We believe in love today, and we know in our hearts that this is something that takes work. However, it is work that we sign up for; we want this. Helping us transition from Cancer season to Leo sun is the healing hand of Jupiter in Aries, which will remind us that our convictions are worth the effort. This transit gives us backbone; we aren’t afraid of the future or scared off by the silly things that can offset a relationship. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love That’s Uncomplicated During Saturn in Aquarius On Thursday, July 21, 2022 We’re past the hyper-sensitive stage, and with Jupiter now in Aries, as of July 21, we feel calm, if not stoic, and strong in our love. While others are still testing the waters of their romantic lives, several signs of the Zodiac are already established in theirs. If your sign is mentioned below, then you can expect to laugh off the trivial disappointments as you see everything as part of the process of loving a person. It’s never been easy, but most of that is because we resisted change — the kind of change we need to make. In the end, it’s all about the compromise. While Aries transits don’t ordinarily lend themselves to compromise, Jupiter pushes us to accept that if two people are to live together in peace, then compromise must be a part of the package deal.     RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Crush Gets Revealed During The Sun Sextile Mars This Summer 2022

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are the Luckiest In Love On Thursday, July 21, 2022

1.  Aries

(March 21 - April 19) You are now at the point in your life where you want things to work. Whether it’s work or your health, you are no longer interested in everyday life’s drama or theatrics. And when it comes to your love life, you feel even more adamant about the idea of a peaceful, loving situation. Today puts you in touch with gratitude; whether you are single or partners, it matters not. What you feel is grateful for the experiences you’ve had that led you to this place, as each partner has given you something valuable to work with. If you are with someone now, you may end up treating them better than you’ve ever treated anyone before, and if you’re starting up a new relationship or simply looking to be in one, then you can feel confident that your attitude is all you need to watch out for. You are responsible only for your good nature, and you will become a magnetic force of love that cannot be resisted.

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) As of recently, you’ve taken on a new attitude in love; you accept the present and whatever it gives. While that may sound vague, it’s definite in your mind, as it means that whatever you’re presently living with is OK. If you have a love in your life, you are pleased with how it’s all working out. If you are not with anyone now, you’re equally as content because you do not want what you do not have. It’s that simple. And while this is more than just a self-love statement, it’s about feeling that you’re OK ‘as is’ and that this brings luck to you. When you aren’t a vacuum of neediness, others don’t see you as a bottomless pit they cannot fill. You attract the right people to you today because you aren’t trying. You put out of confident vibe, allowing you to draw the right people in love with you. RELATED: How To Keep A Positive Attitude In A Negative World

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) You probably aren’t expecting things to go as well as they will today, but there’s something that you do that makes everything work out well. You give love so freely to animals, children and friends in need that you create this aura of pure beauty around you. Today, you’re the Saint Francis of the day — you give love unconditionally. Your love life benefits through this, and your partner looks at you dreamily and in awe. You are impressive, to say the least, and all it takes is one look from you, and whoever is on the receiving end of that gaze will feel happy to know you. Your friends are in love with you today, and your partner is head over heels; expect gifts and sweet words today, all of which will be joyful and unexpected. You deserve this sweetness, Pisces, relish the moment! RELATED: What Unconditional Love Really Looks Like In Healthy Relationships Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.