This day is one of the lucky ones where love is concerned, and what we do today with our loved one could set up a lifetime of good feelings we merely have to say the right thing today, or else. Good thing to know is that the ‘right thing’ is obvious and able to be talked about and today is here to bring us some of that good ol’ down-to-earth conversation. We are days away from an eclipse in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love The Week Of October 24 - 30, 2022 And today, what we are working with is the Moon conjunct with Mercury, which should be very helpful to us as we graze past a few less-than-helpful transits, such as a Moon trine Mars, or Moon square Pluto. How this is going to parlay in real life is in the way we are conscious of the bad stuff, while being able to push it aside to make way for the good stuff. In other words, we’re completely aware that life isn’t a bowl of cherries, but we certainly don’t have to dwell on that forever. Moon’s conjunction with Mercury helps us steer ourselves to higher ground. On this day, we readily admit that our relationships are perfect, but so what? We’ll deal. We are strong and we are determined to get past whatever obstacles may stand in our way. Nothing seems impossible, and on this day, October 24, 2022, we look at problems as challenges that are already solved.

The three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on October 24, 2022:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) You might be feeling like it’s time to get out of your head and into some action, this week, Cancer, as you feel you’ve spent enough time ‘figuring things out’, and now, you just want to see your brain work turn into reality. Essentially, this means that you’re no longer in the ’let’s talk this out’ phase with your romantic partner; now, you want to implement the changes you’ve spoken about with them. They are eager to please and ready, willing and able to make you happy, and the truth is, there is nothing this person wants more than for you to be happy and to feel safe and secure. You’re lucky on this day because all the ’little things’ will be shown to you. You will end this day feeling wrapped up in the warm embrace of your partner’s love and affection. RELATED: 7 ‘Little Things’ That Make People A Lot Happier In Their Relationships

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) You love a good conversation; especially one that ends up with you and your romantic partner exploring new territories when it comes to intimacy and the expression of physical love. You express yourself well in this department, and with Moon conjunction Mercury backing you up in the communication zone, you’ll be feeling very, very free as you express yourself romantically to this person. You are always a thrill for them, and they most certainly hope to remain the same kind of thrill for you, too. That they care means the world to you, and this person has no reservations when it comes to showing you what you mean to them. Today simply ramps up that good feeling and adds to it the physical element that means oh so much to you both. Enjoy your time well spent. RELATED: 50 Little Things Men Do That Women Secretly Love

3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) Because there might be a new person in your life, you’ll want to pay a lot of attention to them on this day, as Moon’s conjunction with Mercury supplies you with the right words to say. Communication is big on this day, so if you want to impress this new person, then you have the floor, as they say. Take the lead and show your new love what you’re made of. Show off! You don’t get to do this later on down the road, so take advantage of the transits right now and let this person know how impressive you really are, Capricorn. You might not be in love, but you’re certainly open, so why not at least give them a fighting chance? Today is your day to dazzle the newbie, and you know how much fun new blood can be. Delight in your powers of seduction today, Capricorn. It’s all about you, star. RELATED: If You Do These 8 No-Nos, You’ll Never Fall In Love Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.