Today, September 10, 2022, brings us yet another opportunity to feel the wrath of Pluto, and it will take the form of us shouting for attention, only to be ignored by friends and family. Today, we are invisible, we’re just not superheroes. While it sounds cool to don the cloak of invisibility, in reality, we’re just being ignored, and that leads to feelings of isolation. Maybe Pluto is just tired of us wondering if it’s a planet or not. It really doesn’t matter what ‘we’ think, as we are still only the mere mortals who experience the quantum force that comes down from these enormous celestial bodies. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For September 12 - 18, 2022 RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For September 1 - 30, 2022 Today lets us know that the universe is not playing around and that Pluto is no joke. This planet is a mean, bluish-green machine that is hellbent on wreaking havoc in our lives, even if it just ends up with us being ignored and shut out of everything we want to be a part of. During the Moon sextile Pluto, we cry out for help and nobody comes to our aid. We want to show off our great accomplishments and no one is there to experience them with us. It’s as if we’re stuck in a vacuum; just like in space, nobody can hear us scream. And being that Pluto is the gift that keeps on giving, we will no doubt take this state of invisibility as a sign to plummet headfirst into depression. Hello? Hello, can you hear me, Major Tom? RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Break Up During Saturn Retrograde, June 4 - October 23, 2022

When the Moon sextile Pluto happens on September 10, 2022, these three zodiac signs have friends who ignore them.

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) Being ignored is something you are seriously NOT used to. You get a lot of attention in your life, and most of it is positive and unsolicited. You are not an attention hound, but you certainly do appreciate it when you get it. Today, however, has you in a strange place; it’s as if everyone you know has something ‘better’ to do than call you back, speak on the phone with you, meet up with you, etc. In fact, everyone is a no-show where you are concerned, and honestly, you are clueless as to how this is happening. What you aren’t aware of (and now ARE) is that today brings you the dark forces of Moon sextile Pluto, which is unkind to just about everyone, but seems to be singling you out for a test run. If Pluto could talk, today it would ask you if you enjoy being ignored, and then it would laugh and go about orbiting the sun in its cold, cold fashion. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Ranked From Nicest To Meanest, According To Astrology

2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) So much for wanting to be social today. Looks like the Moon sextile Pluto has other ideas in mind for you, as today has you reaching out to friends that seem to have forgotten who you are. Maybe they’ve gone temporarily mad, or maybe they just can’t be bothered, but today feels like a serious slight, and you can’t help but take it to heart. You’ll have a better time today engaging yourself in a conversation that consists of you talking to yourself, alone. Don’t bother trying to get together with friends; they’re busy and they’re already committed to whatever it is they’re doing. OK, so you started out with high hopes and now you’re lonely and dejected. It’s not a big deal, Gemini. You feel ignored by friends today, but tomorrow, who knows you might be the focus of their attention for all the right reasons. One never knows! RELATED: The 5 Most Uncaring Zodiac Signs Who Are As Cold As Ice

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Everyone in your life knows you are the eccentric one; the one who enjoys their life whether they are with people or on their own. You are a unique character, but you’re also one who depends on the integrity of others, and today, you’ll get to see how the Moon sextile Pluto disrupts things like integrity. What’s going to make you feel like you are being ignored by friends is their sheer lack of integrity when it comes to showing up on time to get-togethers because you’re about to be stood up. You may reach out to them to find out what’s up and you won’t be able to reach them. This may also have something to do with Mercury retrograde, which is known for this kind of thing. Between the two transits residing today, you will find yourself angry at your friend for being so inconsiderate of your time. If you don’t hear from them by the end of the day, you may just become irate and hostile. RELATED: Why Women Start Acting Distant And Pull Away, According To Astrology Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.