While the final eclipse of the season occurred a few days ago, you are still gathering the knowledge and information that you need in order to know what direction to move into. This is taken to a divine level today as astrology meets numerology in the celebration of the 11-11-22 portal. Numerology and astrology often overlap as the degree of the zodiac sign that a planet is within carries specific meanings about what it will represent for you and your life. Or even on particular dates such as today. The reason that the numerology of today is so important is that in this practice every number is reduced to a single number, except 11 and 22 which are considered master numbers. RELATED: The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On November 11, 2022 Eleven is the master of intuition and representative of our inner light, while twenty-two is the master builder that constructs from pure peace and love. Together they create an evolution of truth and inner peace which comes from not only embracing this moment that you are in but also being completely present within it. When there are dates like today that carry an exceptionally high vibration, fated events can seem to take place out of nowhere. Opportunities come in, conversations arise, and it seems that the universe is guiding everything. On the heels of the recent eclipse, this will be felt more strongly, especially as that lunar event carried with it the numerology of eight, a number that represents infinity and abundance.     RELATED: The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Friday, November 11, 2022 You have made it to the other side of the eclipse wormhole, but still are trying to navigate this new world so that you can put the pieces together in a way that allows you to make sense of everything more clearly. In the stars today, the Sun in Scorpio squares off with Saturn in Aquarius giving you the fortitude to start reshaping the foundation of your life. This is exactly the energy that will help you make sense of what and even whom the eclipses removed from your life, the unexpected moments, and even the way that things came together in a way that you never expected. Sun and Saturn help you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. It is not the time to wallow in what-ifs or to let the disappointment from life going differently get you down. Instead, it is about honoring and respecting the natural order that everything has taken and with the numerology today not only will you be able to harness that master builder energy for this next chapter of your life, but you also will be able to do so confidently. There are still about five days until the energy turns around significantly as Venus enters Sagittarius which ushers you into the next phase. Until then it is important to maintain the divine energy of eleven and twenty-two and simply stay present enough that you do not miss any signs from the universe.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Friday, November 11, 2022:

1. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) The universe is not done with you yet Scorpio. The final eclipse in this particular series will not occur until the end of October 2023 which means you are on a journey, not a race to this next chapter of your life. With the North Node in Taurus being affected, it means that a lot of these changes are affecting your romantic life, especially as it relates to a serious or long-term relationship. You crave intensity, it is in your nature, but it is important to recognize that along even the most tantalizing journeys, there are quiet moments. Trust in the moments when it seems like nothing is happening, knowing the universe is always working in your favor. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest in Love On November 11, 2022

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Lucky for you, the path that you are currently on will be all well and sorted come the beginning of next year as Mars wraps up its retrograde and time in Gemini. This air sign energy rules your romantic life and brings you significant changes, even if it is the last thing that you want. More than likely this is a fence that you have been dancing on, trying to figure out what it all means as well as how to follow your heart without giving up the parts of your life that you currently enjoy. The thing you have to remember is that while you can control yourself, you cannot control others. Embrace what feels unknown now as the universe takes its time in revealing the path that ultimately is meant for you. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Quit Waiting For Love During Moon Conjunct Mars On November 11, 2022

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) The Moon in Gemini amps up focus on your home and committed relationship. This is intensified by Mars currently retrograde in this sign and having been activated by the recent eclipse. Today both Mars and the Moon in Gemini combine to operate as almost one energy giving you the chance to have your feelings and actions align together in one divine power. Neptune in Pisces does square off with the Gemini Moon, making sure that you are holding true to yourself this time. No more bending boundaries or self-sacrificing especially when it comes to what you really want and need. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Runs Cold During Sun Square Saturn On November 11, 2022 Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.