With Venus square Jupiter, we will explore the ‘how to’ of making our love life better. Because this will occur while we have our the Moon in Cancer, everything concerned will be well thought out; no false moves happen this week, not in love, that’s for sure. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For July 25 - July 31, 2022 We think big all week long due to the Jupiter transits that seem to dominate; we’re looking at the Moon sextile Jupiter, Sun square Jupiter, Venus sextile Jupiter and an exciting and productive transit called Jupiter retrograde in Aries. With this Jupiter energy around us, we are bound to learn great lessons as we take chances and step outside our comfort zones. In love, we will say ’that thing’ we’ve been meaning to say to our loved one, and if ’that thing’ has something to do with commitment or marriage, we can know for sure that we’ll get a great response.     We close the week with strength and mental power, as we have the Moon in Leo to help us get through the harder times. This transit lets us sort things out without panicking. We are powerful magicians this week; if we put our minds to achieving a goal, then consider it done. This week promises much success in love and in personal creativity. RELATED: How Chiron Retrograde Effects Each Zodiac Sign’s Luck The Rest Of 2022

The three zodiac signs with great weekly horoscopes starting July 25, 2022:

1. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) According to the stars, you’re in for the ride of your life, and this is completely related to your romantic world. Yes, it’s positive, but it’s also about to be quite shocking — in all the right ways. You didn’t seem to know something that your partner has known about you for a long time, and they are now ready to deliver it to you on a silver platter. This could be the follow-up to some request you made a long time ago, and the way the cosmic forces seem to be going, it could be tickets to a particular destination. Someone in your life will pick up on all of your hints, suggestions and cues; this is someone who knows you well and wants only to see you happy. This week brings surprises that will delight you, and by the time this week is over, you will hardly believe your good fortune. Believe it, Scorpio. And keep on believing in it. RELATED: 6 Sweet Signs You’re Already In The Right Relationship

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) You are about to experience what it’s like to be a Sagittarius under the influence of more Jupiter transits in one week than ever before. This is like a power rush for you, as Jupiter is your ruling planet. You always feel so alive during times like these, and this week has you bringing new life into old projects. You may even go back to something you once started that you left in the dust. Your week has less to do with people and more to do with creativity. You’re in your element now, as the sky is the limit, and you are simply a creative machine — just as you like it. Whether it’s cooking or painting, composing music or literature, you are the boss, and it feels good to be alive. If you have one, your romantic partner is happy to see you enjoying yourself as they respect your need for independence. You thrive this week; have a blast! RELATED: 16 Ways To Use Creativity & Fun To Attract New Relationships — Even When You Feel Too Damaged To Be Loved

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) What’s going to make this week such a great one for you, Pisces, is that you’ve had the chance to work something out, in your head, without interruption. Privacy is of utmost importance to you, and you’ll get the chance to be alone for as much time as you need so that you can ‘come out of your shell’ as a new person, filled with enthusiasm and joy. That’s all you really needed; a moment of downtime. Your family respects this in you, and they know that you need your time off to be as productive and loving as you are. You will feel the respect coming from co-workers as well. Everybody cares about you, Pisces, and they show it in that rare and incredibly loving way: they let you be you. Nobody demands anything from you this week. You get to breathe. Celebrate the week, dear Pisces, as it will be a breath of fresh air. RELATED: Why If You Really Love Him, You’ll Leave Him Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.