It’s the last day of the year, and you and your partner have been together successfully for a long time to meet your criteria for long-term planning. On this day, during the transit of Venus conjunct Pluto, you will decide that today is the day; you want to walk into the new year with this person, and you want it to be official. This isn’t a casual relationship; you are ready to make that known. Venus conjunct Pluto taps into the side of us that worries over love situations and desperately wants them to feel secure. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope For January 2 - 8, 2023 We are suspicious during this time and somewhat distrustful; we may trust our partners fully, but this transit begs us to see something wrong. If we are susceptible, we might follow this lead until we find something. Fortunately, the only real and true discovery that will take place on this day, December 31, 2022, is that, despite our findings, we want to be with this person until the bitter end, as they say. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For January 2023 We are now ready for a long-term relationship, which means we are mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for a big change. For the three signs of the Zodiac, today will feel like ‘growing up.’ We’ve finally arrived at the place where we want to make commitments; we want the challenge and to succeed.

The three zodiac signs who are ready to commit during Venus conjunct Pluto on December 31, 2022:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Another year down, and what can you say for yourself? You feel good, Leo, and you are also inspired; you want only the best in the new year. And, if you are, to be honest with yourself — as Venus conjunct Pluto tends to bring out the honesty in everyone — you will conclude that if you are to feel happy, secure, and not worried about love or romance anymore. It might be the right time to commit to the person you are with and sign on for a lifetime membership. You are now ready to take this relationship to the next level. You see no reason you should hesitate, as life seems to be speeding along at a rapid pace, and in your way, you feel it profoundly. You want this next year to be defined as the one where you and your life partner spend time together, happily, as one. RELATED: Why He Keeps You Around Even If He Doesn’t Want A Relationship

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) A strange kind of urgency comes with your every move today, Sagittarius, and it makes you want to secure everything in place. This crosses over into your feelings about your partner as well; you want more than to know they are there for you — you want to secure this relationship into place so that you can label it. You may be the free spirit of zodiac signs, but you like your security. During Venus conjunct Pluto, you’ll want that security talked about aloud. This means that you and the person you’ve been involved with will talk today. That talk will be about the future and what you will do together to ensure it’s beautiful. You will agree to take this long term; the fortunate note is that your person wants this as much as you. RELATED: 10 Questions To Ask A Guy To Find Out What His Intentions Are

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Right now, there’s no such thing as ’try,’ There is only do, and in your world, that means commitment. You are no longer the person who settles for the word ‘casual’ when it comes to your love life. It’s all or nothing, and that’s the ‘concept’ you present to the person you are with today during Venus conjunct Pluto. Interestingly, your person has been suggesting this to you for a long time, and you weren’t ready for a long-term commitment until now. Now, everything seems to click into a place where this idea is concerned. You want to know that 2023 is going to be spent with this person securely in place. You do not want to be with them casually; it’s a long term from here on out…or it’s non-existent. Now, you are ready. RELATED: How To Go From Casual To Committed & Build A Relationship That Lasts Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.