Whenever we have this kind of event, we feel energetic and aware; we are attracted to everyone and everything and our approach are that the entire world is made for us to discover. This is an exciting transit as it brings out the very best in us. We feel good about ourselves and are willing to see the good in others. That’s how the Sun’s sextile Moon affects us down here on Earth. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Break Up During Saturn Retrograde, June 4 - October 23, 2022 Because, on this day, we also have the Moon in Cancer, we may feel as though we are extraordinarily empathetic; we feel the pain of others as well as the pleasure.     We don’t have filters on us to block out the noise of the day, and that can work both ways. For some zodiac signs, it will, thankfully, work for us in positive ways. Today is the kind of day where we tell someone that we love them, only to find out that they’ve loved us all along. Some of us will feel very lucky in love on this day, as there doesn’t feel as though there’s anything in our way. Because we love ourselves, we can approach people in an easy-going manner; we are not desperate or needy on this day. We bring with us what is needed to show another person our true intentions, and for our efforts, we will see great love come to us, in return. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love The Week Of August 22 - 28, 2022

The three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love and relationships on August 21, 2022:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Today is a good day to celebrate the love you’ve found, as everything seems to be going along swimmingly. You don’t want to ’notice’ it too hard for fear of jinxing it, but honestly, you’re doing very well in the love department, Cancer. Because you’ve learned so many lessons in love over the years, you’ve come to understand what is essential if you are to be part of a love affair that continues on and on. During the Sun sextile Moon, you feel at home in this love; there is no threat, your person is not acting in any kind of disturbing way, and for the first time in a long while, you feel at ease. This is your version of luck. All you ever wanted was to be able to not worry day and night about where your lover is or what they are doing. Now, you find yourself in a very civilized love affair and it suits you perfectly. Enjoy your beautiful life.  RELATED: 7 Things You Must Do To Create Your Own Luck & Get What You Want

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) What you feel today is more than just luck in love; you feel lucky in life. What you’ve come to notice is that no matter what brings you down, you always seem to rise to the top, despite the challenges you face. In love, you have come to recognize that it’s not always perfect and that it’s OK to experience the downside of love as well as the upside, with the person you are present with. Your person has a lot of patience and you have most certainly put them through the tests; it’s amazing that they’ve stayed with you, though you know yourself as a fairly amazing person to be with. Still, during the Sun sextile Moon on August 21, you’ll feel very secure in your love affair and very willing to play the part of an attentive lover. Today brings you an appreciation of life; you have a fantastic life, Leo, and today lets you kick back and enjoy it. RELATED: How A Man ‘Tests’ A Woman’s Compatibility, Based On His Zodiac Sign

3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) You feel as though you’ve given way too much time to feel bad about love and your love life in general, and that it’s time to either start something new or seriously get to fixing what you already have. The way things look, you’ll be working on what needs your attention, right now. You love the fantasy of starting over, but the reality of it seems like way too much work. You love the person you are partnered with, though the excitement seems to have taken a backseat, and that’s what’s been bothering you. However, during Sun sextile Moon, it hits you that you make up 50% of this relationship and that you can absolutely add to the healing of it, and so … you do. You decide on this day to do your duty and actively pursue making your already established relationship into the thrilling one it used to be. You see potential in what you already have, and on this day, you decide to put your money where your mouth is. RELATED: Why A 50/50 Relationship Is A Myth & Doesn’t Last Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.