This week has so much in store for us, where love is concerned, and it most certainly will be a week that has us looking at love from every single vantage point. Love may end up as a very simple thing, but to know it, to get to that place takes us into complex thought-scapes. Love is here for everyone, and it will be during this week that we get to see it from all sides of the coin. Ahead, we are looking at how love will test us, in the form of transits Moon opposite Jupiter, Moon sextile Venus, Moon in Scorpio, Sun sextile Moon, Moon square Venus and Moon in Sagittarius. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For September 2022 These are the main players this week, and while they are not necessarily ’love transits’ they are helpful to us in so much as they let us know what love really means to us. Do we take it seriously, or is it a nonchalant kind of thing? This week puts us in touch with how we feel about love itself, and the results are stellar. While everybody gets a fair shake at knowing themselves and figuring out what love means to them this week, there will be three select signs that rise to the surface for lessons and answers. Don’t expect love to drop in your laps this week; that’s not what the first week of September has in store for us. Rather, this week will put us in touch with what is important to us, and how we can keep our self-respect while taking a chance on love. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Break Up During Saturn Retrograde, June 4 - October 23, 2022 Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio get ready for the best time ever.

You are the three zodiac signs who are the luckiest in love the week of August 29 - September 4, 2022.

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) Walking into September is such a good feeling for you, and you wouldn’t be off base if you thought that this week had something awesome in store for you. Your intuition is on point, Virgo, and you would be right: something super fun is going to happen to you and it’s going to make your heart sing, which implies that YES, it has to do with love and romance. All you really want is affection and attention, and while that may be what everyone wants essentially, you will manage to get what you need during the week even if it happens the hard way. With all of these ’lesson giving’ transits at hand, nothing is going to be easy, but what you’ll eventually be able to hold on to will be the stuff that dreams are made of, Virgo. Just hang in there and wait for the good stuff, because even though it may not be obvious at first, by the week’s end, you’ll be swimming in the glitter of it all. RELATED: The 5 Most Dramatic Zodiac Signs In Astrology That Exaggerate Everything

2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) What you’ve got going for you is that crazy ol’ half Moon in Sagittarius power, and it enables you to see the future in a positive way. Sagittarius works so well on your mind as you aren’t one to give in to limitations, and Sag is always there to broaden the horizons of any event. In love, this transit allows you to see that it’s up to you as to whether you want excitement in your life or not when it comes to the person you’re with. This week will have you examining your love life and coming up with both plans for its future and ways you can improve your own self. You’ve gone down the selfish-in-love route and all it’s gotten you is doubt, boredom, and disappointment, and now, during this first week of September, you feel easier about looking to own self for answers. Perhaps you could change for the better. This thought hits you like a blast of icy cold water, and as soon as you see the potential here, you’ll be ready for love to take over your world. RELATED: The Animal You See First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Specific Love Language

3. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) This week is not about talking; it’s about action. The kind of action required here comes as a result of deep thought — you don’t want to make any mistakes but you also don’t want to overdo it on the communication. You want to show your loved one that you mean business and that you are the person for them. Talk only gets in the way at this time, as you are much more about proving your love and your intention than you are about listing all the exciting things you’d like to do. You are willing to take the chance of being misunderstood because you see the big picture here: you and your loved one will end up together, happily understanding each other and living in peace for the rest of your lives. At least, that’s how you see it, and rather than state it in words, you will spend this week showing this person that you are a person of action; you live up to your promises and you are reliable, through good times and bad. RELATED: If You Have These 30 Traits, Consider Yourself An Empath Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.