Last Quarter Moons are a time for completion, transition, and manifestation. During this part of the lunar cycle, you should be able to clearly see what is working and what is not so that you can transition as the New Moon approaches next week. Today though also offers greater intensity because Venus in Virgo union with Mars in Gemini energy which will be bringing any feelings up to the surface. Last Quarter Moons can be an emotional time as you are able to see what has run its course and what needs greater nurturing in order to keep growing. This emotionality is heightened by the energy of Venus and Mars. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes, September 19 - 25, 2022 These two planets together make anything that you are feeling seem even more intense. If you are feeling challenged and frustrated then that will be magnified, but so will love and passion as well. Today really is one of the polarities as you will notice in how you are feeling and what your own truth really is. Venus and Mars, especially today, always provide an opportunity for lovers to deepen and explore their connection if their relationship is authentic anyway. Otherwise, this could also provide the breaking point that many have known they were on the verge of. Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius is still in alignment with retrograde Uranus in Taurus giving more energy to change and propelling you forward without fear being the element that holds you back. Yesterday was a powerful day in the skies with the grand collection of planets in earth signs. Today’s Last Quarter Moon is helping you release something so that you can create more space for what you are truly passionate about. By doing this, you are also incorporating the lessons of the six retrograde planets that are currently slowing down to give you time to reflect and change your mind about certain decisions. Oftentimes retrogrades are seen as a time for greater reflection than action, but the energy of today and even over the weekend supports those changes that are about incorporating what you have been reflecting on. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For September 1 - 30, 2022 These are not current issues or situations but those from the past that you have been continually moving through or even resisting doing just that. This is an opportunity to see the intensity of your feelings as a gift, to know without a shadow of a doubt which direction you are meant to go in, and then listen to the call of your soul. There is some important knowledge that abounds today in the cosmos as you move through the energy revealing what it is you most need to know. It may feel like just being in your feelings, but your feelings are your truth.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Saturday, September 17, 2022 are:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) It is time, to be honest with yourself and those around you. Just because it seems like something would be a good fit does not mean that it will. A lot has changed within your life over the past year and it is time to make sure that the life you are creating is one that is aligned with your truest self and is not just something you feel compelled to continue with. There is likely a theme between your home, relationships, and your own truth that you are being asked to embody which will heighten today. While retrogrades are not a wonderful time to embark on new paths, it seems that you may be being asked to give an existing one a second chance. Just because you feel like you have lost so much in the past does not mean that you cannot or should not give this current situation a new try. Just stay honest and make sure that there are no old beliefs holding you back. RELATED: Which Astrology Matches Are Perfect For Love, By His Mars & Her Venus Zodiac Sign

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) The Last Quarter Moon highlights your romantic relationship and with Mars camping out there for the next seven months it is sure to be an important chapter in your life. Right now, the Sun in Virgo is highlighting your feelings about who you are romantically with and how you are socially seen by others. This could be the difference between choosing a relationship for yourself versus one for other people. Today though, the Moon joins Mars in Gemini making it so that your true feelings about all this cannot help but bubble up to the surface. Venus in Virgo is amplifying this energy as well as its union to Mars in Gemini holds tight today. There could be some extraordinarily strong feelings that you become aware of today, even if it is not shocking, there will be a sense of urgency about them that you cannot ignore this time around. Just make sure that you are moving forward doing things differently and you will not be able to go wrong. RELATED: The 5 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs In Astrology

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Gemini energy holds reign over your home, family, and ancestral healing. This can bring changes in this area of your life involving who you live with, who you call family (marriage or even a baby), and even the reasons behind the decisions that you are making. If healthy relationships have not been the norm in your family lineage, then it is likely you are the one that will heal that. The Last Quarter Moon joining up with Mars in Gemini amplifies this energy making it a very intense situation that inspires action. For you as a Pisces, with Venus and the Sun in Virgo throwing the spotlight on your romantic relationship and all that motivated Gemini energy hitting your home and family life, it is clear that tremendous changes are on the horizon. This has been something that you have been moving towards for some time, you just need to make sure that healing is the top priority and that you are incorporating all you have learned up until this point. RELATED: Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.