Now, having transits that intersect with Venus doesn’t automatically guarantee luck in love, but love is the focal point here, and this week looks to have us feeling good about our love lives; however, we get there. And that’s the kicker right there: how do we get to the place where our love lives are looking good and feeling fine? RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Week, September 26 - October 2, 2022 One of the better transits, Moon opposition Neptune, brings about a certain kind of clarity for us, and this is the transit that’s going to have us being very clear with the person we are involved with. We will be asking important questions of them during this time, and because we have Moon sextile Venus towards the end of the week, we will be satisfied and inspired by the answers we receive.     As we plow out of the Mercury retrograde, we will still be experiencing some of the drawbacks when it comes to communication, which is why this week requires proof of love in the form of action. Action speaks louder than words this week, and so if there is something that our mate needs, we either provide it, or we walk away because excuses and talk have no place in this week’s lovescope. If there were a message to span the true meaning of this week in terms of love and romance, that message would be: Show up for the person you love. Don’t just talk. Put your money where your mouth is.

The three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love during the week of September 26 - October 2, 2022

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) You may find that this week has you wondering if you can come through for your love or not, and being that you love this person, you are going to want to step outside your comfort zone to do what you can to please the person you love. Here’s the thing: you sometimes resent this person for having needs as you aren’t big on transactional relationships, and yet, you’ve come to know that everything is a transaction where you are concerned. If you do something for the person you love, you think of it as part of your scorecard. “I did something for you, now you owe me.” This kind of thinking might be what you need to get past during the week, and the good part is that you will. Once you realize that it’s best to just give of yourself freely, you will find the true meaning of love, and that will please you, indeed. RELATED: 15 Rare Signs That Reveal You’re In A True Partnership

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Being that you are exceptionally good at saying what’s on your mind, you’ll find that the person in your life is more interested in you holding off on the lectures and doing more in terms of being there for them. What they don’t need at this point is to be told what’s wrong or right with them. They need your presence, your love, and they need it in the form of you just being there silently. Once you give them what they want, you’ll notice how freeing it is to just ‘be’ as opposed to just being the star. You don’t need to be anyone other than yourself this week, so there’s no need to show off or prove anything other than that you are there, you are loyal, and you are patient when it comes to whatever they are going through. This week will show you just how multifaceted you are when it comes to love. RELATED: The Silent Treatment Isn’t Cute, It’s Emotional Abuse

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Ever-emotional, your zodiac sign will feel the need to overreact to certain things that go on between you and your loved one during this week, and the advice here is to hold back. What you’re about to learn is that you don’t need to ‘out-love’ a person, nor do you need to overdo it when it comes to showing up for the one you love. What this means is that, in trying to please your romantic partner, you will go to such lengths to show you are the best, that your partner will practically disappear beneath your mighty glow. In other words, you don’t have to compete with your lover to show them that you’re the best there is. This lesson will come quickly and it will change you. In the long run, you’ll benefit by knowing that you don’t need to prove anything anymore, and the real freedom comes from just being there as opposed to competing for the position of ‘best in everything.’ RELATED: How To Manifest Anything: 4 Things You Must Always Do Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.