Moon in Cancer, January 5 -7, 2023 creates an exceptionally touchy mental environment; while this transit can absolutely bring out the best in us, it also has the power to open too many doors to our subconsciousness, and well, you know how that goes: one look inside those dark corners of the mind, and before we know it, we’re a messy bunch of regretful tears. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Need A Break From Love During Sun Trine Uranus On January 5, 2023     And truly, nothing brings the tears out like reminiscing over love gone lost. The early part of the year comes with mixed messages; on one hand, we get ourselves all psyched for success and positivity, while on the other hand, the reality is just what it is. There is usually not much difference between the end of the year and the beginning, but mentally, we expect big positive changes almost immediately. The more we expect, the bigger the disappointment. And so, during Moon in Cancer, many of us, especially certain zodiac signs, will find that our minds wander to the past and the love that never succeeded. Love, sweet love. Oh, what a tease you can be. You bring us up and you let us down, and no matter what, we never forget you. And when we have days like today, January 5, 2023, during Moon in Cancer, we feel it deeply. We’ll get past it may be, but as for today, we’re going to let ourselves fall into that chasm where all we think about is you.

The three zodiac signs who feel sad about love during the Moon in Cancer, January 5 - 7, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) Sometimes, it’s hard to be an Aries. You’re so emotionally involved in everything you do, and everything you’ve done. You still hold such a great attachment to the successes and failures of the past; it’s as if you extend their history by placing these memories in the present. Because you can’t easily let go, you drag it all around with you, and even though others aren’t hip to what you’re doing, you know what you’re doing, and what that is, is not letting go. During the Moon in Cancer, you’ll take that step into the past once again, where you will notice your emotions running frantically; you’ll go from angry to nostalgic to weepy. You’ve always preferred to be angry because it’s a state that feels powerful to you, but it’s also what eats you up inside. Today may be hard for you, Aries, but you will pull through. We have it these days. It’s OK. It’s just life, doing its thing. RELATED: 7 Secret Ways To Build Emotional Intimacy That Lasts

2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) You’ve always been susceptible to the downside of Cancer transits, and as the Moon in Cancer overrules your world today, you might find yourself feeling both agitated and just plain sad. The sadness will fill you as you return to old memories and reflect on what you believe to be your ‘failures.’ You tend to get really down on yourself, especially during the Moon in Cancer, and that most definitely doesn’t add to the picture. You wish you had a neat and tidy past to go over, but yours seems so fraught with troubles and the memories of lovers gone past, that you sometimes don’t know what to do with your mind. Today, you might even feel like your mind is your enemy, as you will definitely be doing some heavy overthinking. If possible, find a distraction just to focus on to get your mind off the past. This won’t last, so hang in there, friend. RELATED: How The Zodiac Signs Deal With Sadness, According To Astrology

3. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) And there you are, celebrating this lunar transit in the only way you know how to on a day like today: with tears. You think of these tears as necessary; a purge of sorts. Today allows you to come to terms with something you’ve avoided looking at for what may even be years, and that is Love. Love itself. Love makes you sad because love, to you, is an ideal, and ideals are very, very hard to reach. You need this good, long cry just to get it all out of your system. You have no plan on stopping the pursuit of love as you still believe in it, but you know that you need to emotionally mourn the loss of those you’ve loved in the past. You are refining, Cancer. You are getting rid of the last remnants of hyper-vulnerability, so that you can tackle the world, once again, in power. RELATED: What Guys Think When They See A Woman Crying Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.