Welcome to your Monthly One Card Tarot reading for November. After a good long shuffle of the deck, we have the selected cards.

November 2021 monthly one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs:

What we have here today speaks volumes. We are looking at many cards in their reversed state, which should automatically alert us; everything is not as it seems. We need to be wary and on the lookout for falsehoods and danger. Perhaps it is because the end of the year is near, and so we let our defenses down. This leads to vulnerability and at times, naïveté. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have The Worst Love Life During Mars In Scorpio  We are entering the holiday season, and that may have us convinced that we can let it all hang out, but can we? Are we in the presence of people we can trust? For some, yes — for others, it’s best to stay vigilant. This month’s reading is very suggestive of self-protection, or rather, the need for it. All in all, it looks like a fruitful month for all of us in terms of getting what we need. Some may have to wait longer than others, and some may not like what ‘getting what we need’ implies, because oftentimes what we need doesn’t coincide with getting what we ‘want.’ It’s just another month in life, and our best shot at making the best of it would be to roll with the punches and come out smelling like a rose. November’s on - BRING IT.

Monthly One Card Tarot Reading for November 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): King of Pentacles, reversed

This is a warning card for you, Aries and it’s telling you to watch your step — and to watch out for those in business who might deceive you. What you think you know might be false information, and you’d do yourself a good turn by finding out the facts behind any messages you receive in terms of the workplace. This is also a warning against hubris; do not take for granted that the entire world is on your side. Listen to your heart; your own insight is extremely important. RELATED: Why Aries Is The Most Hated Zodiac Sign

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Queen of Swords, reversed

Here we have a card that comes as a wake-up call to you; don’t play the fool, Taurus. This means that this isn’t the time for you to act as though you do not know what’s going on because there is something going on and you need to face it. A decision has to be made and it requires your attention. If you are lazy or pretending to be ignorant of its importance, you will miss out on something positive. Wake up, face facts, get moving. RELATED: The Ultimate Taurus Compatibility Guide: Understanding Love And Relationships

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Nine of Swords, reversed

This card is very telling, and that tale it tells is one of you, wallowing away in fear. You have begun to feel sorry for yourself, Gemini, and this state imprisons you in its grasp. You need to shake off the depression, and bring hope back into your life, because you are sliding into the mire of hopelessness. There are many pitfalls that you’ve experienced lately — do not let yourself slip into the darkness. It’s urgent that you snap yourself out of it NOW. RELATED: Why You Should Never Tell A Gemini To, “Get Over It”, Per Astrology

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Two of Swords, reversed

What this card is implying here, in its reversed position, is that you are lying to yourself about something. You are either willfully ignorant, or you are seriously not in touch with some reality that begs you to wake up and face the truth. It’s understandable — it’s hard to be a human being, and this life is unrelenting, at times, but you’re starting to turn into someone who avoids the work it takes to live this life. If you’ve done something wrong, it’s time to ‘fess up and take responsibility. RELATED: How A Cancer Zodiac Sign Breaks Up With You, Per Astrology

Leo (July 23 - August 22): The Emperor, reversed

This is one of those cards that doesn’t necessarily imply negativity in its reversed position. What you may experience is extreme goofiness this week, meaning, you might become a clown just to make someone else happy. You feel for someone you love — you want them to smile, and if you’re the one who has to step up to the plate to make that happen, will do with love — and humor. You are more than happy to make another person feel safe, secure, and loved. RELATED: What Life Path Numbers Are Most Compatible With Leo When In Love

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Page of Swords

This is quite the Virgo card here. This month is going to put you behind the scenes, looking at what’s going on on stage. This means that you are self electing yourself to do the spy work. You need to watch over someone, make sure they do things the right way, and it’s your natural tendency to be vigilant. This may be work-related. In prison talk, they call this being a snitch - and you may actually enjoy being in this position. RELATED: How To Keep A Virgo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Four of Pentacles, reversed

You work, and you wait. And that is what this month has in store for you. There’s a delay - and it could be in play, or in some sort of deal that you’ve got going on, financially. You are in the position of having to deal with another party, and that means you’re not fully in control here. This is the reason you will be spending the month waiting on their word. It may be frustrating, but it could be well worth your while, as it does look like money is heading your way. RELATED: How A Libra Shows Love Towards Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Nine of Pentacles 

If there’s a jackpot winner this month, it’s you, Scorpio. Whether you spending money like wild, or you’re redecorating your home with all the fancy trimmings you love so much. This month is all about good times and the money it takes to make those times happen. Your home life is secure, and your work is successful. This is a great month for you to start some travel planning, too. Save some of those earnings for a long-distance journey to an exotic location. RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Hard To Understand?

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Seven of Wands

Get ready for heavy conversations and uplifting visions of the future. You’ll probably be speaking with friends about lofty ideas. Inspiration is abundant for you this month, Sagittarius, and you don’t mind having to work hard to achieve your goals. This is a great week for organization and restructuring. You may not have a minute of downtime, but you’ll probably sleep like a baby. Also, expect competition between friends and co-workers.  RELATED: 7 Ways To Truly Love A Sagittarius Woman

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Four of Swords

The Calm is with you this month, Capricorn, as this card implies not only peace and quiet - but the ability to create this condition for yourself. You will be taking a well-deserved break, and it’s not to go out partying, nor is it about world travel, or a romantic vacation; nope, this is about you and relaxation. You need time to think things out and you’ll have that space this month. One thing that should be noted; you are dead serious about your having your own space - and you may not be such a sweet thing about demanding it. RELATED: Why Is Capricorn So Underrated?

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Page of Cups, reversed

This month promises seduction and cunning. You may not be telling the truth to someone, in an effort to come across as more ‘glamorous’ than you are in reality — you tend to doubt yourself, and so, you will try to create a false image of who you are so that this person of interest will find your more interesting. Try not to doubt your own natural beauty or intelligence, Aquarius; this card can imply a lack of self-worth, and that would mean you have something to work on: yourself and your body image. Believe in yourself — you really are perfect just as you are. RELATED: 8 Reasons Why Aquarius Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed

Pisces (February 19 - March 10): Two of Cups, reversed

Ordinarily, this card implies love and friendship, but in its reversed state, we’re looking at false starts and bad judgment in love. You may start to feel a little uneasy with the person you are romantically involved with — or, you may suddenly feel that there’s a traitor in the midst — a friend who hasn’t been upfront with you, and now has raised suspicion. This isn’t a card of betrayal, but it is a warning that tells you to wake up — something in this relationship is false and should be confronted before it’s too late. RELATED: 11 Quotes That Prove It’s Always A Bad Idea To Double-Cross A Pisces Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda