This is the energy that the astrologically quiet day will bring as the Libra Moon connects harmoniously with Saturn in Aquarius — the only activity that will occur.   The contrast with the Taurus Sun and Libra Moon, the ruling signs of Venus, brings a naturally romantic focus to the day.   Whether this is in terms of your relationship and dating life, or if it is a reminder to reconnect with what you truly love, today offers the chance to do just that.   RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Year For Each Zodiac Sign In 2022 In astrology, the Moon represents your emotional self, the part of you that feels, and which often holds the key to what is most meaningful in your life.   Saturn is the planet of boundaries, divine timing and even of karmic lessons.   Together today they will infuse you with patience and emotional strength for what is ahead.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Prefer Friends Over Lovers During The Moon In Libra, May 12 - 14, 2022 There is a likelihood that you are on the brink of leveling up your life, which means that the quiet of today will give you space to focus on what you need to do within this moment.   The Universe is always on your side and conspires to help you. So these days of lesser activity, prior to a larger event, are common as they can let you rest, reflect, and prepare for what is to come.   Because just like the chaos of change will not last forever, neither does the stillness that precedes it.   For Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo good comes from life’s challenges.

And, that’s what makes the horoscopes for Friday, May 13, 2022, the best for these zodiac signs.

1. Aquarius  

(January 20 - February 18)  Part of all the growth and healing you have done in the past year is thanks to Saturn being in Aquarius. The lessons are not always fun, but you trust that once on the other hand you are going to be better off. You have been in a period of joy for the past couple of months, which has been your reward for all the work you have done to create healthier relationships and situations within your life. Today brings in a sense of peace and deep-rooted patience towards yourself and your path forward. You may not be where you thought you would be, but it does not mean it is not even more beautiful. This energy lets you reflect on what is most important to you and start to direct yourself for not necessarily caring about the destination as much anymore because you have already achieved what you dreamed of. Whether it is work or even a career there will be a greater sense of appreciation that you have created what you did so that anything more becomes a fantastic bonus rather than a place to feel you must struggle to achieve. Do not be surprised if some romantic moments arise this evening as you are filled with gratefulness for what a beautiful life it truly is.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who’s Luckiest In Love During Mercury Retrograde In Gemini May 2022

2. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20)  You are gearing up for a big few days as the Sun in Taurus will align with the Moon in Scorpio creating a lunar eclipse. This will activate your romantic relationships but today is all about your own belief systems and your health. Whether it is your physical, emotional, or mental health, today is giving you time to reflect on this part of yourself so that you can be as strong as you can for the eclipse coming up. Try to create time for yourself today so that you can enjoy your solitude and the healing that comes with that. It is also a fantastic day to address any health issues or make a commitment to take a class at your local gym. Healthy attractive meals, massages and facials are all part of this too. That means that for you it is really a day of self-care and preparing for whatever is meant to come up for you in a few days at the eclipse. If it feels like whatever relationship issue that might arise is going to be yours to handle, then it is also wise to make sure that you are catching up on sleep as well. Think of today as a day to focus on feeling your best in every way possible, which will fuel you with the positive energy and stamina to make the most of the eclipse in just a few days.   RELATED: 10 Questions To Ask A Guy To Find Out What His Intentions Are

3. Leo  

(July 23 - August 22)  Saturn in Aquarius has been about all the upgrades in your romantic life and as you near the eclipse next week it is going to be no different. There is nothing to focus on today but how you feel about everything that you have encountered on your path up until now, especially when it comes to relationships. This may not sound like a day that will be full of joy, but there is a huge possibility of not only clarity but also truly being in the place to really leave your past behind. Many times, you have thought that the inability to move forward rested in the hands of someone else that you would yet receive closure with, but the truth is it has always been with you. You deserve to be free and also truly have the life that you are dreaming of which includes a relationship that really honors who you are. Do not be afraid to let yourself go there today because you deserve not to just protect yourself from getting hurt but to truly live. Today will bring some pivotal quiet moments to your day where you are able to get to a different place to understand yourself. This will allow you to open yourself and take a chance. Do not be surprised if you suddenly want to do the very thing you always said you never would.   RELATED: Yes, A Person Can Change — But Only Under This One Condition Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.