There’s much to rejoice about this week, as we’ve got a few hefty transits coming our way, and many of them are supportive in terms of love, romance, and long-lasting relationships. One of our main allies is the transit of the Moon sextile Mars in Aries, which brings about in us not only a need to communicate well with our lovers but an ability to make something good out of our conversation. We will be building bridges made of thought, this week, and these bridges will make it easier for us to communicate with our mates in the future. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Weekly Horoscopes For June 27 - July 3, 2022 This week has in store for us power and drive; we are directed, and we have relationship goals. If we want to feel secure in our relationships, we know that we need to put in the effort. And because we have a fantastically beneficial transit, Venus sextile Jupiter, on Sunday, June 28, we will see our efforts bear fruit. What we put into our romantic relationships is what we will get, so make sure your intentions are constructed well, as there’s much luck this week placed on the manifesting of dreams and desires. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes, June 27 - July 3, 2022 With the Sun square Jupiter, we can aim big and achieve many things that we might have thought impossible. Because the power of communication is so ON this week, we can share with our loved ones our great ideas and grand schemes, knowing that they will be enthused and excited to participate. This week belongs to lovers and to those who are content to stay in one relationship. It’s a week where many of us admit to feeling better when the relationship is monogamous. While Jupiter may expand our minds, we will not be straying off the commitment path, but rather, building on it, together. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For July 1 - 31, 2022 Here’s what’s happening for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius zodiac signs this week.

Why these three zodiac sign are the luckiest in love the week of June 27 to July 3, 2022:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) There’s a good reason for you to feel optimistic and joyful this week, and that is because your love life is about to be refreshed. It’s as if you and your person have come to a place where the only thing required of you is total honesty. You’ve come to know that if you both speak the truth, boldly and bravely, at least you both know what you’re dealing with. You are very close to your partner, and you can see how this is a relationship that is not only special but rare; you respect each other and you can see new potential almost every single day of your time together. Because of all the Jupiter transits taking place this week, you’ll get the feeling that there is no limit to how much you can love each other. Your best day for love and connection is on Tuesday, June 28, as Venus sextile Jupiter rules the sky and allows you to feel one hundred percent safe in the love you have. RELATED: How To Deepen Love In Any Relationship Using 5 Psychological Tricks

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) The fire signs have it this week, and that includes you and your amazing personality. This is a good week for you to show your love just how much they mean to you, and because you have that awesome charm and style, you are guaranteed to wow them. You like impressing people, and you’ve always held your partner as the number one person in your life … you never grow tired of impressing them, as they mean so much to you. You also like it that they’re receptive to you, as you can be a gigantic presence, especially when you’re in love. With the Moon in Cancer, you’ll bring in a surprise element: calm. Because you are so passionate and overwhelming, you’ll find that the Moon in Cancer’s energy helps to temper those emotional responses so that they seem sincere. Over-the-top reactions can read as dishonest at times, and you mean every word you say, in love. The Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer helps tame the wild beast in you. RELATED: Signs You’ve Met Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame, By Zodiac Sign

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) With the sky literally covered with Jupiter-based transits, you won’t be able to help but have a fantastic week, and thanks to Venus’ influence during the week, you can rest assured that the ‘fantastic’ part has to do with love and romance. It looks like you and the person you are with have found something to focus on. And while this may not be a new interest for you to share, it’s something that will suddenly pop up for you this week, as the idea of traveling or exploring a new area nearby to where you live. There’s a definite ’travel’ vibe here, but it’s more along the lines of planning and getting excited about doing, rather than actually getting on a plane and going somewhere. And, as we all know, it’s all about the journey, and less about the destination. You and your loved one will find something to share this week that will not only be fun but something to look forward to. It’s adventure time! RELATED: The Powerful Psychological Trick To To Make Someone Think About You Nonstop Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.