Yes, this can be a little complicated to understand, but let me break it down for you. So, there are 12 different zodiac signs, right? Well, these signs are divided into 12 different parts called “houses.” Each house symbolizes a different structure of life such as friendship, money, health, and love. The 1st house shows your Ascendant — basically, who you are in this lifetime. If you go one house down, you will be in the 12th house, which was once the 1st house for a past life. This doesn’t necessarily stand for the immediate past, but rather a past that contains all the issues and problems you’re trying to resolve presently. RELATED: How To Find Your Soulmate In Your Zodiac Sign’s Natal Chart, Per Astrology To understand all this, you first need to find your Ascendant (or Rising) sign. To do this, you can use a birth chart calculator which will use your birth day, time, and place to generate your own personal natal chart. Got it? Okay, now you can better understand your karma and the details of your past life. Knowing this will bring you to an understanding of exactly what it is you’re supposed to take away from this lifetime.

Here’s the past life of each zodiac sign and an in-depth look at how to use the past for a positive change.

Aries Ascendant

Your past life was dominated by Pisces. This means that you’re coming from a life of significant limits, boundaries, and responsibilities. Now is the time for a fresh start, Aries. Focus on living your present life as freely as you can, taking advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. There’s a chance you might have come from a life where all you wanted to do was escape from reality, perhaps through drugs or alcohol. Now it’s time to take control of your emotions instead of letting them overpower you. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Aries Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Taurus Ascendant

If your ascendant is Taurus, this means that your past life was dominated by Aries. You’re bringing forth the fiery energy of your past life and turning it into a creative vigor. You want to experience life in a grand way, and in this lifetime, it’s more about personal comfort rather than setting the world on fire with your wisdom and intensity. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Taurus Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Gemini Ascendant

You brought that creative nature from your past Taurus-dominated life into a present life of communication and mindfulness. But Gemini, you’re ready to set yourself free from your unwavering past life and be open-minded to the world around you. There’s a chance that you might be coming from a life of self-indulgence and an unwillingness to connect with others emotionally. Now you have the opportunity to connect with whomever you want. Enjoy learning and getting to explore new ideas and ways of thinking. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Gemini Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Cancer Ascendant

Fearfulness and a sense of disfigured reality are often brought forward from a Gemini-dominated life. Right now you may be focusing on taking care of responsibilities and family and experiencing life in a more meaningful way. However, there’s always a desire to be free, Cancer. On the other hand, you must learn how to create emotional attachments. You’re ready to acknowledge your emotions and your inner life, despite always feeling like you have business to take care of. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Cancer Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Leo Ascendant

There’s nothing a Leo loves more than feeling loved and feeling whole. A past life dominated by Cancer sometimes makes it challenging for you to feel that fulfillment or feel truly loved unless there’s constant reassurance that you’re not alone. There may be karma with abandonment that might be present. If you paid your karma, there will be a lot more room for self-awareness. Just don’t become too self-absorbed or there will be much more to pay in the next life. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Leo Rising As Your Ascendant

Virgo Ascendant

While your present life may revolve around caring for others, your past Leo-dominant had you placed center stage. You might be experiencing loneliness on the inside, causing you to question why you do much for others only to receive little in return. Usually, there is karma about giving back to those who sacrificed for you in the past life. There’s a chance you may have failed to acknowledge those who cared about when you were living in a Leo-dominated life. Virgo, now is the time to tend to those responsibilities. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Virgo Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Libra Ascendant

Because you lived a past life where you didn’t feel appreciated, you may be struggling with trying to balance out the karma of going to extreme efforts to please others or of being in situations that were undoubtedly unfair. The karma could also consist of avoidance of extremes that come from a past life. If you took to drastic measures while living in the Virgo-dominated life, you might find yourself facing a difficult time achieving balance in your life. Decisions about the issues of giving and receiving might cause emotional conflict. Libra, you could be trying to become more organized in the present life. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Libra Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Scorpio Ascendant

From a life of trying to have everything balanced, you emerge with a strong desire to experience life in the most wholeheartedly and complex way. You might have had a life where you faced strong pressures to conform — where anything outside of the accepted standard was frowned upon. In this life, you’re ready to live for you and help others in your conditions, Scorpio. You strive to uncover the mysteries of life. Because you come from a life where all you could do was search for balance, you now feel entitled to a little positive selfishness. But don’t get too carried away; you don’t want to be held down by karma that can’t be easily repaid. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Scorpio Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Sagittarius Ascendant

The past life of Scorpio domination with its deep roots has put you on a path to a certain expansiveness and largess that could not be experienced before. The lessons you learned in the past life can transform into philosophy and the spread of knowledge and wisdom instead of keeping it all bottled inside. Sagittarius, you might have struggled to break free from certain limitations in a past life, so now you want to see, hear, taste, feel, and touch everything. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Sagittarius Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Capricorn Ascendant

You have a set goal in mind, Capricorn: to set boundaries for yourself and let go of the carefree life you had as a Sagittarius. This is a time to really consider freeing yourself from the karma that was accrued as the Sagittarius-dominated life. You might have been someone that ignored responsibility in order to live the life you wanted. You might have also taken on some karma from others who felt ignored or abandoned. Now is the time to think about how these considerations can come back to you for resolution and balance. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Capricorn Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Aquarius Ascendant

You’re tired of dealing with the restrictions of your past Capricorn-dominated life and now you are ready to show your true colors while experiencing life from a whole new perspective. Aquarius, you wear your individuality on your sleeve. You can’t hide it, even when you try to. You are moving out of a life that strongly enforced traditional rules and boundaries. You are ready to face the world and fly free. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Aquarius Rising As Your Ascendant Sign

Pisces Ascendant

Now you have come to the end of the cycle of karma. You should take this time to try and settle things, tie up loose ends and be responsible, Pisces. You know that there is a new beginning on the horizon and want to be prepared. Expressing your differences isn’t such a priority to you now. You’re ready to be with others and connect on a deeper level. You want to be a spiritual person. However, don’t try to live up to the challenge if you’re not ready for it. RELATED: What It Means If You Have Pisces Rising As Your Ascendant Sign Hannah Kern is an avid writer with a passion for delving deep into interpersonal relationships.