Basically, what’s meant here is this: three zodiac signs will be luckiest in love by spending much of this day coming up with great scenarios to enjoy with our loved ones. As we let ourselves dive further and further into fantasy, we may come up with the idea that this doesn’t have to stay ‘inside the mind’ and that it might be a very fun thing to share with the right person. And that right person is, of course, our romantic partner. And, it just so happens that they’re into it! So, for some zodiac signs, today is about parlaying a wild idea to the person we’re involved with, for the purpose of piquing their interest. Just the ’newness’ alone will have our partner’s attention, and on this day, one thing leads to another, and before we all know it, we’re living out our fantasies and having a blast in the process. If you feel confident this week, then just be grateful for the feeling and follow it into the unknown waters. Who knows, there may be mermaids!

Which three zodiac signs will be luckiest in love on October 12, 2022?

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20) You get tired of being your own worst enemy at times, Gemini, and you become this by being the presence of constant doubt — in your own life. Today has you throwing caution to the breeze; however, as you realize that you just don’t have the time to spend feeling crappy any longer. In rebellion, you may just end up grabbing your partner’s hand and taking them somewhere that’s fun and unexpected; you want to have a good time and you know that your partner would enjoy the change of pace, as well. You really are made of nothing but good intentions today, and this is going to work so well for you, as Moon sextile Neptune is all for you spending quality time with the person you love while NOT complaining. That’s it, Gemini keeps the complaints down and the positive intentions up, up, up. RELATED: The 4 Types Of Intimacy Every Happy Couple Has

2. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18) You’ll be taught a lesson on this day, Aquarius, and while that may not sound too positive, it’s actually extremely positive. Today is the day when you realize that your person is into you, and not your money or your things. You just went along with the idea that, while the two of you do have your fun, you just assume that this person isn’t all that madly in love with you as they might be with your possessions. Fortunately, you’ll discover that this person is so much less materialistic than you are and that they just enjoy your company, filthy rich or not. You may get a chuckle over this idea, thinking it impossible, but you’ll see. Seems you’re worth loving anyway, Aquarius with or without your money suit on. RELATED: How To Fix An Emotionally Draining Relationship (Before It’s Too Late)

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20) With Moon sextile Neptune as your main influence on this day, you’ll find that you are not the only one who takes solace in your fantasy life it seems that your romantic partner enjoys all of your dreams and schemes and in some way, you comfort them every time you share a fantasy scenario with them. You take your fantasies very seriously and you hold them as portals to new worlds that show promise, joy, and love On this day, during Moon sextile Neptune, you and your partner in love and life will share many secret smiles during this day, as there’s a definite feeling between you of, “only we know this and isn’t it cool?” Today is the day for secret pacts and mysterious vows of undying love to be made. It’s a highly romantic day, especially if you consider romance to be something that exists best in fantasy. RELATED: Why You Should Get Married First And Fall In Love Later Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.