Maybe that’s a little too extreme. You probably get to the outside world, but are you actually getting things done and giving your best effort in what you do? If this sounds like you when you’re feeling laziest, there’s a good chance you may be one of the laziest zodiac signs! (We don’t suggest adding that detail on your resume.) You might also be the type that wants to accomplish something big, but you also cringe at the notion that you have to actually work hard in order to achieve it. Hard work? That’s no fun. Why can’t life be easy? Yeah, and why can’t I be on a tropical island with Henry Cavill? Life is not fair. Then, of course, there’s the opposite type of person. The hard-working zodiac signs are those who are more than willing to put in the extra work. They don’t just work hard, but they also believe in the importance of it. RELATED: The 5 Most Laid-Back Zodiac Signs In Astrology A hard worker doesn’t just want things to get done — they want them done well. Another trait of hard workers is that they do not shy away from providing additional help. If the boss is asking if someone will cover this particular project, the hard worker is glad to step up and offer to do it. You might be curious whether or not your zodiac sign is considered lazy or hard-working. But let’s see what astrology has to say.

Zodiac Signs Ranked From Laziest To Most Hard-Working

1. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, you can’t just get by in life based on being charming and adored. You are creatively talented and love being the center of the attention. Odds are you’ve thought about or are currently pursuing some sort of work as an actor/singer/lifestyle blogger/YouTube personality. You may enjoy the limelight, but not the hard work it takes to get there, though. Laziness is listed as an official weakness of the Leo zodiac sign, making you a prime candidate for one of the laziest — if not the the laziest — zodiac sign. You are passionate and creative, which are great qualities to become the natural-born star that you are. But without some classic hard work to back it up, you’ll always be watching from behind the scenes.

2. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You might be surprised to see that you, Aquarius, are one of the laziest zodiac signs. After all, you enjoy fighting for causes and are a true humanitarian, both of which require a strong level of hard work and dedication. The problem is that even though you want to make a positive difference in the world, you’re not always great at the actual work part of what it takes to do that. You’ll make sure to tweet about causes you care about, but you don’t always volunteer or put in the time to help them. A lot of this has to do with the fact that you are not a fan of any kind of dull or boring situation, which, let’s face it, hard work can feel like. If you really want to start helping the world, it’s time to consistently put in the work, not just the verbal support.

3. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Even mentioning the idea of being confined to live is probably making you feel sick to your stomach. You love your freedom, especially if it means you get to travel. The thing about being a hard worker is that you have to be consistent, show up, and remain dedicated to that work. For you, hard work has a way of making you feel constrained in your life. It’s not that you won’t work, but you’re not offering to step up and volunteer to put in extra time or take on more tasks than you have to. As a Sagittarius, you appreciate your freedom to the point of only doing what you have to. Someone who is a hard worker is going to go that extra mile, while your mind is on airline miles. RELATED: Lazy People Are Smarter Than Everyone Else (Says Best Study Ever)

4. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, you have a taste for the finer things in life, and that includes putting your feet up and relaxing whenever you get the chance. Though your home is clean, organized and tidy, it’s only because you’ve managed to put your laundry in the basket and take out the trash; everything else, you simply can’t be bothered to take care of. Why lift a finger if you’re already sitting down? An ideal evening for you, Taurus, is to take a break from hardly working, and just kick back with a nice glass of wine on the couch. As a Taurus, doing the least amount of work possible is a way of life.

5. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, you tend to avoid the hard work because your head is too far up in the clouds to care. Yes, your space is clean, but you’d rather rely on your roommate or partner to handle anything you can’t complete in a short amount of time. Another reason you’re so lazy, Pisces, is because you tend to put your responsibilities off until the very last minute. Yes, you’ll finish any work you have for your job, but if your boss asks you to complete one more task, you’re already out the door before they’ve finished their sentence! Just remember that your laziness can come with a price if you don’t take initiative in certain areas of your life.

6. Libra (September 23 - October 22)

A day in your pajamas with nothing to do but watch TV? Libra, that’s your idea of a time well-spent. Your partner shouldn’t expect you to move a muscle once you’ve settled into the couch, because getting you up is an impossible feat. It’s not that your television programming is particularly interesting, you’re just easily distracted. Libra, you love to overindulge and sometimes you take it a little too far. Luckily, you can snap out of it when you unplug your TV and phone, and focus on the tasks at hand.

7. Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancer, you’re a homebody in every sense of the word, and while you do complete your chores to keep your home functioning, doing so at your own pace is painstakingly slow to others. You tend to rarely leave the house, preferring your loved ones to visit you instead of the other way around, which can cause irritation on their part. Yes, you’ll cook for them, but it’d be nice if everyone you know didn’t have to entertain your preferences every time they see you. Cancer, you can be diligent at times, however; if you can find the motivation to step outside for even a short period of time, it will prevent you from burning yourself out from laziness.

8. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, you’re pretty lazy but also highly capable of getting things done. While you hate being bored and are always on the go, this tends to overwhelm you, leading to a rest that might last a little too long. You also tend to procrastinate when tasked with things you don’t want to do, whether it’s running errands or cleaning up your space a little bit. However, you’re quick to start a new project and have fun with it, and once that happens, you can’t sit still! When you’re riled up, it’s the people around you who end up telling you to chill for a bit instead of letting out your energetic personality. RELATED: 7 Difficult Zodiac Signs That Are Hard To Get Along With

9. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio, on the outside people may think you’re incredibly lazy, but behind closed doors, you’re a machine when it comes to doing what you need to do. In fact, it’s probably in your best interest to relax every once in a while. You’ll do anything it takes to achieve your goals and ambitions, and, in this way, you have the tendency to get in your own head. Am I not working fast enough? Will I fail at what I’m trying to accomplish? Those thoughts can plague you if you don’t take a moment to breathe. Scorpio, you’re more hard-working than lazy, but sometimes, it’s best to just be lazy.

10. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Congrats, Aries! You are one of the hardest working zodiac signs out there. You thrive on being the best you can be and having the opportunity to utilize your talents. You do not like inactivity, so you make sure to keep busy. If you finished one assignment or project, you are working on the next one, and if there is no next one, you’re asking for something else to do. Your enthusiasm for hard work is probably greatly appreciated by those around you, and if it isn’t appreciated, it should be!

11. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, you are literally described as hard working, so, naturally, you are going to be one of the best zodiac signs for this. You might be all work and no play, but that means you are going to put in that extra effort. Your specific strength as a hard worker is that you pay attention to the smallest details and are very analytical. Simply getting the task done is not enough for you; making sure it is perfect is what matters most. You are very critical of yourself, which also pushes your desire to do things as best as you can. However, you should be nicer to yourself, especially since you are such a hard worker.

12. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

When you need to get something done, you will not let distractions get in your way. You are a master of self-discipline, which is a great quality and makes you another one of the hardest working zodiac signs. While many people need others to tell them to stay on track, you have that handled yourself. Even if it is just a day of running errands, you’re not going to get lost down an Instagram rabbit hole before taking care of what you need to do. No, you’ll get moving and be out the door as soon as possible. Quality is also something very important to you. Much like Virgo, you appreciate when things are done well. Hard workers don’t get their status by just getting things done, but by also doing them to the best of their ability. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Achieve Their Goals Vs. Slackers Who Easily Give Up, Ranked Jill Zwarensteyn is a writer and Michigan native who covers trending news, pop culture, crime, astrology, and celebrity topics.