The past few days you have experienced the opposition of Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus as they came together to help you create the changes that you have been seeking in your romantic relationship and life. Now today, Venus is squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius bringing a greater seriousness, commitment, and embodiment of important lessons. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships For November 7 - November 13, 2022 Venus is the planet of love, yet it also rules finances and even real estate. It is the planet that brings you all that you desire and hopes for. As it moves from Uranus to Saturn it is now asking you to be more mature about the changes that you are in the midst of making.     Uranus may stir things up, but Saturn helps you be able to take action in the best way possible. Sometimes though, doing things the right way means that you need to take small steps and not the giant leaps you are dreaming of. Eclipse portals tend to make everything clear. As much as they portend a time when you may not be aware of all the information, they also tend to make you away from what matters most. This means that in the past couple of weeks since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio you have likely had your own awakening moment of what and who matters most to you. Now that this truth beats like a drum against your heart, you want to seize it, take action on it, and do whatever is necessary so that you are living the life you have dreamed of. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For November 7 - November 13, 2022 But Saturn comes on the scene today to help guide you and remind you that doing things the right way does not mean that there is a wrong one, but only that you need to make sure that you are using everything you have learned up until this point to move forward. Saturn also rules karmic lessons and with just turning direct a little over a week ago, it has brought the awareness of what beliefs or practices have ruled your previous romantic cycles. Now is the time to take what you have learned and change not just those things that are begging for your attention, but also how you do things. Things only change in your life when you change how you react, behave, and often even think. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks tomorrow and with it, an entirely new cycle of your life will begin. Today is about patience and making sure that you are not skipping any necessary steps in order to arrive at your dream destination sooner. The universe is very particular when it comes to making sure you are not only learning your lessons, but also that you are practicing patience, integrity, and honesty within your life. Once you do though, you will see just how much the universe conspires with you to finally make things happen.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Monday, November 7, 2022:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) The Moon is in your zodiac sign all day today as it prepares for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse tomorrow which is exactly within the early morning hours. You may be feeling the energy already today as you are seeing things come together with greater clarity and even speed. It does not mean though that you still will not benefit from embracing more of your patient side. As much as things have moved in new and exciting directions the past few weeks, there is still a process at play that is requiring you to be in this moment that you are within now. Today it is important to recognize that you cannot pretend there still are no things to work on or figure out. Instead, it is about being able to be excited about everything that has happened while still being realistic about where you still want to go. RELATED: The Zodiac Signs Who Can’t Accept The Truth Vs. The Ones Who Call It As They See It, Ranked

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) It has likely been a wild ride the past few weeks as you have led up to the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse tomorrow and the energy of today. For you, the focus has centered around yourself and your closest romantic relationship. This is the bridge between how the work you do on yourself affects the relationship you choose and create. When you become better you automatically bring that energy to the relationship within your life. It is likely there is a great deal of movement happening in your romantic zone right now as the Taurus Moon tomorrow will activate this area. But things are still moving and progressing. Mars just turned retrograde in Gemini and Saturn and Pluto are both set to wrap up their long-term stays early next year. That means that patience is key. Be grateful for what has already moved and transformed but continue to hold space for what still is so that you can make sure that this time around things really will be different. RELATED: What You Want Vs. What You Need In A Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Saturn is spending a few more months within your zodiac sign before moving on into Pisces at the beginning of next year. This has been a profound time of inner work and healing for you as you have had valuable lessons come together and have been able to let go of previous outgrown versions of yourself. Now as Saturn squares off with Venus in Scorpio it is time to let yourself start growing in a new direction. This may be in your career or even opening yourself up to others in a new way that lets you embrace more of your future rather than still being held back in the past. You are in preparation right now for an entirely new chapter that will be opening up for you next year and one thing is clear, it will not look like anything that has come before. RELATED: Your Love Language, Based On Your Venus Sign Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.