It’s a good feeling, and on this day, during this transit — Moon trine Jupiter — we’re going to see that we’re not just ‘in love,’ we’re making plans in our heads for the future with this person. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For January 9 - 15, 2023 We see greatness ahead, and that’s not only a wonderful feeling; it’s a sign that we take this relationship very seriously. We want this to become something more…and we will work towards that, starting today. Because Jupiter’s influence is so powerful, we have no time for negativity today. We plow right into the good stuff because why bother with anything less? We look to our partners on this day for you to confirm. “Am I doing well?” We ask because we want to please them, as they mean so much to us. We confront no fears on this day as Moon trine Jupiter washes away the notion of fright. We may be confrontative, but somehow…we remain polite. That’s nice of us! And nicer still for the person we love to hear and experience our adoring concerns. It’s a deeply inspiring day for lovers, and the key here is all about faith, not religious faith, but the belief that everything can work out for the best. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Heal From Heartache During The Moon In Leo, January 7 - 9, 2023 Sometimes, we fail ourselves and put our faith into negativity, figuring that this is all we’ll ever get. Well, it certainly will be all we ever get if that’s how we think. Today holds no room for negative thinking. So, honor your mind because that beautiful mind of yours will make sense out of this lucky-in-love day.

The three zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love on January 8, 2023:

1. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) On January 8, the last thing you want is dissension; you want only love, sweet love and nothing less. This implies that you’ve been having romantic troubles as of late, and honestly, they are tiring you out. You don’t fear a break-up, as you aren’t ’that kind of couple.’ No, you’re rock solid, and during the Moon trine Jupiter, you feel it all the more. However, you’ve been looking for something to hang on to, to pump up hope, and today gives you exactly what you’re looking for. Don’t be surprised if your partner approaches you today with some insane idea for an adventure that’s to take place in the future. They may even shock you with their nerves as they seem very confident that the two of you will be together in ‘said’ future. All of this will melt your heart, Libra. Be prepared to turn into a goofy puddle of love today. RELATED: How To Get (Pretty Much) Anything You Want From Your Partner

2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) You’ve been needing a day like this one, and because this day comes with Moon trine Jupiter, you’ll notice how much joy you receive from the simplest things. Your partner will be especially nice to you today for no reason, and you will want to repay their kindness. When you have days like this one, you almost want to shut up so as not to disturb the balance, and in a way, ‘shutting up’ might not be a bad choice as it seems words don’t really convey the good feeling of the day — not in the way silence does. You and your partner will have a very peaceful day today; nobody is fighting, and the animosity level is nil. All you really want is to be together, wrapped in each other’s arms, loving life and feeling good about the future. RELATED: 6 Early Ways To Tell If You’re Actually Compatible With The Person You Love

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Recently, you might have made a faux-pas in front of your lover, and even though you didn’t intend to say such a silly thing, you did say it, and now the ghost of that phrase still lingers around the love affair, making you feel as though you’ve done something wrong. That’s your head, Aquarius, doing a number on you. Remember this: we’re only human, and sometimes, yes, we say the wrong thing. Jupiter’s energy is here to save the day, however, as it has the power to rectify situations that have somehow become misunderstood. The relief that you’ll feel on this day will be palpable. It seems that your partner was never really offended and that the entire calamity was in your mind. On one hand, it teaches you to be more discreet in the future, and on the other hand, you’ll learn that it’s a lot harder to get rid of your partner than you think it is. Looks like they’re down for life. Sounds like a plan! RELATED: What You Want Vs. What You Need In A Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.