Because we’ve hit the midway mark in January, we may feel a little too judgmental, meaning we may spend much of this week condemning ourselves for not being where we want to be. While it’s completely obvious and almost silly, putting pressure on ourselves early in the game is self-defeating; it’s only the middle of January, and we needn’t be so hard on ourselves. Still, we feel competitive and lagging during this week, mainly because transits negatively influence us. For instance, this week, we have the Moon opposite Uranus, which, for three zodiac signs, means we will have our best thoughts shot down; being condescended to is never anyone’s idea of fun, but we can expect plenty of that this week, thanks to this transit and it’s other negativity supporters, namely Moon opposite Mars, Moon square Saturn and Moon square Neptune. We’re looking at a week where the options we are to work with seem like they could be better. This week will try the patience of the zodiac signs that cannot accept anything less than quality. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope For January 16 - 22, 2023 We may be presented with situations that compromise our integrity, and that’s not only going to feel bad for us, but it’s also going to have us rebel in ways we are not prepared for. In other words, this week will have some of us fighting for our jobs, our ideas and our creative paths, only to find out that we’re barking up the wrong tree. While the Aquarius Sun is blissful and happy, it can also disrupt ’normalcy,’ We will see how our idea of normal can become quite twisted this week.    

The three zodiac signs with rough weekly horoscopes starting January 15 - 21, 2023. 

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Because you tend to take things personally or to heart, this week may bring about a few unwanted memories. You have tried to push them aside, weighing their value for anything worth keeping, and you’ve discovered that it’s doable. So, if it’s doable if pushing aside the old is something you can do, then why do you avoid doing it? This week may be rough for you, mainly because Mercury retrograde is messing with your mind. While it will be going direct this week, it’s as if it’s singled you out for one last poke. On any other week, you might not mind, but this week has you feeling hyper-sensitive and very ‘Cancer-like.’ You could feel better about things as the sun enters Aquarius, but that might only make you feel like you don’t belong. You feel you have so much to offer, but you need to be more open about how quickly or frequently you present your ideas to others. Don’t wait too long, Cancer. RELATED: 10 Unsexy Signs It’s Lasting Love

2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) With the first half of January out of the way, you thought that at this point, things would be much smoother in terms of where you wanted to be, business-wise. This week you have run into more obstacles than you thought possible, which seriously puts a dent in your workflow; you need action, speed, and everything, and everyone around you seems to be moving in a time warp. This is Mercury retrograde getting one last jab in at you, Capricorn, and as much as you know its tricks, they never get old, do they? And they always seem to get you right where it hurts. With the Moon opposite Mars heading your way, you’ll be speaking up, that’s for sure. If someone is to blame for this week’s anti-productive state, you’ll find them and call them out for all to see and deal with. RELATED: How To Get Motivated: 12 Steps To Get You Moving When You Feel Stuck & Ashamed

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) OK, it will be a rough week, but you may feel like you’re backtracking too much rather than progressing forward. In fact, the entire week is going to be about the push and pull of obligation. You may want to go over a few things left behind in good ol’ 2022, but take your time, as 2023 needs you. This, too, is a Mercury retrograde ’last call’, and you won’t be able to feel able to move forward, as too many things of the recent past are on your mind. You like to flow through the world confidently, but this week will have you second-guess yourself to the point where even you find it obnoxious. By mid-week, you may encounter an unpleasant surprise, which may come in the form of someone saying a bold NO to you when you thought for sure that they would say YES. RELATED: You Are Worth So Much More Than Second Guesses And Maybes Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.