While state media presents their false narrative of the events in Ukraine, journalists and ordinary Russians are trying to spread the truth. One journalist putting himself in danger to help Ukraine is Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitry Muratov, the editor-in-chief of a publication hyper-focused on getting the truth out in Russia in spite of the totalitarian.

The Russian journalist will auction off his Nobel Peace Prize medal and donate the money to help Ukrainian refugees.

Being a journalist in Putin’s Russia is like playing a very dangerous game. The government has such a firm grip on the country and has displayed a willingness to do terrible things to journalists that get on their bad side. RELATED: Russian State Media Declares War On Arnold Schwarzenegger After He Issues Message To Putin’s People Novaya Gazeta is an independent newspaper that tries to speak truth to power in spite of stringent state crackdowns on speech. Both Novaya Gazeta and Muratov have been known for their critical coverage of Russian politics and social issues. According to Google’s translation, Muratov explains, “Novaya Gazeta and I have decided to donate the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize Medal to the Ukrainian Refugee Fund. There are already over 10 million refugees. I ask the auction houses to respond and put up for auction this world-famous award.”

Muratov has called upon Russia to put an end to the fighting.

Both Novaya Gazeta and Muratov have been trying to due to their jobs as journalists in spite of interference by the Kremlin and Muratov has called upon Russian leadership to stop the fighting and to provide humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian civilians that are suffering due to Russia’s invasion. RELATED: Wars Are Not Won Without Women — How Ukrainian Women Are Carrying The Burden Of The Russian Invasion Muratov also called upon private individuals to provide what they could for the innocent victims of the conflict.

Novaya Gazeta is walking a dangerous line.

With the invasion came a new and oppressive wave of crackdowns on speech and non-state media, Novaya Gazeta and Dmitry Muratov find themselves in an unenviable position. Forced to balance continuing to provide the news to Russians while avoiding Kremlin interference means making difficult decisions. Thanks to Russian anti-speech policies, Novaya Gazeta cannot continue to report on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In a message to its readers, the paper published the following, “Military censorship in Russia has quickly moved into a new phase: from the threat of blocking and closing publications (almost fully implemented) it has moved to the threat of criminal prosecution of both journalists and citizens who spread information about military hostilities that is different from the press releases of the Ministry of Defense.” If you want to help the people of Ukraine, please donate to United Help Ukraine who are providing donations, food, and medical supplies to displaced Ukrainians. RELATED: 11-Year-Old Ukrainian Boy Travels 600 Miles To Slovakia Alone With Relative’s Phone Number Written On His Hand Dan O’Reilly is a writer who covers news, politics, and social justice. Follow him on Twitter.