After yesterday’s firework show between Venus and Uranus, today is best spent quietly to let yourself process everything before taking another step forward. Astrology is always working for your greatest benefit. That means that while there may be days like yesterday that provided a shock to the system, a period of quiet and solitude will always follow so that you can process and go over what has happened. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes The Week Of June 13 - 19, 2022 Today, the energy from the union of Venus and Uranus is still at play. However, the Moon moves into Sagittarius later in the day, prompting some time to discover the truth of the matter. This changes the energy and the Scorpio Moon’s connections to Saturn in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn. Yesterday was all about passion and intensity. Today though, is going to encourage you to go into quiet solitude. It is not because anything bad has occurred or is going on, but now it has become real. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For June 13 - June 19, 2022 This is the energy that Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto bring into the equation. It is necessary to go all in to what comes up because something bigger is at play here than just development in a romantic relationship. Take time today to look at what you have learned, what cycles keep coming back around, and what feels so different about whatever the Venus Uranus alignment brought into your life. Do not be afraid to take time for yourself. Today, having that quiet silence will be the best way for you to be able to hear your truth. Even if you are feeling happy or relieved at yesterday’s events, it is still important to recognize the moment, practice gratitude, and slow down so that you can be sure you are fully living in this moment and all it brings. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Need To Be Single During Mars In Aries, May 24 - July 3, 2022

Here’s why Sagittarius, Pisces, and Capricorn have the best horoscopes on Sunday, June 12, 2022. 

1. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) The Moon shifts into your zodiac sign today, bringing a sense of peace and calm with it. Before that, it may feel like everything is all over the place for you, leaving you feeling unsure whether to be excited or sad about recent events in your relationship. That is okay; truthfully, there may be a reason to feel a bit of both. Right now, you are reaching a cumulation point in your self-growth influencing your romantic relationships. As much as you may be aware that you have made romantic choices based on where you were with yourself, it is a different matter to now recognize what you are outgrowing in that process. There are plenty of reasons to pause today, take some time to be in what has recently transpired, and allow yourself to rest. By doing this, you are making sure you are feeling everything instead of shoving it down because you are unsure what to do with it or it feels convenient. You are a truth seeker by nature, which means you need to give yourself time to discover what yours is so that you never get caught up in something that different resonates with you. RELATED: How To Manifest Anything In 17 Seconds

2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Neptune is in Pisces today as it connects to the Scorpio Moon, intensifying your feelings and bringing an entirely new depth to your relationships. For you, the connection between Venus and Uranus yesterday brought up the difference between what you fear and what is real in your love life. This can also be the difference between reality and illusion. Either way, it involves seeing what is not there, which can affect any relationship, even one that feels destined to be. You are deeply emotional even without added astrology affecting you, but today could be about incredible feelings. You realize you are more in love with someone than you thought or that you are over someone that you previously could not get off your mind. This allows you to feel more freedom in your life, which you have been drawn to more recently. Look for the love and relationship that inspires your freedom instead of restricting it. You are not often thought of as a zodiac sign that craves freedom because you love so fiercely, but it is a critical part of how you love. Take some alone time and reflect on what has come up for you, making sure to give yourself the freedom to explore all your feelings. RELATED: What Is Karma And Is It Real? 3 Types Of Karma And How It Works

3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) As the stars move in your favor, Pluto, the lord of the underworld in your sign, unites with the Moon in Scorpio, giving you the much-needed energy to start planning your next big adventure. Think about what it is you want today. In life and love. You often cut yourself short by thinking that certain things are not possible or that you have already lost your chance at it, but there is not anything that you truly desire that is not already making its way to you. Let yourself follow that crazy dream and make spontaneous travel plans or initiate a conversation with that person you have thought of. Hopefully, yesterday’s energy reminded you of what you deserve and that you oversee what it is you create in your life. Just because life has not turned out as you had hoped does not mean it will not turn out even better. The quiet time today for you is to start making some plans for what you want to come next. Book that flight or invite someone meaningful out to dinner tonight. There is no chance taken that is ever regretted. Once it does, it becomes an experience that helps you become the person you are meant to be. So, start living as if you truly only do have one amazing life. RELATED: The Fascinating Way Each Zodiac Sign Tells Lies Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.