On September 22, 2022, three zodiac signs will be the luckiest in love because we have the Autumnal equinox, or rather, the beginning of Fall. For so many people, this strikes a chord of happiness in them, and this is especially true for three zodiac signs. RELATED: How Libra Season 2022 Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Relationship From September 23 - October 22, 2022 Fall is one of those amazing seasons not quite as dreary and cold as Winter, and not as hellishly hot as Summer. This day, which also happens to usher in the Libra sun, is symbolic of change, hope and work. It’s going to feel good to have our sun in Libra, especially as Virgo left us a little too uptight. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships During The Month Of September 2022 Libra loosens us up and plunks us down in reality; this is the beginning of taking things seriously, but not too seriously. New jobs happen during Libra sun, and new love may be just around the corner as well. Ironically, we think of Summer as the season where love blows the doors to our life down, but it’s during the Autumn that we are in a place where love can flourish — because we aren’t traveling everywhere and we have to maintain our ‘regular’ business schedule. This is the season for a new love: for renewed vows, and for knowing that ‘Winter is coming.’ We want to be secure in whatever relationship we have going on right now. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For September 19 - September 25, 2022 This first day of Libra, during the Autumnal equinox is the perfect day to start a journey into the heart and soul of love itself.

Read on to find out which three zodiac signs will be the luckiest in love on September 22, 2022.

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) What makes you feel lucky in love today is the idea that you feel you’ve finally gotten it all together, meaning, whatever mistakes you made over the summer are things you are going to learn from, mainly because you aren’t into flubbing things…again. Libra has that kind of effect on you; it puts you in touch with your own reality and in your case, Gemini, it’s all about learning and imbibing the lessons. You are just about over the hard times and now, your newly acquired wisdom puts you in a different category when it comes to love: you are wiser now and therefore you come across as calm, approachable, and unthreatening. You no longer scare people away — a trait you’ve developed out of defense. Because you were afraid to be hurt, you shut yourself down, but Fall has other plans for you, as your heart is now open and ready. Vulnerability is something you now embrace, and because of that, love will be coming your way. RELATED: How To Protect Your Heart Without Closing It Off To Love Completely

2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) Welcome to your zodiac sign’s reign in the sun, Libra. You’ll be starting out this Autumnal equinox with a bang, and a ‘bang’ in your case means a date with someone you really like. During Virgo season, this person showed you that they are interested in you, and you actually held them off thinking that it was too good to be true. You, at one point, doubted that you even could be loved, which is why you came off as hard to approach. Libra sun frees you up a bit and lets you let your hair down, so to speak. This new person in your life is so patient and easy-going — they’re perfect for you. On this day, you might want to trust the situation more than find reasons to pick it apart. You might just be on to something really special, Libra. Life is for living, so get on it! RELATED: 10 Things That Must Happen To Make Two People Fall Crazy In Love

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) You are going to be welcoming in this new season with open arms and an open heart, and your own personal warmth will be so attractive to someone in your life that they are going to ask you if you want to ‘go out’ with them. This feels exciting; something like this hasn’t happened to you in a while, and with Libra sun paving the way, you feel as though you might be at the beginning of a new love life. There’s promise in the air and while you usually tend to overanalyze things like this, today has you just going with it. The Autumn equinox represents newness and change in your Pisces world, and you’re about ready to bring about that change. You feel more than lucky in love today, Pisces. You feel whimsical and free-spirited. There’s finally a place in your world for falling in love, and so, you are going to trust the situation and go for the experience. RELATED: 5 Powerful Types Of Trust Every Relationship Needs If You Want It To Last Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.