Many of us have been in a situation where we love someone, but we know we can’t live with them. Whatever it is that we discover, or what they discover about us, lets us know that what we wanted in a love affair simply cannot work. It’s sad, and oftentimes leads to dissolution; we break up with people with love. The love doesn’t stop, however; it exists in a limbo state as if it’s waiting for a command as to what to do. Oftentimes, after the breakup, both parties dwell in an unhappy place, pondering ways to either move on or get back together with the one they broke up with. We have an exceptional transit today that gives perspective and clarity on this topic, and that transit is Mercury square Jupiter. RELATED: Each Zodiac Signs Weekly Tarot Card Reading For July 11 - 17, 2022     This cosmic event lets us see the big picture; if we are to get back together with the one we love, we can’t just jump right into the old routines. We need a new workable plan, and that’s where Mercury square Jupiter can be of great assistance. Some zodiac signs know better than to rush into a relationship that was outweighed by negativity; if it didn’t work for them, it’s not going to work now. That’s the thinking. However, some other zodiac signs see that life without this person is just too much to deal with, and the need to bring the love back is more important than settling for someone else who might not be as exciting or dynamic as our ex is. Whether it’s the right move or the wrong one, whether we are just needy and fearful of being alone, or we simply can’t live without this person in our lives, it will be during Mercury square Jupiter that we make the decision as to whether or not we reunite with our old love. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Need Change In Their Love Life During Moon In Scorpio, July 8 - 10, 2022

These three zodiac signs who get back with an ex during Mercury square Jupiter on July 9, 2022 have learned a lesson.

Gemini, Virgo, and Scorpio discovered during their breakup that in order to make things work you have to just keep trying.

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) You’ve considered going back with your ex many times. You’ve dwelled on it to the point of obsession, but each time you felt that maybe you should make the move and reach out, you back away. However, enough time has passed and the both of you have grown. You’ve been in touch with your ex just to see how they’re doing, and they seem to be in a better headspace than they were when the two of you were a couple. During Mercury square Jupiter, you will come to the conclusion that maybe all you really needed was the time away from each other to basically ‘grow up.’ You’ve been with other people and so have they, and here you are today, both single, both secretly longing to be back in a relationship with each other. This is the day you bring this topic up to them. You’re past the ‘check in’ point, and now you want to reconnect — as partners. RELATED: 6 Ways To Guarantee His Friends Love You Almost As Much As He Does

2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) You are in a unique situation; you are separated from the person you love and when that separation took place, you were both ready to be away from each other. Time has passed and things have changed; attitudes feel different, and you both can’t help but want to try again. You know that you need to watch your own behavior; it’s not that you wish to present an entirely new person to your partner-on-hold, but you don’t wish to return to previously damaging behavior patterns. These are the kinds of thoughts that occur during the introspective Mercury square Jupiter, which broadens the mind and lets us put things in order correctly. You and your pseudo-ex may want to try again during this time. Can you trust this situation? What does your gut say? RELATED: If You & Your Ex Broke Up For Any Of These 11 Reasons, Getting Back Together May Be The Best Thing You Ever Do

3. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) Today brings a change of heart; you may have recently broken up with someone. Your fierce nature may be part of the cause of that break-up. You recognize this now and you might possibly be feeling the pangs of regret. While you are someone who is used to getting their way, some of your methods aren’t altogether tolerable. During Mercury square Jupiter, you will get to examine what you might have done wrong, and yes, the person you broke up with is not perfect either, and yes, they do need to take responsibility for their part in the break-up. If the two of you can hold the mirror to yourself, then you can look deeply at where you went wrong and change it, Scorpio. Do not wait for them to change. Change yourself. If this person means that much to you, then don’t throw them away. Reach out to them today, and know that all can go well if you are aware that you are part of what makes it work. It’s not all on them. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are The Most Incompatible (And Will Never, Ever Work Out) Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.