While the new year has started, it does not necessarily feel like it because you are being asked to continue to reflect on important themes that dominated the past few months. While we experience a few delays before Mars, Mercury, and Uranus end their retrograde season, know we don’t always get to see the work happening behind the scenes until the change has manifested in our lives. For now, Mercury retrograde and Uranus pull your subconscious into awareness. The chance meeting between your intuition and greater awareness of your life will help you in the coming weeks, as all retrograde planets will finally be direct by the end of January. Today, though, brings another layer of reflection as the passionate Scorpio Moon escorts you into the greater depths of your emotions and the feeling that so much will soon change within your professional and personal life. The Scorpio Moon is in search of the truth. It tends to be more passionate and unafraid of the darker elements of life and the soul. Today, the Scorpio Moon opposes retrograde Uranus, the Great Awakener, in the zodiac sign of Taurus. Uranus can bring emotional unpredictability and changes to your relationship and personal life. Today brings moments into your life that shock and awe you towards a greater path, even if it is one you could never have planned for. Uranus often reminds us why the universe’s plans will always be much better than our own. As it unites with the Scorpio Moon, you will have to work through and process some emotional situations that may feel out of control.     However, during these moments, there is also a greater surrender that is taking place, recognizing that no matter what swirls around you, you can always remain centered within yourself. It is understood that relationships are messy and seldom follow the plan or timeline you had hoped for. Still, by holding space, pausing before answering and reflecting more deeply on your feelings, you can make the best of any unpredictable moment. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For January 16 - 22, 2023 This will be necessary throughout the day as the Scorpio Moon squares off with Venus in Aquarius. This astrological transit makes you more aware of the dynamics at play and the path that things are taking in your life, even if action cannot be taken at this moment. It also can bring about a greater need for love, connection, and quality time. In many ways, today offers you the space to improve the relationships within your life but act consciously rather than reacting quickly so that you can embrace the positive opportunities for connection that will be available later in the day. When you learn that you only can control yourself, you start to see the power that you possess over your divine destiny.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Monday, January 16, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) Today will bring some important feelings to the surface for you to reflect on. The Scorpio Moon will activate deeper awareness of your past or present romantic relationship. With this being such a momentous time of reflection and healing, what may arise today could be more about what has happened in the past that is still affecting the choices that you are making now. In this respect, letting yourself travel to the depths of what comes up is important. Uranus in Taurus is bringing some unexpected clarity or breakthroughs, but it is important to remain mindful of whatever comes up. As an earth sign, you sometimes struggle with the unexpected, yet you have been guided to work on building your emotional security in the past year. As this occurs, you will find you can hold space and still feel in control, even in the most unexpected moments. This will let you uncover a deeper truth today that will help you heal more deeply and seize more of the opportunities surrounding you. RELATED: The Moment You Realize You Can Move On From Your First Love

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) The Moon, still in your zodiac sign, invites you to navigate all your feelings without judgment. You always tend to crave emotional intensity; however, this desire can also become something that feels challenging. It does not need to, though. With Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Aquarius bringing up feelings and themes around home and relationships, there could be a lot to unpack. You are coming off a very transformative year in which so much has changed that you are still learning to find the ground beneath your feet again. But today brings you one step closer. The feelings that arise today are yours to move through, trust, and let pass instead of clinging to one or the other. Making it all come true creates a space of inner validation for yourself which will become one of your greatest strengths. By owning all of who you are, learning how to hold space for your feelings and finding peace within that which seems unfinished is the work. But it is also a reward because the more you can find this sweet spot within yourself, the more you can cultivate your life around it. RELATED: 3 Simple Ways To Find Peace When You Feel Utterly Out-Of-Sorts

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Venus has been moving through Aquarius since early in the month, bringing intensified feelings of love into your life. You have never bought the myth that Aquarius is an emotionally detached zodiac sign. It is just that your love provides space to grow. To flourish and to be. This is the space that you excel within, and it is one that you and your partner have been building more of recently. As today’s energy moves through you, you can pick apart some of your deeper feelings, allowing you to reflect on changes to your home environment. Make sure you are not still holding onto any fears involving losing yourself if you take your relationship to a greater level of commitment because you might end up shortening yourself an opportunity for growth. Anything new will initially be uncomfortable, but it does not mean that it is or will turn out badly; it only means that it has never been done before. RELATED: The One Thing A Man Needs In Order To Commit To A Relationship Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.