If you’re an Aries, Taurus, or an Aquarius zodiac sign—or if you know one, or love one, listen up because this astrology forecast has great news for you! The Moon will enter Aquarius as it conjuncts with Pluto making Halloween of 2022 both lucky and imaginative for three zodiac signs. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Find Out Who Loves Them During Moon In Aquarius On October 31, 2022     We could compare the entire day to the concept of Halloween, itself. Today is the day we get to hide behind masks and pretend to be someone other than ourselves. While it’s all fun, frolic, and tradition, there’s something about this particular day with all of its particular transits that supports the idea of ‘being someone else’. Moon conjunct Pluto lets us tap into the darker sides of our zodiac personalities. This doesn’t necessarily mean anything negative, it just implies that we all have other facets to our personality that aren’t generally seen by the public or by the person we are in a romantic relationship with. And if there’s anyone in the world who might be privy to this ‘other’ it’s the person we are involved with. So, Monday is the day when lovers show each other their dark side and in most cases, that’s a pretty fantastic share. The zodiac sign of Aquarius helps us release our inhibitions so that we can feel safe enough to play a role for the sake of having fun or doing something completely different within the relationship. Halloween encourages us to explore the other side of ourselves, and on this day, astrologically, some of us will find out that it’s fun to role-play. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes For October 31 - November 6, 2022 It’s fun to pretend, and it’s good for the relationship to occasionally pretend to be an entirely different person.

The three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on October 31, 2022 are Aries, Taurus and Aquarius:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) Your zodiac sign is all for keeping things alive and interesting when it comes to your love life, and today brings in that element of fun, being that it’s Halloween and that this day falls during the Moon conjunct Pluto. Being that you are Mars-ruled, you are fearless when it comes to love, you will have no qualms about doing something very different to surprise the person you are with. You might want to get dressed up as some extraordinary character today, or, you may end up delighting in the idea that they wish to do the same for you. There is nothing ordinary about this day, and while it’s traditionally a commercial holiday, it reaches deeper when it comes to those who are in love. Because love has created a bond between you and your partner, you will find that you trust them even more on this day and that you can now see the even greater potential here for romantic growth. RELATED: 8 Reasons Aries Women Are The Best Women To Love

2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) With Moon conjunct Pluto falling on this day, during Halloween, you’ll feel so mischievous and giddy that your partner will either love your attitude to pieces, or you’ll drive them away forever. Alas, they wouldn’t be YOUR partner. It is a little old transit like Moon’s conjunct Pluto could drive them away, and so, instead, you’ll experience what it’s like to create new interest in your romantic life. Your partner will not be able to get enough of you today, as they find you to be not only attractive but different. You recognize in them their need for fun and excitement, and this feels like a fun challenge for you. You can show your Taurus personality a different side to you today, and that might open the doors to more and more imaginative fun later on down the road. RELATED: Taurus Compatibility In Love & Relationships

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) You are off the chain today, Aquarius! Your mood is exceptional, and you are in love — what could be better? Things are moving along very well in this relationship of yours, and on this day, October 31, 2022, you’ll encounter Moon conjunct Pluto, which will put into your mind that ’there’s more to this than what we see.’ You and your partner will want to explore the hidden sections of each other’s minds today and while it may take the form of a physical encounter, what’s really happening is that you have both decided to take the relationship to a deeper level. You’re at one of those ’trust junctures’ where the feeling is now or never and this refers to being honest. Today brings out a new kind of honesty between the two of you; the kind that can only bring you closer together. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve The Week Of October 31 - November 6, 2022 Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.