The past week has been wrought with a great deal of energy as Jupiter changed signs into Aries and the last New Moon occurred in Capricorn yesterday, which also brought intensified emotions as part of this superMoon. Recognizing that change is in the air is essential, but so is being able to fully be present within where you are now. Seldom do many partake in huge life-changing decisions or transformation processes around the holiday season, as there is too much pressure and familial obligations to make a go of it. Yet even that does not stop those feelings from taking root within your soul, reminding you that where you are now is only temporary. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On December 23, 2022 Today, in the aftermath of the New Moon energy and Chiron having turned direct at the same time, you are being given a gift of greater peace and the soothing energy that comes from speaking words drenched in love. Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, currently in its pre-shadow phase for its upcoming retrograde, aligns with Neptune in Pisces, the planet of unconditional love and dreams. In this energy, conversations may turn towards greater commitment or seriousness over matters in your life. Yet, Neptune on the scene wraps everything with love and, most importantly, with healing. While Chiron, the wounded healer, just turned direct yesterday, already today, there is a newfound lightness to life. No longer are you beating yourself up over decisions and choices from the past, but instead of having learned something from them, you are feeling freer to speak about what you want for yourself and your loved ones in the future. This is the healing energy of Chiron doing its best work, reminding you that, as humans, we are all far from perfect, but that by bringing forgiveness, acceptance, and love to whatever has already been done, it no longer will be held over what you choose to do next. RELATED: How Capricorn Season Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Love Life Starting December 22, 2022 Mercury and Neptune cast a romantic and ethereal glow over the evening as they represent the ability to speak poetically about your feelings and experiences and receive not just the words from others that your heart longs to hear but that you will be able to give the same to those around you. While gift giving in the more material sense dominates this time of year, the most important gift you can give someone, especially someone you care for, is words that will not just heal your hurt but those that will heal theirs as well. This is what the true meaning of today represents, the ability to bring love and peace to those that surround you so that you not only can embrace more of this present moment but also will no longer fear the changes that linger around the corner of the new year.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Saturday, December 24, 2022:

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) While the Moon, Mercury and Venus are still in your sign, there is a great deal of activity between them today, which can mean that you will feel intuitive and sensitive towards those topics and people with whom you feel connected. The New Moon initiated a time for you to focus on what you want to grow in the next six months based on greater healing. But today offers you that first step by using the words you speak to close the distance between you and those you love rather than enlarge it. During the day, several aspects will affect your energy, including Pluto in Capricorn. There can be a quiet and loving transformation to the day bringing in greater harmony for family get together and a deeper sense of love for that special relationship in your life.

2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) This New Moon in Capricorn lit up your friendship and social sector, signifying that this is a more extroverted time for you. It also represents the social aspects you will see arising within 2023. Sometimes you can become so introverted that you remove yourself from life. While you always find happiness in your little world, you also can find immense value in allowing those who genuinely care for you into that space. Today Mercury in Capricorn hits upon this same energy within your life just as it aligns with Neptune in Pisces. Neptune in your zodiac sign has been giving you more excellent reflections on your dreams and needs for your life. Today you have a chance to speak more lovingly and vulnerably with those in your life who can heal wounds and support you as you move forward.

3. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) Capricorn and, to a degree, Pisces dominate today’s energy. The only other sign that becomes significant is Uranus in Taurus as it harmonizes with the Capricorn Moon. These two combined today give you a profound optimism for the future and the confidence to do things according to your sense of individuality versus following any status quo. This can help you decide how you want to show up for those in your life today and tend to your needs. You do not need to do something purely for the sake of doing it; instead, what you do should resonate with your internal compass. The more you allow yourself to check in with this part of you, the more deeply you will be able to enjoy your life fully and embrace the transformation already in progress. Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.