Our zodiac signs are also known as our Sun signs, which are a general umbrella that covers the entire gamut of possibility when it comes to our personality traits. But while a Sun sign refers to the day and year you were born, you are influenced by the entire cosmos, including your Moon sign. Your Moon sign is literally about where the Moon was traveling at the time and place of your birth. So, if you are an Aquarius Moon, the Moon was moving through the Aquarius zodiac sign. RELATED: The 5 Most Difficult Moon Signs The Moon is what underlies your emotions and how you feel emotionally, as well as your desires and how you express them. Being that the Moon is the closest celestial object to the Earth, we are all under its spell, so to speak. Every person on earth has a Moon sign, and depending on our Sun sign, its effects range in difference. No one escapes the power of the Moon, and it is due to the Moon’s influence that we have things like intuition, sensitivity and emotional depth. Each planet and celestial body has a place in our natal chart, and for those with an Aquarius Moon, your personality may differ from your Sun sign.

What it means to have your Moon in Aquarius

When your Moon is in Aquarius, basically everything you know about yourself as an Aquarius is heightened and intensified. Aquarius is already a very deep, moody air sign, and the influence of the Moon here makes your Sun sign seem like Aquarius on steroids. RELATED: Your Most Toxic Trait, Based On Your Moon Sign

1. Compassionate

The placement of the Moon in Aquarius gives you incredible compassion. You are the person who will “take a bullet” for the one you love, and you will be the first person to stand up for the rights of another. You can be very caring when you want to be, though it may not read that way to others at first, because you are also a quiet person who keeps their emotions to themselves.

2. Assertive

If you have an Aquarius Moon, you know what you want and you believe in your personal freedom and choices. You will uphold what you believe in, no matter how far-fetched others may find your decisions. You have never been one to fall to the opinions of others, and if you have an opinion on something or someone, you don’t hold back. Your instincts are pure survival mechanisms, and you are not about to let yourself be trampled on. You assert yourself with confidence; you never back down.

3. Independent

If you have something in mind and you are an Aquarius Moon, you will attain what you go after. You do not mind doing it alone, and being alone never bothered you. In some ways, you prefer solitude as it makes you feel safe, and independence is your calling card. Those around you will notice that you only march to your own drum, and they accept this about you. You move as a free agent through the world, depending only upon your own intuition for guidance.

4. Overthinker

As an Aquarius Moon, you are a deep thinker — so much so, that you tend to get lost in thought. People think of you as a worrywart, spending way too much time overthinking things until they make very little sense to you. It is not such a bad thing, however, as when you are left to figure things out on your own, in private, you are usually able to come up with the perfect solution for whatever problem comes your way.

RELATED: What He Wants In A Woman, Based On His Moon Sign

Aquarius Moon sign compatibility

In love, an Aquarius Moon is someone who wants to choose. You have no interest whatsoever in anything conventional; you are a free bird and there is no one on this earth who can control you or make you choose to do something you simply refuse to do. You will attract someone of like-minded interests or no one at all, and you are quite happy to be alone if you can’t find the right person. You don’t place restrictions on your partners; you allow them their own space to grow and live their lives. You have no set standards or hurdles for your partner to jump over; you have no ideals in romance. You simply demand one thing: the right to be yourself, as you are, with no input on how you live your life. Your mind loves to wander, and you often turn to fantasy, which shows up in your imaginative love life. As an intimate partner, you are always up to experiment, and if you do settle in with a partner who admires your independence as much as you love having it, you will have a very exciting life in the bedroom.

Aquarius Moon with Aries Moon

There is a great chance of a good relationship between these two, as both Aries Moon and Aquarius Moon value a good argument and great discussion. Both Moon signs are intellectual and crave deep, challenging conversation, which they will both provide easily. Never a dull moment between these two Moon signs.

Aquarius Moon with Taurus Moon

Aquarius Moon will be attracted to the madness and play that is the Taurus Moon, but Aquarius Moon will find them too much after a while. Aquarius Moon craves a meaningful relationship, but won’t allow themselves to find it in a Taurus Moon, as they are simply beasts to them.

Aquarius Moon with Cancer Moon

Aquarius Moon may want to dominate Cancer Moon, as they will come off as weak and needy. This may be attractive at first, but Aquarius Moon will grow bored with Cancer’s lack of shared interest. Aquarius Moon may share a cup of coffee and semi-interesting conversation, but after that, they know it can go no further.

Aquarius Moon with Gemini Moon

There is a very good chance Aquarius Moon will find Gemini Moon alluring until they realize that all Gemini Moon is doing is judging and condemning Aquarius Moon. Gemini won’t be able to help themselves around Aquarius Moon, and they will try to make them feel like they are less than, which really won’t make a very good impression after a while.

Aquarius Moon with Leo Moon

Aquarius Moon may find that any kind of relationship with a Leo Moon will be one they can learn from. Leo Moons are fearless and Aquarius Moon wants that trait for their very own. They will feel good about Leo Moon’s reaction to them, as they are equally ready to be impressed. They will like Aquarius Moon, and Aquarius Moon will like them more.

Aquarius Moon with Virgo Moon

When these two Moon signs get together, it is for gossip and treachery. The compatibility here is about embracing the darkness. Virgo Moon will bring out the worst in Aquarius Moon, and vice versa. These Moon signs will have a happy relationship together as long as being nasty is part of the greater plan.

Aquarius Moon with Libra Moon

The sex will be good but the relationship will be boring. This combo can only work if it is kept physical. Aquarius Moon won’t be able to tolerate the Libra Moon’s wishy-washy, non-committal behavior. Aquarius Moon will want straight answers and will never get them with Libra Moon.

Aquarius Moon with Scorpio Moon

It is pure sexual attraction here, especially if there are additional Scorpio or Aquarius placements in each birth chart. Aquarius Moon will want to watch themselves because Scorpio Moon has a tendency to eat people up and spit them out. Is Aquarius Moon strong enough to handle the wild moods of Scorpio Moon? It is possible as they will find Aquarius Moon to be the perfect sucker. Think twice before taking this coupling seriously.

Aquarius Moon with Sagittarius Moon

Sagittarius Moon will find Aquarius Moon magnetic and interesting. Aquarius Moon will enjoy their attention and will admire all the things in common with them: fantasy, independence, and originality. Aquarius Moon won’t, however, be able to stand Sagittarius’ loyalty or honesty, and there is a promise here of hurt feelings and ruined friendships.

Aquarius Moon with Capricorn Moon

Both Moon signs are pragmatic enough to get along swimmingly, and this duo can go the distance if both parties put in the effort. Capricorn Moon is completely into honoring Aquarius Moon’s need for their own space, and Aquarius Moon will be thrilled with their work ethic. It is a win-win, this Moon coupling.

Aquarius Moon with Aquarius Moon

It is a match made in heaven, as long as the Sun signs aren’t too opposed. Two Aquarius Moons allow each individual to see themselves in the other person, which, in turn, will bring new compassionate insights. In a partnership, Aquarius will think it is nice to have someone who is just like them and will appreciate themselves more when they are in the company of one just like them.

Aquarius Moon with Pisces Moon

Aquarius Moons have a built-in sensitivity and drive for fairness and equality. Aquarius Moon will admire the soft thoughtfulness of the Pisces Moon, and they, in turn, will respect Aquarius Moon’s mind as they will perceive them as very smart. This intellectual, caring relationship starts with trust and true friendship and can go any way desired. RELATED: Sensitive Moon Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Emotional Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.

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