We want a person of quality, someone who has no ulterior motive and is not out to ‘get’ us. We want a soulmate, and fortunately, Moon in Cancer transits tend to bring these situations to life. It will be during Moon in Cancer that certain signs come to know who their soulmate is…and what to do about it. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Friendships Improve During The Moon Square Jupiter On October 15, 2022 Are soulmates necessarily love interests? No, not generally, but they can be, and that is the kind of soulmate we’re interested in, during this lunar phase. We want to be partnered with someone special; we’ve seen enough of ‘how the other side lives’ and we’ve decided that it’s time we live that kind of life, too.     RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Card Reading For October 17 - 23, 2022 And while we’re all conscious of the fact that just because two people get along and can have a happy life together, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are soulmates. Still, there’s something about the idea of a soulmate…it’s so…specific, so…‘meant to be.’ And yes, the soulmate connection is ‘meant to be’ and that is what a few of us here, today, will be able to say we finally have. Moon in Cancer is all about the mind and the heart meeting as one. This is the transit that can make our dreams come true, as it is also the cosmic force that will deliver to us a soulmate, on a silver platter. Who knows who this mysterious person will be? On October 15, 2022, some of us will find out.

The three zodiac signs who find their soulmate during the Moon in Cancer, October 15 - 17, 2022:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20) What makes finding your soulmate on this day so much more than just exciting is that you totally gave up on such a silly idea. You are the perfect example of what it’s like to give it up, only to receive it all. You are not needy, and so you do not reverberate through the universe as a bottomless pit that can never be filled. Instead, you have accepted life as it is, and that’s made you a freer, easier person. During Moon in Cancer, the universe will bring you a surprise: a soulmate connection, in the form of a friend who may very well turn into a romantic partner. What’s special between the two of you is this burning friendship, this beautiful commonality that makes you feel almost familiar to each other. Get ready to meet your soulmate, Gemini. It’s going to feel as though it’s meant to be, and honestly, how could it be otherwise? RELATED: Signs You’ve Met Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame, By Zodiac Sign

2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22) You used to love the idea of a soulmate. That is, of course, until ‘real life’ kicked in and puts you through the wringer. For the last few years, you’ve been feeling like all you do is try to survive, and that the whole ’life is for living’ thing is more like a word game than it is about reality. You’d love to live like a dreamer, as that is who you used to be, and not only that — that’s what people love about you. Yet, you’ve hidden that side of yourself for years, thinking it was no longer viable; your dreams have died. Still, should things change for you, as they will definitely be doing during Moon in Cancer, you would rush at the chance to find someone special to just be yourself with. That person is your soulmate and you’ve never been able to call anyone that before…until now. There is already someone in your life who is meant to be your ‘ride or die’ soulmate, and you’re going to realize who that person is, on October 15, 2022. RELATED: 10 Signs From The Universe That You’re Finally In Love With Your Soulmate

3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21) Your soulmate already exists and while you never really thought of that person that way, during Moon in Cancer, you’ll start to consider that there’s something more to this person than meets the eye. This person is more than your best friend, more than your romantic partner…they are…your familiar. This is someone that you’ve always loved and yet never really considered to be more than what they are, literally. A soulmate, too? Oh yes, Sagittarius. This person is absolutely meant to be in your life, and as time flows forward, you come to know this more and more. Your soulmate ‘reveal’ happens on October 15, but it won’t come with fanfare, no. It’s more like a happy, inner knowledge and a smile on your face will validate this soulmate’s existence in your life. This is a real, deep love that you feel for this person, and they return that love easily and naturally. RELATED: How To Find Your Soulmate Using The Law Of Attraction Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.