We’ve learned to do ‘self-care’ and we’ve also learned that taking care of ourselves is probably the best thing we can do. When we have self-respect, we put ourselves on a different level where we don’t easily let problematic people in; if someone is there to disturb our peace, we know it, and we avoid it easily. Then again, there are times when self-respect isn’t enough, and we have to boldly TAKE what we want, and to hell with the consequences. During the Moon trine Uranus, we will see what we need — in our love relationship — and we will just go for it. RELATED: What To Do When You Start Losing Yourself To A Selfish Guy Let them call us selfish or self-centered; it doesn’t matter. We know what we need and this time, on October 3, 2022, we’re not going to let go of it. We are not going to be pushed over. This is where self-respect takes an active stand. Sometimes, it really is good enough to just ‘know’ what we want and stand by it, and then there are times like today when the Moon trine Uranus is in the sky and it’s telling us that we don’t have to take it. Romances tend to get lazy after a while, and that could either mean the beginning of the end or, the beginning of one person’s dissatisfaction. For those who wish to live happily, today allows in just the right amount of selfishness in love.

The three zodiac signs who are selfish in love during the Moon trine Uranus on October 3, 2022

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) You don’t mind being selfish in love, as you are the person living your life and it’s you who has to be the one who calls the shots, where you are concerned. While you are incredibly gracious and generous with the person you are involved with, you’re also somebody who is always aware of the give and take aspect in any relationship, and during the Moon trine Uranus, you’ll be all the more aware of what it is that you’re getting, which seems to be very little these days…and that makes you feel on edge and somewhat upset. You aren’t intimidated and so you aren’t afraid to say what’s on your mind or change things up radically if it so suits your personality. That’s how Uranus influences you — it makes you love and respect yourself even more, and because you’ll never let yourself be treated badly, you’ll step in and grab what you need. Selfish? Nah, just self-respecting. RELATED: If You Answer ‘No’ To Any Of These 13 Questions, Your Relationship Is Headed For Trouble

2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) You may have to go over something with your loved one today that you’ve gone over a hundred zillion times already, and honestly, you’re starting to get tired of it. This may refer to your partner’s jealousy or possessiveness.  They are freaky when it comes to how afraid they are of you leaving them. Being that you have no intention of hurting them, leaving them or betraying them, it’s becoming ridiculous when they rev up their motors and begin their questioning routine. You are faithful and true, and you don’t feel you need to act the role of the guilty party just to ease this paranoid person’s mind. Today, during the Moon trine Uranus, you will take the role of the selfish person; if your mate hasn’t trusted you yet, then let them figure it out on their own. You feel like you can no longer be part of this ridiculous game. Let them figure it out. RELATED: 10 Hard-To-Accept Signs Your Relationship Has No Future

3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Today is just another day in the long lineup of days where you take the selfish route, and in your mind, rightfully so. So what if you are selfish in love? Are you supposed to just let your partner be the only one who ‘gets good things’? Certainly not, however, the Moon trine Uranus is going to bring out a strange take on how you handle the ups and downs of your relationship, and that is by making you feel competitive. Yes, that’s right; you are going to selfishly take more than what your partner gets, and you’re going to flaunt it in their face. They have no idea you’re a competitor now, and so your behavior is going to come across as pushy and weird. In your selfishness today, you are going to make sure your partner knows who the boss is, who the better-looking of the two is, and who has more money, more friends, and more public adoration. It’s a total Leo-fest, and if they call you ‘selfish’ then…they’re just jealous, right? RELATED: 6 Signs You’re Not In Love With Him — You’re In Competition Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.