starting to open up again. Mercury is the ruler of your fifth house of romance so any miscommunications and misunderstandings which have occurred during the past month can be worked through now, and this will allow room for hope to be restored. RELATED: The Sweetest Thing A Man Could Ever Say (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)


There has been a lot of activity in your eleventh house of social networking for the last month which may have changed the dynamics in some of your relationships. With Venus and Mercury retrograde in this astrology house, this may have caused a change of heart with certain people, and a desire to build stronger connections with others. With Mercury being the ruler of your seventh house this will have affected your serious and/or long-term relationships, so you may feel a shift in most, if not all, of the relationships in your life, which may change the dynamics moving forward. Now that you have new perspectives, views, and beliefs about certain people, Mercury and Venus are direct, you can start the process of recommitting to or getting back on track with the relationships which are the most valuable to you. The Sun goes into Pisces on the 18th where it’ll be conjunct Neptune and Jupiter in your first house of self, and this will give you a larger than life and jovial vibe to your personality and the way you come across to others, which will allow you to easily create new connections and heal any wounds with your current partnerships. RELATED: 6 Possessive Zodiac Signs Who Are Controlling In Relationships Tara Reynolds is an intuitive empath, tarot reader, astrologer, artist & priestess who discovered her love for spirituality and the spirit world as a small child. She specializes in love, career, spirituality, and past lives readings. For more of her work, visit her website.