How this works for the three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love and who are in deeply committed love relationships is basically how the Moon and Jupiter in Pisces allow us to share the most intimate of ideas with the person we most trust and love. Because Jupiter in Pisces speaking to luna, we are looking specifically at communication. Jupiter is what takes that ability to freely express one’s self and makes the conversation ‘interesting.’ RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves During Moon In Gemini Starting November 9 - 11, 2022 We’re not just open and friendly today, we’re smart, snappy, curious, and ready to donate information.     We are just as eager to please our partners as they are to please us, and the first stop here is talk. Say the magic words and watch the magic unfold. Today has the potential of making an ordinarily mundane day turn into something extraordinary. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be Luckiest In Love The Week Of November 7 - 13, 2022 Today is also a good day to stick to your partner, alone. That means rather than party or go out for a social date, it’s actually better for you to stick with the person you love, only. It’s not that there’s any danger in socializing, but it’s as if you are being handed this primo opportunity to get closer to your mate, and well, you don’t want to blow that. If communication is the key to having a long-lasting romance (and it IS) then grab the opportunities as they make themselves available to you…as in today. Grab it.

Who are the three zodiac signs luckiest in love on November 9, 2022?

Could be Gemini, Cancer, and Leo.

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) You can honestly say that you’ve learned from your mistakes; at least, the most recent ones, that’s for sure. When it comes to your own relationship, you know better than to insist on anything. The days of making sure your partner admits to you being some kind of superior being are long gone, and even you recognize that that was a helluva tall order to insist upon. During the Moon and Jupite in Pisces, you’ll be a lot easier on yourself, and it will show in how you respect yourself. You used to enjoy sparring for the sake of it, but now you’ve come to realize that it’s easier to just talk things out. What you’ve also learned, and this is probably your biggest lesson of the year, is to LISTEN. Jupiter in Pisces lets you own this idea: if you listen to your partner, they will respect you more. It’s true. RELATED: Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples

2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) You are someone who enjoys going out and being social; you love making new friends and loyalty plays a huge part in your life. Your love relationships are monogamous and meaningful, and during Jupiter in Pisces, the romance that you are presently in is about to step it up a notch as well. That’s what thrills you; the idea of actually growing with the person you are with, as opposed to pretending everything is just perfect. You would rather be honest with yourself, and if you find a weed, you pluck it out. You treat your relationship like it was a garden; it needs upkeep, but wow, when the elements are all in the right place, it’s practically miraculous. This is the kind of beauty you will come face to face with during Jupiter in Pisces. Your relationship stands to gain great traction on this day. RELATED: 6 Kind-Hearted Zodiac Signs Who Get Hurt The Most

3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Whatever it is, boredom must not be a part of it. You detest boredom, and you are rarely bored by your own self, so if there’s boredom to be had, it’s probably because your partner hasn’t come up with anything that bears interest. Good thing you happen to be with someone who is flawlessly interesting, and holy smokes, do they ever keep your interest? During the Jupiter in Pisces, you and the person you are in a relationship with will not only grow closer, but you’ll also find new things to enjoy about each other. Jupiter is a beautiful influence that always lets us see the good in everything we do. You and your person will reach new heights on this day. Both of you will be acting on the gut feeling you both have: “I love my partner. They are definitely the most interesting person in the world.” Now THAT can’t be beaten, Leo. Looks like a grrrrreat day for you, Lion. RELATED: The 5 Most Romantic Zodiac Signs In Astrology Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.