In the past few weeks, you have moved through eclipse energy, planets like Mars switching zodiac signs, a powerful New Moon, Mercury turning direct, and even Saturn moving into its retrograde phase. When there are busy times above, the same is happening below. The past few weeks have been a lot for your emotional and mental systems. Right now, as much as you might be feeling motivated to keep pace, there is something that you need some quiet to reflect on for a moment. This may involve accepting what is ahead of you, or you may still be trying to figure out how to do that. June is a month of movement, progress, and abundance. To achieve that; however, you need to allow yourself to rest when you feel called to. Even in quiet moments, progress is still occurring. Even if it allows your physical body to receive what it needs, there is still a purpose to it. Today’s only influencing factor is the Moon moving into Virgo. Virgo is often seen as a sign that is forever striving for perfection, but in truth is one that represents healing. RELATED: How The 2022 ‘Intuitive’ Gemini Season Effects Your Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope, May 21 - June 20, 2022 Yes, it can become fixated on details or even finding the underlying cause of understanding. Still, today the most important thing to keep in mind is that it has the potential for healing energy. This only theme today should give you time to sort through your emotional self and bring greater understanding and healing to what has arisen in recent weeks. Just remember that it is never about reaching a state of perfection but instead a space where joy can grow.

Here’s which three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on Monday, June 6, 2022.

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) Try to begin the day by embodying as much of that healing energy as possible. Practice a morning ritual that can foster stability and peace in your body, mind, and soul. Affirm that everything you have been through and will is only to help you bring about a deeper level of healing within yourself. This healing allows you to be who you truly are, which in turn is what helps you attract the life that is meant for you as well. Today’s Virgo Moon will put you firmly in touch with your feelings and heart. Instead of trying to compartmentalize emotions or have loose ends clearly tied up, look to see what the purpose is within everything you have been through. Try to see if organizing your emotional self in these ways provides a sense of comfort or security. Instead, try to see how you can cultivate that within yourself. This is especially true for those feelings that arise because of romantic relationships, current or past. There is nothing more sensitive than it seems in those relationships in which we are dealing with love because it means we are also being asked to deal with our fears. Today is a chance to look at everything from a unique perspective without feeling rushed to make a different decision or choice. Your emotions do not always need to be understood. It is enough to simply feel them. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Break Up During Saturn Retrograde, June 4 - October 23, 2022

2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Virgo is the sign opposite yours. When there is planetary movement in this earth sign, it activates themes around love and romance. You are just starting to settle into life again. There was such a powerful grouping of planets within your zodiac sign for some time. During this, a lot has come up about love, your self-worth, alignment, and conversations about what the future may hold. Planets in Pisces are great for feeling things, especially in other zodiac signs. Still, for you, it was a bit of an emotional overload. Now, with more balanced energies at play, it feels like you are finally starting to feel like the fog is settling. This Virgo Moon will make it, so you have time to really sit and process what has come up for you lately. Many things are changing in this area of your life, but you also must make sure that you allow that to happen from a very grounded space. Look for the healing that has occurred within your own life, how far you have come, and any fears that are still present which may be holding you back from taking those next steps. Ground yourself and watch how your dreams suddenly take off. RELATED: Weekly One Card Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, June 6 - 12, 2022

3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) It is your zodiac season as the Sun continues its journey through your sign, so any astrology would affect you. Still, today the Virgo Moon lights up matters related to your home and family. This is an area going through a lot of growth and healing. It is divine timing that you are being called to focus on this area today. For you, look at what has changed within this area of your life during the past year. Since the eclipses were in your zodiac sign last year, this year should be about a lot of those lessons and previous seeds now taking root. Currently, you may even be seeing how much you can reap in these areas, afraid for the first time that it can all be taken away. Try not to let yourself go there. You are not in the same place you were previously, which means that you should feel safe to trust this new space and all the wonderfulness that goes along with it. Be open to things turning out even better than you had anticipated. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Need To Be Single During Mars In Aries, May 24 - July 3, 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.