We need it, or we can’t function correctly, it’s as if we need to close the doors of the past to open the doors of the future. Without closure, we are stuck, and while that doesn’t mean a life sentence, it’s very hard to move forward, especially in love, when we do not have closure. That’s where the Full Moon in Gemini comes in to rescue us. Full Moon…the fullness of the Moon is symbolic of our lives. While it’s fun to associate the Full Moon with lunacy and people acting up, there’s another truth to Full Moon transits: they bring closure. Full circle action. Expect it…today. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Week For December 5 - December 11, 2022     When we end a relationship, we feel heartache, and depending on how long we let it go, we may end up as seriously depressed people because of it. The key here is not to let it get that far. We have the tools to pry away from a distasteful past, and it is up to us to use them. That’s why it’s important for us to take a moment to look up at the Full Moon in Gemini tonight if we can see it. One look at the Full Moon, and we will see our potential fullness in it. Completion is our destiny.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Finally Get Closure From Heartache During the Full Moon in Gemini on December 7, 2022:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) Closure does not come easy for you. While you do not like feeling the pain of heartache, you cling tightly to it because you fear what might happen should you let it go. You feel a terrible comfort in the pain of a lost relationship, as if it gives you something to complain about. It’s not that you like complaining, but what would you concentrate on without it? So, what you’ll be learning today, under the guidance of the Full Moon in Gemini, is that you suffer from the fear of the unknown. You are more advanced along the way than you give yourself credit for, meaning you already feel closure taking place, but you hang on for dear life simply because you are terrified of what’s out there that you DON’T know. Fear of the unknown keeps you stuck in place. Remember this, you will never be comfortable if you don’t find closure. RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Fears Most In A Relationship

2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Heartache is what’s been holding you back, and when you think over how much time you’ve given it, you probably don’t even want to know. It’s going on ’too much’ now, Cancer, and that might be what you want to hear the least. But it’s true, and you know it. Your friends think of you as the person who hurts. Is that how you identify? As the pained one? Snap out of it, Cancer. You are so much bigger and better than that. Also, have you heard that this life is short and that you don’t get back the time you pour into being sad? It’s true. And you are smart. You’ve been hurt, but must you give it all over to the unending heartache? Do you believe you need to do penance or something absurd? Cancer, this is your life. Close the door on your pain now and get back in the game; we need you. RELATED: How The Zodiac Signs Deal With Sadness, According To Astrology

3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) It’s funny how you respond to the other Full Moon transits, like a Full Moon in Scorpio or Full Moon in Capricorn; you tend to utilize the power inherent in the constellations, and yet, during the Full Moon in Gemini, you become shy and hesitant. What you will be hesitant about today, December 7, 2022, is your attitude toward healing. You know something is wrong, but you don’t want to look at it. You don’t want to admit that you’ve wasted countless amounts of time licking your wounds over someone who barely knows you exist. You have thrown your life at this person, and all you receive is heartache. You are the one who will be granting yourself the boon of closure on this day, Libra. That person is not coming through with a bouquet of roses and a grand apology; it’s up to you to be your hero now. Will you do it? Yes, you will. Power! RELATED: How To Apologize To Each Zodiac Sign When You’ve Messed Up Bad Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.