It may start with a nightmare that wakes you up a little too early, and it will progress into your coffee maker either not working, or you being out of coffee altogether. Today is made up of little annoyances. No need for panic, but heed the warning anyway. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Luckiest In Love During Aries Season, From Now Until April 19, 2022 Moon sextile Mercury is generally a good transit for us, but because it falls on April 6, and with Moon trine Mars on its tail, what we’ll be seeing is a lot of materialistic messiness. We, ourselves, are not threatened physically, but that doesn’t mean we’ll escape the miscommunications, the sizing up of people’s looks, or the defensiveness we’ll feel as we wrongly interpret someone’s words. Our main challenge today will revolve around trying not to say the wrong thing. We will be feeling impulsive and perhaps even a little insensitive; this is just the stuff that leads a person to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Certain signs, in particular, are warned to think before they speak and to use discretion. Today’s best advice is “better safe than sorry.”

The three zodiac signs who have a rough horoscope on Wednesday, April 6, 2022:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) You’ll be spending most of this day trying to reconcile how you got yourself into such trouble over what felt like nothing. You only spoke your mind, and that’s who are — a speaker of the truth, right? That’s the thing with you, Taurus — you never know when to stop, and that goes for truth-telling, believe it or not. On this day, you’ll be speaking your truth to someone who not only doesn’t want to hear it but is in the position of stopping you in your tracks while you do it. The last thing you want is to be oppressed, but your sense of discretion is so off that you won’t be able to read the room enough to know when to shut up. Take a hint: if you are with someone who can either end your career or prevents you from growing in some way or another, then don’t test their patience. Let it be, Taurus. You have your opinion; not everyone in the world needs to subscribe to your way of doing things. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes The Week Of April 4 - 10, 2022

2. Cancer

(June 21 - June 22) You will wake up with so much energy today that you may have to be restrained. Will you take this fireball of power and put it to good use? Well, you will certainly try, but then again, you should be warned: someone is going to get in your way, big time. There’s someone in your life right now who seems to be hellbent on NOT giving you a chance, and you very desperately need that chance, because you’ve been banking on it for over a year. The karma you have with this person is almost at its end, but there’s still another round of hostility and nastiness to come, and it will probably come today. In truth, all you really want is for this age-old ‘war’ to end already. You want and crave peace. You want to put your amazing energy into something positive, but it looks like you’ll have to battle this one out, at least one more time. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For April 4 - 10, 2022

3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) It’s going to be hard to get over the mid-week hump, especially because things at work are going to try your patience to the umpteenth degree. You always do your best, and though you tend to talk about your co-workers behind their backs (as you do with everyone in your life) you need to be prepared today because you’re about to be exposed. You said something about someone to the wrong person, and they went back to the original person and told them all you said. Now, you’ve got one disgruntled co-worker giving your death gaze, while you are also now aware that you can’t trust the person who ratted you out. It’s like in one fell swoop, you were able to make enemies for life. You can’t trust anyone today. If possible, hold off before gossiping about others. RELATED: How The New Moon In Aries Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope The Entire Month Of April 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.